The Dark Knight Rises - In theaters July 20, 2012


Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Tagline: The Legend Ends

Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE], [GENRE]Crime[/GENRE], [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE], [GENRE]Thriller[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Christopher Nolan[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Christian Bale[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Michael Caine[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Gary Oldman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Anne Hathaway[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Tom Hardy[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Marion Cotillard[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Joseph Gordon-Levitt[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Morgan Freeman[/ACTOR]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]165[/RUNTIME]

Plot: Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent's crimes to protect the late attorney's reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years later, Batman encounters the mysterious Selina Kyle and the villainous Bane, a new terrorist leader who overwhelms Gotham's finest. The Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

From IMDB:

Old info:
The fact that there will be another Batman film in Christopher Nolan’s presumptive trilogy is assumed by just about everyone, despite the fact that there has been no formal announcement of the film. But in the runup to the release of Nolan’s Inception, which opens on July 16, there is already some talk about what the next Batman film might look like.

Wally Pfister is the cinematographer responsible for all of Christopher Nolan’s features from Memento on, and his photography was one of the things I liked best about The Dark Knight. He captured Chicago-as-Gotham with a simplicity and clarity that was very uncharacteristic of most superhero films. Now he’s talking about possibilities for the third film, including the option of 3D. Hint: don’t expect Batman 3D.

Cinematical spoke to Pfister when the Dallas Film Society presented him with the Star Award for accomplishments in cinematography. The site promises a full interview in which Pfister explains the “mutual disinterest” he and Christopher Nolan have for 3D. But they do quote him saying,
What Chris and I have talked about is doing something cool and something interesting…Brad Bird was [saying] ‘you’ve got to shoot the whole thing in IMAX!’ I was like, yeah, I’ve talked to Chris about that.

There’s also another comment, which seems to refer to shooting more of this upcoming film in IMAX:

But I think Chris is game for doing something interesting like that, Lord knows that the 3-D fad might pass by the time that summer comes around.

AICN, meanwhile, got a few more of Pfister’s comments from a tipster. Both the cinematographer and Nolan are disinterested in digital cinematography and very much prefer to shoot on film. That’s the root of their disinterest in 3D, which Pfister said is “great for like amusement park rides like the ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’ ride at Disneyland.” Pfister also called 3D a distraction and not realistic.

The appeal of IMAX and the disinterest in 3D both come from that love of shooting on film. While 3D lacks realism, shooting in IMAX has huge latitude, and captures incredible detail. The downside to IMAX is that the cameras are bulky and loud, and the format is expensive.

FYI, Batman on Film is saying that Warner Bros. will officially announce the third Batman film in July. Which isn’t that much of a deductive leap, as Nolan hasn’t been interested in talking about Batman while he finishes Inception, and that movie is released in July. Plus, there’s that little Comic Con gathering in San Diego. So expect more news in July.


Can't wait!
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Trying NOT to watch any picture/trailer so that I have ALL the surprise.

That's a great idea! I went over to the movie's page on and read the quotes and, honestly, I don't remember all of them from the trailers. Which is a good thing, I suppose. :scat:

---------- Post added at 09:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

Oh, and FWIW, I hope that Ra's al Ghul is not just featured in flashbacks. Liam Neeson is too good of an actor to waste. I'm glad that in Batman Begins, Nolan stayed away from stuff like immortality and the Lazarus pits. If Ra's is still alive, it will just add to his mystique.

In Batman Begins, Ra's stated that his wife was taken away from him. If you read Birth of the Demon, in that story, Ra's wife really was taken away (and subsequently ***** and killed).

On a side-note, in the movie, the character's name is pronounced as "Raas", but I think that this is incorrect. Dennis O' Neil, one of the preeminent Batman writers and editors said that his name should be pronounced as "Ray-sh" many years ago in a letters column in response to a reader's query. I'm nitpicking, I know, but I'm sticking with "Ray-sh".
Even in Arkham City Ray-sh is Ray-sh and not Ra's.

Not sure about Liam Neeson's part but I'm sure he will tie in somehow with Miranda Tate (Marion Cotillard) and therefore with Bane too.

3rd trailer hopefully attached to Avengers in May.... :ohno:
I can't fricken wait for this one. Is it wrong that Im more exited to see this over the Avengers ?

i just love Chris Nolan's style. He's starting to win me over as my favourite director at the moment. Im hoping he has his handprints and influence all over Man Of Steel as well since Im not a big fan of Zach Snyder as a director. And I would love to see Superman done justice and done well for once because that last Superman movie with Brandon Routh was, ah, lets just say not great at all.

