Thor: The Dark World (3D) - In theaters November 08, 2013

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
From IMDB:
Thor battles an ancient race of Dark Elves led by the vengeful Malekith who threatens to plunge the universe back into darkness after the events of The Avengers.
With: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Kat Dennings, Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgard and more...


Old infos:

By Odin's beard, get ready for Thor 2.

Disney and Marvel Studios are moving ahead with a sequel to the hit superhero movie, setting a {param} November {param} 8, 2013 release date for the movie.

enneth Branagh will not return to direct, though he will produce. According to sources, Branagh had an option to direct the sequel and there were talks, but a 'mutual parting of ways' occurred.

No writers have been hired for the sequel although Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor, is slated to reprise his role.


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Was awesome ..... my thing is .... if there is trouble on
earth how come we dont see Iron Man fly by or something? I mean c'mon you tied it all together with Avengers so you must now have Avengers help if its that drastic! ;p
sAW This today and LOVED it :oohyeah:

Was awesome ..... my thing is .... if there is trouble on
earth how come we dont see Iron Man fly by or something? I mean c'mon you tied it all together with Avengers so you must now have Avengers help if its that drastic! ;p

because its
not the US :hilarious:
Just like why did
shield not show face
when they were called.
Tony was off doing his own thing. Same thing with Cap im sure
But it will be interesting because in 2 ish weeks
S.H.I.E.L.D on abc will adress the aftermath that was left from thor 2
supposedly .
Was awesome ..... my thing is .... if there is trouble on
earth how come we dont see Iron Man fly by or something? I mean c'mon you tied it all together with Avengers so you must now have Avengers help if its that drastic! ;p

After seeing the movie last night I was saying the same exact thing to the people I went to the theater with.

when watching Agents of Shield they refer to the Avengers movie as the New York Event. Pretty much the New York event is an attempt to destroy/enslave earth. This was an attempt to destroy the 9 planets. I know it is a Thor movie but like Wreck said but to not have any other superhero show up is dumb. I'm not even saying they have to have screen time, but maybe throw in a shot of Iron Mans suit (even if he is on hiatus, he likely has some new suits by this point) flying by with RDJ's voice saying he has the perimeter and the Bruce, Cap, BW, and Hawkeye are taking care of the perimeter while he deals with the dark elves

As a RA Salvatore fan, dark elves YAY

Tom Hiddleston's scenes are great. I think he even stole the movie. Loved seeing the illusion disappear when Thor comes to get him after their mother was killed. Loki has a heart, awwww. Even if it was predictable that Odin was Loki at the end
Saw it today... loved it! Lots of touching moments in it -- lots of action -- lots of laughs... it was perfect. Joss Whedon flew in to fix the script on this while it was filming and I'm not surprised. Some scenes included dialogue that just sounded very Whedon-ish. Overall, I'd rank this in my Top 5 for Marvel's Cinematic Universe.

Now, for those confused about that mid-credit scene...

That was The Collector as played by Benicio del Toro. He'll be one of the baddies in Guardians of the Galaxy. When he received the Aember and said, "One down, five to go," he was talking about the gems of the Infinity Gauntlet... the weapon that, in the comics, Thanos used to practically destroy the Marvel Universe.

Bring on the Guardians!!! :scat:
+1 Completely Agree! :thumbs:

Saw this earlier today! I enjoyed the hell out of this kick ass movie, waaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than Iron Man 3! :naughty: Bring on Winter Soldier! :scat:
Saw this on Saturday in IMAX 3D. My God!!!! 3D just looks so much better in the IMAX format, and I'm not a fan of 3D.

Onto the movie itself, as most people here have commented, it was a great film. It wasn't action all the way. I felt that the writers (and Marvel) have taken the characterisation of the key players up a few notches, and they've matured. You can see that Thor is no longer the impetuous child, especially after certain key scenes in the film. You can almost feel Loki's rage as well. Oh, and the film makers certainly cement Loki's reputation as the God of Mischief in a big way. You come away from this film with more questions than answers!

My missus was extremely happy with the final post-credits scene, where Thor returned to Earth and was (again) reunited with Jane.

I was sorry to see Rene Russo depart this franchise, but not before she opened a can-of-whup-ass and unloaded on Malekith.

Here are my observations on certain elements and characters:

- Asgard looked as regal and breathtaking as ever, especially since now we get to see more of it / her.

- Odin: What more can I say except that Anthony Hopkins *is* Odin. Commanding performance. I was hanging on every word he uttered. The only actor who could give such a tour-de-force performance as a leader would most probably be Liam Neeson. Aslan vs. Odin. Hmmmmm....

- Chris Hemsworth / Thor: From the first time you see him on-screen, you can see that he is no longer the brat he was from the first film. That immaturity has been banished. He certainly matures as this film progresses.

- Natalie Portman / Jane Foster: beautiful, gorgeous and even more confident than she was in the first movie. Her chemistry with Hemsworth is remarkable and believable.

- Idris Elba / Heimdall: we get to see more of him in this movie, and he shares key scenes with Thor and Odin, seperately. Honestly, I wanted a certain scene between him and Odin to have gone on for longer as they both have such distinct, almost Thespian voices that, irrespective of what they were saying / narrating, you know that you'll be left spellbound.

- Jamie Alexander / Lady Sif: a tragic character if there ever was one. She is majestic. That lone word is enough to describe her. You know that she and Thor should be destined for each other, until you see the chemistry between Natalie and Chris. All else pales in comparison.

- Tom Hiddleston / Loki: Seriously, if you told me that Loki would appear in 3 of Marvel's films, I wouldn't have believed you. Everyone seemed to underestimate how popular this character would become, myself included. Tom Hiddleston owns this character in much the same way the late Heath Ledger owned The Joker. They will both be tough acts to follow. In keeping with the Thespian theme, I can easily see him playing a Brutus or Macbeth or Shylock (YES!!!!!!)

I have a meeting in a few minutes, so the above will have to suffice. Was I happy with this movie? Most definitely yes. Do I look forward to more Thor movies? Absolutely, if only to see Lady Sif and Jane Foster.
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Saw this today and it was a pretty solid movie. Far better sequel than Iron Man 2 or 3 IMO. Enjoyed it very much and Im really looking forward to Captain America 2.... I have this feeling that Captain America will be even better.

Now if Marvel would do some justice to Hulk and give his character the stand alone movie he deserves!!!
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Saw this today and it was a pretty solid movie. Far better sequel than Iron Man 2 or 3 IMO. Enjoyed it very much and Im really looking forward to Captain America 2.... I have this feeling that Captain America will be even better.

Now if Marvel would do some justice to Hulk and give his character the stand alone movie he deserves!!!

And maybe make up with Edward Norton?