The Dark Knight Rises - In theaters July 20, 2012


Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
[CONTAINER][MOVIE1]Title: The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Tagline: The Legend Ends

Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE], [GENRE]Crime[/GENRE], [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE], [GENRE]Thriller[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Christopher Nolan[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Christian Bale[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Michael Caine[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Gary Oldman[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Anne Hathaway[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Tom Hardy[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Marion Cotillard[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Joseph Gordon-Levitt[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Morgan Freeman[/ACTOR]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]165[/RUNTIME]

Plot: Following the death of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman assumes responsibility for Dent's crimes to protect the late attorney's reputation and is subsequently hunted by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years later, Batman encounters the mysterious Selina Kyle and the villainous Bane, a new terrorist leader who overwhelms Gotham's finest. The Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city that has branded him an enemy.[/MOVIE1][POSTER1]

From IMDB:

Old info:
The fact that there will be another Batman film in Christopher Nolan’s presumptive trilogy is assumed by just about everyone, despite the fact that there has been no formal announcement of the film. But in the runup to the release of Nolan’s Inception, which opens on July 16, there is already some talk about what the next Batman film might look like.

Wally Pfister is the cinematographer responsible for all of Christopher Nolan’s features from Memento on, and his photography was one of the things I liked best about The Dark Knight. He captured Chicago-as-Gotham with a simplicity and clarity that was very uncharacteristic of most superhero films. Now he’s talking about possibilities for the third film, including the option of 3D. Hint: don’t expect Batman 3D.

Cinematical spoke to Pfister when the Dallas Film Society presented him with the Star Award for accomplishments in cinematography. The site promises a full interview in which Pfister explains the “mutual disinterest” he and Christopher Nolan have for 3D. But they do quote him saying,
What Chris and I have talked about is doing something cool and something interesting…Brad Bird was [saying] ‘you’ve got to shoot the whole thing in IMAX!’ I was like, yeah, I’ve talked to Chris about that.

There’s also another comment, which seems to refer to shooting more of this upcoming film in IMAX:

But I think Chris is game for doing something interesting like that, Lord knows that the 3-D fad might pass by the time that summer comes around.

AICN, meanwhile, got a few more of Pfister’s comments from a tipster. Both the cinematographer and Nolan are disinterested in digital cinematography and very much prefer to shoot on film. That’s the root of their disinterest in 3D, which Pfister said is “great for like amusement park rides like the ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’ ride at Disneyland.” Pfister also called 3D a distraction and not realistic.

The appeal of IMAX and the disinterest in 3D both come from that love of shooting on film. While 3D lacks realism, shooting in IMAX has huge latitude, and captures incredible detail. The downside to IMAX is that the cameras are bulky and loud, and the format is expensive.

FYI, Batman on Film is saying that Warner Bros. will officially announce the third Batman film in July. Which isn’t that much of a deductive leap, as Nolan hasn’t been interested in talking about Batman while he finishes Inception, and that movie is released in July. Plus, there’s that little Comic Con gathering in San Diego. So expect more news in July.


Can't wait!
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From Comic Book Movies:

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES To Feature Over An Hour Of IMAX Footage

Christopher Nolan's epic finale to his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, will break records this July as it becomes the first Hollywood movie to contain over an hour of IMAX footage.

When Christopher Nolan agreed to helm 2008's The Dark Knight, part of the deal with Warner Bros. was that they allowed him to shoot with IMAX (there was ultimately 40 minutes of such footage in the completed film). However, The Wall Street Journal reveals that The Dark Knight Rises will contain the most IMAX footage EVER - more than an hour's worth. IMAX apparently have yet to commit to any other films this August and September as they're planning on giving the third and final instalment of Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise as much time on their screens as possible. The film will in fact be screened at 100 locations across the US. "I felt if we could have one of those in every major city, we could justify the difficulty of going to a lot of trouble to shoot this way. You will see a crisper image," said the director.
I love IMAX. :D Shooting one minute of footage with an IMAX camera, costs 1320 dollar. ^^ I rememberd that, when I watched an IMAX docu. :)
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I'm too excited that I'll be back in time to see this one!!!