Anne Hathway looks good in the trailer... I was worried before but she actually looks like she may pull off cat women.
I can't fricken wait for this one. Is it wrong that Im more exited to see this over the Avengers ?

i just love Chris Nolan's style. He's starting to win me over as my favourite director at the moment. Im hoping he has his handprints and influence all over Man Of Steel as well since Im not a big fan of Zach Snyder as a director. And I would love to see Superman done justice and done well for once because that last Superman movie with Brandon Routh was, ah, lets just say not great at all.

Anne Hathway looks good in the trailer... I was worried before but she actually looks like she may pull off cat women.

No, it's not wrong to be anticipating the Dark Knight Rises over the Avengers. I've always been a DC fan-boy and always will be.

What I'd love to see is Nolan direct a Justice League movie. It will be dark and gritty, which is what I'd like to see.

IMO, Snyder does well with material that has already been fleshed out, i.e. the graphic novel exists. Classic cases are 300 and Watchmen. The GN's were brilliant, so he didn't have too much to do in the way of storyboards or design. While I enjoyed Sucker Punch, I enjoyed 300 and Watchmen way, way more.

I wonder how much of a femme fatale Anne Hathaway's or Marion Coutillard's characters are going to be. I suspect that Coutillard will be playing Talia al Ghul. Those of you who've followed Grant Morrison's run on Batman will know that Talia and Bruce have a son called Damian. They were a major item together at one point in time. In this movie, does Bruce find out that Talia is Ra's' (damn, where do I put the apostrophe to indicate ownership?!) daughter? Would be a major moment if he did. Even better if he finds out that Ra's survived the monorail crash in Batman Begins. For me, that would be the worth the price of admission alone!

Some questions from me:
1) Will we see a fight between Catwoman and Talia?
2) Does Batman loan the Tumbler bike to Catwoman, or does she "borrow" it?
3) Will GCPD be hunting Batman when he resurfaces? Gosh, I hope so!
4) What gadgets will Batman now use?
5) Will they be able to top the Skyhook scene from The Dark Knight with something equivalent? Again, I hope so!
6) Will Bane be pumped up on Venom when he's fighting Batman?
7) Will this movie have a happy ending? I don't think so. Broken Bat, anyone?
8) Does Bane take over Wayne Manor?
9) Any cool stunts involving Catwoman breaking into high-rise apartments?
10) The last one is not related to the movie per se, but if you could choose one woman to go out with on a night on the town, would it be Coutillard or Hathaway? I would choose Coutillard. :drool:
I can't fricken wait for this one. Is it wrong that Im more exited to see this over the Avengers ?

i just love Chris Nolan's style. He's starting to win me over as my favourite director at the moment. Im hoping he has his handprints and influence all over Man Of Steel as well since Im not a big fan of Zach Snyder as a director. And I would love to see Superman done justice and done well for once because that last Superman movie with Brandon Routh was, ah, lets just say not great at all.

Anne Hathway looks good in the trailer... I was worried before but she actually looks like she may pull off cat women.
Baman over the Avengers? Hahahahah :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
No, it's not wrong to be anticipating the Dark Knight Rises over the Avengers. I've always been a DC fan-boy and always will be.

What I'd love to see is Nolan direct a Justice League movie. It will be dark and gritty, which is what I'd like to see.

IMO, Snyder does well with material that has already been fleshed out, i.e. the graphic novel exists. Classic cases are 300 and Watchmen. The GN's were brilliant, so he didn't have too much to do in the way of storyboards or design. While I enjoyed Sucker Punch, I enjoyed 300 and Watchmen way, way more.

I wonder how much of a femme fatale Anne Hathaway's or Marion Coutillard's characters are going to be. I suspect that Coutillard will be playing Talia al Ghul. Those of you who've followed Grant Morrison's run on Batman will know that Talia and Bruce have a son called Damian. They were a major item together at one point in time. In this movie, does Bruce find out that Talia is Ra's' (damn, where do I put the apostrophe to indicate ownership?!) daughter? Would be a major moment if he did. Even better if he finds out that Ra's survived the monorail crash in Batman Begins. For me, that would be the worth the price of admission alone!

