
Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
Happy 2019, everyone!

In December, I turned 36 years old and when I did, I was reminded of a promise that I made to myself back when I turned 30 -- the promise that I'd present a project of mine on a stage at a convention or festival by the time I turned 40 years old. Well, I thought I had that in the bag with Quiver , but it looks like those dreams have been extinguished (read my last post here to learn more about what's happening with that). So rather than dwelling on the past and what could've been, I've decided to revisit that original promise to myself with what I've titled 'The Big Game Plan'.


If you read that post from the Quiver thread, you'll kinda have an idea of where this is going. Starting on Monday, January 14th, I'm going to be sharing my entire 5-year plan with everyone that I possibly can. Why? Because that'll give me the drive to get to my destination. It'll act like a deadline of sorts -- and I'll need all of you. The goal is to finally bring my projects to life while collaborating and learning from talented individuals along the way. And of course, the final goal: be on that stage by the age of 40.

I'll be back here on Monday. See you then! :thumbs:


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I have fully plotted SPRING (aka “The Chain”) and it’s currently being fleshed out into a screenplay. The film takes place during the warmer months of Spring and follows a man as he’s literally pulled down a road into his own personal hell. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The plan is to have the final draft of the screenplay complete by the end of February so I can quickly hop into casting as well as the search for helpful individuals to make the project happen. (I plan to use this experience to also become better educated with the art of filmmaking)

The final goal: have the film shot by the end of May, edit throughout the summer, and release online in October through Geek Pants Media.

The budget is relatively small as I’ll only be able to compensate to a certain degree. If you know of any individuals who'd be interested in producing a horror project and helping to make it happen, please have them contact me at [email protected]. :thumbs:
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My notes for SUMMER (aka “The Unknown”) are written out and the good news: the screenplay will be complete before the end of the year, so 2020’s entry into SEASONS won’t seem as rushed. This film takes place in the heat of Summer and tells the story of a woman who awakes to find herself in a new world -- one where literal monsters walk the streets outside her home. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The plan is to have the final draft of the screenplay complete by November of this year so we can quickly hop into casting as well as the search for helpful individuals to make the project happen.

The final goal: have the film shot by the end of May 2020, edit throughout the summer, and release online in October 2020 through Geek Pants Media.

Again, if you know of any individuals who'd be interested in producing a horror project and helping to make it happen, please have them contact me at [email protected].
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View attachment 409025


I have fully plotted SPRING (aka “The Chain”) and it’s currently being fleshed out into a screenplay. The film takes place during the warmer months of Spring and follows a man as he’s literally pulled down a road into his own personal hell. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The plan is to have the final draft of the screenplay complete by the end of February so I can quickly hop into casting as well as the search for helpful individuals to make the project happen. (I plan to use this experience to also become better educated with the art of filmmaking)

The final goal: have the film shot by the end of May, edit throughout the summer, and release online in October through Geek Pants Media.

The budget is relatively small as I’ll only be able to compensate to a certain degree. If you know of any individuals who'd be interested in producing a horror project and helping to make it happen, please have them contact me at [email protected]. :thumbs:
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My notes for SUMMER (aka “The Unknown”) are written out and the good news: the screenplay will be complete before the end of the year, so 2020’s entry into SEASONS won’t seem as rushed. This film takes place in the heat of Summer and tells the story of a woman who awakes to find herself in a new world -- one where literal monsters walk the streets outside her home. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The plan is to have the final draft of the screenplay complete by November of this year so we can quickly hop into casting as well as the search for helpful individuals to make the project happen.

The final goal: have the film shot by the end of May 2020, edit throughout the summer, and release online in October 2020 through Geek Pants Media.

Again, if you know of any individuals who'd be interested in producing a horror project and helping to make it happen, please have them contact me at [email protected].

Already love the sound of this mate. I’d also love to help you out if we didn’t have that big pond separating us. Look forward to more
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AUTUMN (aka “The Listeners”) is plotted out and the screenplay will be completed long before 2021. This film takes place during the Fall hunting season and follows a man who quickly realizes that he’s become the hunted. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The goal is to ideally shoot the majority of the film in September and October of 2020. We’ll then have a full year to edit and put the finishing touches on it for a October 2021 release online through Geek Pants Media.

Again, will be looking for individuals in the Thunder Bay/Northwestern Ontario film scene to help with the project, so if interested, please contact me at [email protected]. Also, even if you’re not located in the area and would like to help in some way, please drop me a line!
Already love the sound of this mate. I’d also love to help you out if we didn’t have that big pond separating us. Look forward to more

Thanks, bud! Just having someone on that side of the pond excited who can talk about this is more than enough help for me. :thumbs:


WINTER (aka “The Frostbitten”) is plotted out and the screenplay will be completed long before 2022. This film takes place during a blizzard and tells the story of a man in a hut on the middle of a frozen lake, isolated and alone... or so be thinks. (Further details will be shared at a later date)

The goal is to ideally shoot the majority of the film in December and January of 2022. We’ll then have the year to edit and put the finishing touches on it for a October 2022 release online through Geek Pants Media.

