Robocop (2014) - In theaters February 7, 2014


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May 3, 2011
From IMDB:
In RoboCop, the year is 2029 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.
With Joel Kinnaman, Samuel L. Jackson & Gary Oldman

Trailer 2:

Trailer 1:


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I'm still in but think the original will be the winner. I do like the gun in the new trailer.

But how can you beat that original poster. I mean come on. You can add "Your Move" text all you want (which was taken from the original) but the original poster screams "YOUR MOVE CREEP" without saying it.

I want to hear two lines in this movie
"Bit*h's Leave"
"I'd buy that for a dollar"
Famous lines from Robocop:

Serve the public trust .. Protect the innocent .. Uphold the law
Dead or alive, you are coming with me.
Drop the gun. You are under arrest
Stay out of trouble!
Come quietly or there will be ... Trouble
I still personally think it looks terrible and looks way too much like Iron Man. If it was going for an R rating I'd have some hope but the CGI and toned-down 'kidified' violence will be what kills it for me

Plus Robocop is a film that does not need to be remade at all!!!! :D
It just doesn't seem to have the same grit that was so great about the original movie. Its amazing about how talented the last generation of actors were, they had such character.

Today's young actors, bar a handful, have very little movie presence to the the previous generation - i refer to Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, De Niro and Pacino, even the likes of William Shatner there was such character coming out of his roles.

This new Robocop is no more than a merchandising gimmick in IMHO.
Had know idea that the lead in this was the homie Joel Kinnaman, from AMC's The Killing. Nothing touches the original but the trailers make this look good. Great type casting, I'm in! :thumbs:

Joel performance as Holder was the main reason why I kept watching The Killing :thumbs: Amazing actor, looking forward to see him as Murphy/Robocop! :scat:
I still personally think it looks terrible and looks way too much like Iron Man. If it was going for an R rating I'd have some hope but the CGI and toned-down 'kidified' violence will be what kills it for me

Plus Robocop is a film that does not need to be remade at all!!!! :D

There are many films that should never be remade. This is one of them.
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Movie looks pretty cool, if you forget about the 'RoboCop' title, that it has to live up to.

Just as a mindless action flick it may be good, who knows.