Some questions from me:
1) Will we see a fight between Catwoman and Talia?
2) Does Batman loan the Tumbler bike to Catwoman, or does she "borrow" it?
3) Will GCPD be hunting Batman when he resurfaces? Gosh, I hope so!
4) What gadgets will Batman now use?
5) Will they be able to top the Skyhook scene from The Dark Knight with something equivalent? Again, I hope so!
6) Will Bane be pumped up on Venom when he's fighting Batman?
7) Will this movie have a happy ending? I don't think so. Broken Bat, anyone?
8) Does Bane take over Wayne Manor?
9) Any cool stunts involving Catwoman breaking into high-rise apartments?
10) The last one is not related to the movie per se, but if you could choose one woman to go out with on a night on the town, would it be Coutillard or Hathaway? I would choose Coutillard. :drool:
Can't be trusted.i want to see Batman but i think lots of people are over playing Nolan and this series.

I can't see him doing such a big movie as the Justice League, especially by the time it would come out would be almost 2020.They would have to make a Wonder Woman,Martian Manhunter,Green Arrow and a few more other movies before they can just throw a team together.
My biggest question:
How Bane's character will do after the Joker's majestuous performance?

He'll get positive recognition as well, we can already sense Halloween costumes of Bane to be coming. For the acting itself, I don't see why he wouldn't get praise. Although the standard is set pretty high from the generic audience due to the Joker, Batman/Nolan fans already know what how Tom Hardy can act, as well as how Nolan (secretly) directs to astonish the audience in whatever way, and finally how the genuine character of Bane is to be portrayed. Even if he isn't 10ft tall with over 400lbs (exaggeration here) of muscle, towering over Batman - Nolan has gotten the ideals of Bane true. A physical and mental threat to Batman.

So with that, I have no reason to see why Tom Hardy won't disappoint. Just put aside the fact that we couldn't understand him earlier, they should have that fixed by now. And trust in Nolan

Besides, Tom Hardy has spoken numerous times on what he feels being compared, what his character of Bane is supposed to be like, and whatnot. Just a random & recent quote I found

Listening to Hardy compare Bane to the scarred, clown-faced villain who terrorized Gotham City in The Dark Knight, you almost get the feeling of a revolutionary usurper with tremendous resources. “The Joker didn’t care—he just wanted to see the world burn, and he was a master of chaos and destruction, unscrupulous and crazy. Bane is not that guy,” says Hardy. “There is a very meticulous and calculated way about Bane. There is a huge orchestration of organization to his ambition. He is also a physical threat to Batman. There is nothing vague about Bane. No jokes. He’s a very clean, clear villain.”
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Baman over the Avengers? Hahahahah :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

Can't be trusted.i want to see Batman but i think lots of people are over playing Nolan and this series.

I can't see him doing such a big movie as the Justice League, especially by the time it would come out would be almost 2020.They would have to make a Wonder Woman,Martian Manhunter,Green Arrow and a few more other movies before they can just throw a team together.

Agreed, DC need to make those movies to set the stage (and the DC universe). Marvel did this extremely well. Marvel (like the Cylons) had a plan. :hilarious: Sorry, couldn't resist. :D

Martian Manhunter will be an interesting movie. They (might) need to make an Aquaman movie as well before a Justice League movie is ever made. And please, I don't want Ryan Reynolds playing Green Lantern. We need someone who's intense and who's also not intimidated by Batman, to play Green Lantern. Please refer to the Green Lantern: Rebirth story where Hal Jordan decks Batman (and Bruce did *not* see that punch coming!). I'm sorry but Ryan Reynolds just doesn't fit the bill.

Who should be the villain in a Justice League movie? I say Darkseid.

One major concern of mine is Christian Bale's statement that he's not going to play Batman after The Dark Knight Rises. So, for the Justice League movie, who's going to play Batman? IMHO, it has to be Bale, even if it's 5 years from now.
I dunno ripclaw, Justice League seems far-fetched. They can't pull off a decent Superman movie, they have failed to even bring to the small screen Wonder Woman, Green Lantern had an ok reception, Flash hasn't been in a movie since the 80's (?), and no aquaman movie. Personally, I don't think many of those characters can fit into the same Dark Knight universe.

Nolan's Batman is set in a world that we could think of as more real life. How could you place every other character in there without sacrificing the real life concepts from Dark Knight? IMO I just don't think it's even possible.