Again, will be looking for individuals in the Thunder Bay/Northwestern Ontario film scene to help with the project, so if interested, please contact me at [email protected]. Also, even if you’re not located in the area and would like to help in some way, please drop me a line!
All 4 seasons sound so epic man! Thank you, because you didnt disappoint :)
I gotta say my favorite concept, judging from the tagline alone, is SUMMER. But i'm looking forward to all of them of course since they will connect. Good luck :thumbs:
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A Kickstarter campaign will launch to help fund a physical release of SEASONS. All four short films will be included on the disc PLUS an exclusive fifth film that’s not found online that will connect all four of the original shorts together. That’s right — Seasons will be an official anthology!

The goal is to have the screenplay for the fifth film written out before the launch of WINTER at Geek Pants Media in October 2018. The Kickstarter would launch in November 2018 and funds raised would go towards the shoot of the fifth film plus the assembly of the physical package.

Once again, when the time comes, we will be looking for individuals in the Thunder Bay/Northwestern Ontario film scene to help with the project, so if interested, please contact me at [email protected]. Also, even if you’re not located in the area and would like to help in some way, please drop me a line!
All 4 seasons sound so epic man! Thank you, because you didnt disappoint :)
I gotta say my favorite concept, judging from the tagline alone, is SUMMER. But i'm looking forward to all of them of course since they will connect. Good luck :thumbs:

Thanks so much, man! I appreciate your enthusiasm. Comments like that will definitely help me with completing this project. :)

I always had SPRING plotted out as a short film, but SUMMER, AUTUMN, and WINTER were all full-length screenplays before. If this project ends up being successful, I'll likely flesh out all three (SUMMER and WINTER for sure) into feature-length films.

Upwards and onwards to greater things. :thumbs:

Well OF COURSE The Big Game Plan would include Geek Pants Media! For those that don’t know about Geek Pants, let me break it down...

Since October 2017, Geek Pants has appeared across multiple services. A collaboration between myself, Chris Mercier, and Kris Fedick, Geek Pants’ main focus has been airing geeky shows for viewers/listeners to enjoy.

The Geek Pants Camcast is the main show — conversations between Chris and I as we dive deep into the movies, comics, and video games (and sometimes wrestling) that we love so much. The videos have aired through YouTube while the audio-only podcasts have been airing on SoundCloud and iTunes.

We’ve been trying to boost our subscriber base on the YouTube channel for quite some time now and once we hit 100 subscribers, we have a couple items to give away (we’re currently just over 60 subscribers).

There’s some specials and a few unboxing videos planned for this year, but there’s a LOT more coming! Over the next four days, I’ll be sharing more regarding our upcoming shows!
Screenshot 2019-01-20 10.01.30.png

Let’s kick off the Geek Pants chat by diving into the flagship show, the Geek Pants Camcast with myself and Chris Mercier!

The Camcast didn’t stay on much of a schedule last year (good ol’ “real life” getting in the way). Sure, we’ve knocked out 29 shows since October 2017 (that’s roughly 2 episodes per month, so that’s pretty damn good), but I’d love to keep to more of a schedule — make the Camcast bi-weekly at the very least (the technical difficulties with YouTube haven’t been too hot either).

This Thursday at 12pm ET, we’re airing our Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse episode through YouTube (video), SoundCloud (audio), and iTunes (audio). Then we have two episodes coming up based on the ‘Eastrail 177 Trilogy’ — an Unbreakable/Split episode and then one completely dedicated to Glass. And that’s all just coming in January!

What else is planned, you ask? In the pipeline, episodes revolving around Hereditary, A Quiet Place, Part 2 of Spider-Man PS4, Monstrous March (the whole month dedicated to Godzilla, King Kong, Pacific Rim, TrollHunter, Cloverfield, etc.), and SO MUCH MORE!

Remember, folks... if you’re not wearing your geek pants, then you’re just naked!
Screenshot 2019-01-20 09.31.54.jpg

Before Geek Pants, there was a YouTube channel called Cosmic Dragon. I ran that channel, posting unboxings and whatnot. I also ran a weekly show there with Kris Fedick called BOARD OFF! Every week, Kris and I would take turns bringing in a new board game — Kris being REALLY good at board games while I just royally sucked at them (all for everyone’s amusement). That show ran weekly for 25 consecutive episodes until I moved away from Thunder Bay.

When I returned in 2017 and was bouncing around the idea of Geek Pants, Kris and I immediately talked about how great it would be to bring back BOARD OFF! Well, it’s taken longer than it should have, but this summer, BOARD OFF! returns with an all-new format!

Rather than being a show that runs weekly non-stop, we’re going to the season format with each season consisting of 12 episodes. So, in June, you’ll get BOARD OFF! weekly for 12 consecutive weeks.

