Summer Movie Chat 2012-Which ones are you seeing?

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Dark Shadows

And im keeping an eye on Seeking a Friend For The End Of The World. Might be the next Eternal Sunshine.... or i might be wrong :D
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Prometheus is no.1 for me personally.

also will be attending an all night Alien Anthology screening shortly in london in prep for it

other ones will be The Avengers, the Dark Knight Rises and Battleship

The Avengers May 04: THE 2012 movie!
What to expect when you're expecting May 11: For Miss Drum
Battleship May 18: Wonder... Transformers in the water?
MIB 3 May 25: Should probably be a disapointment...
Snow White June 01: For Miss Drum ONLY!
Madagascar 3 June 08: always fun!
Prometheus June 08: Should be breathtakin!
Disney Pixar: Brave June 22: It's Disney Pixar. Period.
GI JOE 2 June 29: Please be good... please be good...
Spiderman July 03: Does the magic will live up the hype..?
Ice Age 4 July 13: Funny stuff!
Batman 3 July 20: Thank god I'll have some vacation to watch it again... and again...
The Bourne Legacy August 03: with THE man... Jeremy!
Total Recall August 03: hum... don't feel it...
The Expendables 2 August 17: must... turn... brain... off...
Bigrob, I just want to cry about that Anthology screening comment-OMG, I'd almost fly there for that, :joy:!!! I am a HUGE fan, and I so wish they'd do that in the States!
Too many to list :) but Im sure I wont miss these:

The Dark Knight Rises
The Amazing Spiderman
The Avengers
The Bourne Legacy
Deffo Avengers, watched iron man 2 last night so Lisa (paying customer - aka partner :naughty:) could catch up, ill sit her down to watch thor and capt usa over next week or so. Reason being i dont think she will want to see it if she dont have a clue about the charaters lol.
The Avengers
The Dark Knight
Cabin In The Woods
The Raven
The Bourne Legacy
GI Joe 2

And my most anticipated one -

The Expendables 2 :naughty:
The Avengers
The Expendables 2
Ice age 4
The Dictator
The hobbit

and OFC! 7500! (The grude is the scariest move ive ever watched.. just because i was only 12 years old when it launched ;) haha )
i will see pretty much all of them, well, the action/thriller/mystery/sci fi ones.

and of all the movies, PROMETHEUS is the one i am excited about seeing

from this day on i will not watch anymore trailers for this movie ;)
This is my most anticipated films for 2012:
The Dark Knight Rises
The Cabin in the Woods
Total Recall
Django Unchained
The Avengers

The Bourne Legacy
The Amazing Spider-Man
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Snow White and the Huntsman
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Woman In Black

Some anticipation:
Dark Shadows
21 Jump Street
Men In Black III

There are more films I'm planning to see at the theaters, though I do not expect them to be that good, if any. I've tried to list them by level of anticipation, but it started to be difficult at some point. From The Dark Knight Rises up to The Avengers, the list is more or less by that order. Oh and I'm planing to watch The Hunger Games at least once more.
Too many to list but the ones I want to see are:

Spider Man
Expendables 2
Bourne Legacy

Probably more once more trailers show up. It is going to be a good movie :scat: summer and a bad fall for BD releases :ohno:.
Amazing Spider-Man IMAX 3D = Check out the avatar
Dark Knight Rises IMAX
Avengers IMAX 3D
Men in Black 3 IMAX 3D
Madagascar 3 3D
That's My Boy
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World = I see every Carell movie
Brave 3D
GI Joe: Retaliation
Ice Age: Continental Drift IMAX 3D
Neighborhood Watch
Diary of a Wimpy Kid = Sucker for these movies