---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 AM ----------

Intense trailer. Looks good
OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG this looks amazing!!!! WOW. Thank You Christopher Nolan for finally doing Batman justice with these movies. And thanks Cooey for posting that new trailer.

I can't wait for this movie. Its going to be just amazing. Ever since the Matrix trilogy there wasn't a trilogy that could touch it and then along came the Bourne trilogy and both were my absolute favourite trilogies. And now the Nolan Batman trilogy will be complete and I think it will get a special place right beside them and perhaps even higher in my heart.

I think this movie is going to shatter some serious records. Ash Im with you on this one... record breaking weekend hopefully!
That trailer is interesting!!! What a great story it's gonna be!!! :ohno:

BTW, is it me or... I dunno... I don't feel a fierce Catwoman like we're suppose to?
I will call it now - The Dark Knight Rises will have a record breaking box office take in its first weekend!

I kept telling people who kept uptalking The Hunger Games that they are forgetting a few movies. I kept saying Avengers will likely do better, Dark Shadows has an outside shot of doing better than THG since Johnny Depp does well internationally, Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter, and The Hobbit. But to everyone I say this to I tell them I think Dark Knight Rises will break records. Maybe not Avatar records but it will be the highest grossing film this year. Bank on it!

OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG this looks amazing!!!! WOW. Thank You Christopher Nolan for finally doing Batman justice with these movies. And thanks Cooey for posting that new trailer.

I can't wait for this movie. Its going to be just amazing. Ever since the Matrix trilogy there wasn't a trilogy that could touch it and then along came the Bourne trilogy and both were my absolute favourite trilogies. And now the Nolan Batman trilogy will be complete and I think it will get a special place right beside them and perhaps even higher in my heart.

I think this movie is going to shatter some serious records. Ash Im with you on this one... record breaking weekend hopefully!

And to think Nolan does not put stock into trailers

That trailer is interesting!!! What a great story it's gonna be!!! :ohno:

BTW, is it me or... I dunno... I don't feel a fierce Catwoman like we're suppose to?

Catwoman is gonna be sexy, but notice in the trailer it looks (to me anyway) he is kissing Marion Coltriard's (SP?) character. Possibly Talia al Ghul i s my speculative guess. I have not been keeping up with the tabloids but I would presume that is the popular notion

As to the trailer, I said it before and I will say it again. I think I may have gotten a woodie watching it. All I can say is if they were selling midnight tickets I would already have one. Hell, I would wait in line to wait in line for the advance tickets so that I could still wait in line for the midnight show. A small inception joke there but its OK Nolan brought half of Inception over to TDKR
That trailer is interesting!!! What a great story it's gonna be!!! :ohno:

BTW, is it me or... I dunno... I don't feel a fierce Catwoman like we're suppose to?

You not the only one who feels that way.But if that's what Nolan wants to give the fanboys,they will happily take it.
From Official website:
Tumbler Tour 2012 kicks off

The Tumbler and the Bat-Pod are hitting the road and traveling across North America. Check the list of stops below to see if the Dark Knight’s wheels are pulling into a town near you. More stops are scheduled to be added so be sure to look for updates.

5/12 Bentonville, AR
5/15 Tulsa, OK
5/19 Overland Park, KS
5/21 Kansas City, MO
5/25 Chicago, IL
5/27 Washington, DC
5/28 Baltimore, MD
5/30 Philadelphia, PA
6/1 Buffalo, NY
6/7 Toronto Canada
6/10 Montreal Canada
6/12 Purchase, NY
6/13 Columbus, OH
6/15 Lansing, MI
6/16 Detroit, MI
6/17 Brooklyn, MI
6/19 Indianapolis, IN
6/21 Nashville, TN
6/22 Knoxville, TN
6/23 Atlanta, GA
6/25 Dallas, TX
6/27 San Antonio, TX
6/29 El Paso, TX
7/1 Albuquerque, NM
7/2 Phoenix, AZ
7/7 Los Angeles, CA

During the 'Montreal Grand Prix'... :(
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Interesting that Marion Coutillard has said that her character is "good", and is not an adult Talia al Ghul. I'm not so sure. A red herring, perhaps, to throw us off-track?