Marvel never pretended to be in a real life scenario, which is key to their success. Marvel never tossed their comic book background and incorporated it into a more slightly real life scenario that worked. They even pulled of Thor, which imo it posed the biggest difficulty, with that being said I just don't see DC accommodating their superheroes into the same Dark Knight theme and make it work.

As far as Dark Knight Rises, I read some complaints from fans on other sites about Bane. Honestly, this Bane fits the theme of Nolan's Batman Universe. It's not some cartoony looking giant with super giant muscles. By now I would imagine people understand that Nolan is not going for the comic bookish look, but rather something more real life. I still don't get why there's so many complaints to be honest.

Also, this is Nolan's last Batman, I don't want another cliffhanger for a 4th that he won't be directing. I am not sure who can take the lead and direct another one. One more thing, if there's no Bale, then I am sure I want to continue watching the series. I read somewhere that Warner is looking to reboot after Rises, could be a rumor, but that would just backtrack what's already been accomplished.
Horhay, you're right, and I was giving DC / Warner Bros. too much credit. I guess I was being over-optimistic in the creation of a Justice League movie. I guess we won't see one until the next person playing Bruce Wayne / Batman is established, which is sad as Christian Bale is perfect.

Again, IMHO DC / Warner Bros. screwed up when they cast Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan. Ryan is a good actor. Very witty and charming. But he's no Hal Jordan. Contrast this with Bale. Bale *is* Bruce Wayne. Suave, sophisticated, a playboy, carefree. And when he's Batman, that rage comes through so well.

Depending on how The Dark Knight Rises ends, Warner Bros. / the next director of the Batman franchise could make The Dark Knight Returns, based on Frank Miller's stories. This could pave the way for a Justice League movie, with the characters appearing in the sequel, based on the story in The Dark Knight Strikes Again. Bingo!
whoa^^^ I didn't mean to start a Marvel VS. DC war with my comment about being more excited for The Dark Knight Rises movie over the Avengers, lol. Although its been a pretty civil discussion so far above.

All I was getting at was that I just love Christopher Nolan's movies and style over everyone else at the moment(which is totally subjective). If anything my favourite superhero is Thor right now actually.

That being said man... rip claw.... it would be off the hizzy if DC went down the same path as Marvel with a string of character movies leading up to a justice league movie. Although my comic book knowledge is limited I have to agree with Horhay. Nolan created a Batman series that one can relate to the real world instead of creating a new world of its own (which it is really). Its more realistic if that makes sense? Say in comparison to Marvel's Thor movie. They literally created a new world in that movie that is nothing like real life.

If a Justice League movie were to be made one day I think you would have to completely re-start with all the movies and create a world more in line with the actual comic's. Green Lantern as far as Im concerned was a colossal failure. And you would have to re-do Batman in a different way this time and Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter. Thats just the original bunch... I mean there's more but you know which ones do you include in the party, lol.

Then there is re-doing the bad guys like Joker and the others. A tall order especially after the success and liking of the current series from Nolan. Because lets be honest people always compare and if its not at least as good as the previous its not good enough.

While not my favourite character I would love to see a Aquaman movie made next. The few "water movies" if you wanna call them that with a decent budget I have seen since bluray and hi-def came to be have visually just looked amazing!

I guess before all of this lets just see how Man of Steel turns out to be like. People keep conniving me but Im just not a fan of Zach Snyder. I might get burned for this but I simply couldn't get my self to like 300 or Watchmen (Sucker Punch was just really bad :( ). The movies for me were just missing something. The characters were really rad and well done though in Watchmen Ill give them that.

And hats off to Marvel. They have successfully pulled off essentially what were talking about DC trying to pull off above. The movies have all been pretty awesome of which Iron Man 1 and Thor were my fave's. Cant wait to see they genre grow in the future. Its so exciting that all this is possible now with the tech allowing hollywood to make these movies in a way that you can really appreciate.
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Guys, wouldn't a Batman Steelbook Shelf much like the Harry Potters, be totally awesome? I mean think about it. We have original Batman (steel?), Batman Begins (steel), Batman & Robins (blu-ray), Batman Forever (blu-ray), Dark Knight (steel) and soon Dark Knight Rises.
I didn't mean to get us off topic and certainly did not meant to go into a DC v Marvel either. I was trying to elaborate into why Justice League world wouldn't fit into Nolan's Batman interpretation.