That’s not all, though! Remember that old Cosmic Dragon channel? Well, all the old BOARD OFF! episodes have been removed from there and will now re-appear on Geek Pants’ channel. Later this year, we’ll start airing BOARD OFF! CLASSIC which will consist of all 25 classic episodes.

The sky’s the limit for this crappy gamer and “the smartest guy you’ll never see on Twitter”!

I’ve wanted to grow the Geek Pants podcast network for quite some time now, so I’m happy to announce that’ll finally be happening real soon. Presenting...


Shriek Pants is a new horror podcast where I’ll be delving into all the horror-related films on physical media that’ll be hitting stores... worldwide.

It’s a somewhat daunting task, but I think that a hardcore Blu-ray-collecting, horror-loving geek like me can pull it off!

Now, when I talk physical media, I’m talking Blu-rays and 4K (and MAYBE the occasional DVD/VHS if they’re limited) — no digital here. You know... the way that movies were meant to be watch.

Shriek Pants will be a bi-weekly show for now, but depending on reception and the release schedule, I may bump it to weekly in the future.

The first episode of Shriek Pants will kick off on the Geek Pants Media SoundCloud and iTunes channels on February 1st.
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On top of Shriek Pants, there’s a second podcast coming to Geek Pants Media's SoundCloud and iTunes networks… and that show is the aptly titled —


On this bi-weekly show, I’ll keep everyone up to date with the latest comicbook-related news while almost always making sure that independent comics are discussed just as much as the Big 2’s releases.

I’ve always been passionate about comicbooks (as I’m sure anyone who’s seen/heard a Camcast can tell), so I thought it’d be fun to dive deep into what’s happening in the world of the medium.

I played around with a few names for the show, but a lot of them were already spoken for, so I decided on the simplistic title of KEN LIKES COMICS because, A) It wasn’t taken, and B) It pretty much nails the point home. @Snollygoster also designed this logo and it ROCKS!!!

The first episode of KEN LIKES COMICS will air on February 8th!
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A little late to the party, but just getting me to one is an achievement, so top marks for doing that. :)

Like the idea of the quartet, intrigued by the fifth that's gonna glue it all together...

However -

The 'Winter' premise worries me. Very little plot room in an incredibly tight thematic space. Then again, if you've already got the flow through the four, ignore me. Otherwise, I'd be inclined to revisit that. One of those 'close, but not quite where it needs to be' moments.

As for the rest, I can't comment, as podcasts et al aren't my thing. However (yes, again :whistle: ) I'd be very careful about spreading the creative drive too thin with overenthusiastic good intentions.

That lot being said...

Bravo! I have no doubt something spectacular is in the offing.

Also: if you need a sounding board for plot/storyline aspects of any kind, I'll happily take a break from books 25 thru 28 to help (besides, 25's done already :OMG: ). Just email me. You've got my details.

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I’m taking a break from the Geek Pants talk to say YES, Hi-Def Ninja Presents The GeekCap is still a thing... but things will be changing a bit.
The next episode will be your usual broadcast — me chatting away while @Snollygoster adds his sweet edits... and then aired on the HDN @youtube channel — but after that, The GeekCap is going the audio-only podcast route. Why? It’ll give me the opportunity to give more episodes on a more regular basis.
Everything to be revealed soon!

Ah, the Written Word. This is the third part of The Big Game Plan and it involves me sharing some of my non-screenplay writing with everyone for the first time ever.

A children’s book, a comicbook, and a Young Adult novel. These three projects have been in the works for years and I feel like this is the right time to share them with all of you.

Ideally/hopefully, I’ll gain recognition and colleagues through my work on Seasons and Geek Pants and that’ll lead to the completion of these three projects by the time this 5-year plan wraps.

Over the next three days, I’ll let you know more about each project.
A little late to the party, but just getting me to one is an achievement, so top marks for doing that. :)

Like the idea of the quartet, intrigued by the fifth that's gonna glue it all together...

However -

The 'Winter' premise worries me. Very little plot room in an incredibly tight thematic space. Then again, if you've already got the flow through the four, ignore me. Otherwise, I'd be inclined to revisit that. One of those 'close, but not quite where it needs to be' moments.

As for the rest, I can't comment, as podcasts et al aren't my thing. However (yes, again :whistle: ) I'd be very careful about spreading the creative drive too thin with overenthusiastic good intentions.

That lot being said...

Bravo! I have no doubt something spectacular is in the offing.

Also: if you need a sounding board for plot/storyline aspects of any kind, I'll happily take a break from books 25 thru 28 to help (besides, 25's done already :OMG: ). Just email me. You've got my details.


I appreciate your support and constructive criticism, Jae! I realize that this thing seems quite ambitious (probably TOO ambitious), but I'm hoping for the best.

The 'Winter' premise is actually the story that I've been working on the longest. I have a full-length screenplay based on the premise, so I'm going to write a short story that works as either a prequel or an off-shot to the full-length one. If the response is great for the short version, I'd like to take the idea and release that full-length film.

I also appreciate the offer for sounding board assistance. I may take you up on that offer one day! :)
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