Upcoming True Detective (Season 5) [HBO Max]

Jan 25, 2012
Piraeus, Greece
The first official "True Detective" trailer was released this evening on HBO prior to the "Boardwalk Empire" season premiere and you can now watch it below!

"True Detective" is written by Nic Pizzolatto and directed by Cary Fukunaga. It centers on two detectives, Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson), whose lives collide and entwine during a seventeen-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. The investigation of a bizarre murder in 1995 is framed and interlaced with testimony from the detectives in 2012, when the case has been reopened.

"True Detective" premieres in January of 2014.


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It's an anthology show, so McConaughey and Harrelson knew they weren't coming back for another season before they even started working on the show in the first place. In fact, that's the only reason they signed on to begin with. And would it hurt to give Colin Farrell a chance? Especially when you look at how maligned McConaughey has been as an actor over the years... and then you look at his performance in True Detective last year. Actors are only as good as the material they're working with. Nic Pizzolatto's writing will certainly bring out the best in Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn.

Well said. I'm fairly certain Farrell and Vaughn will "surprise" us. Man, I'm looking forward to this!

In the meantime I've just started reading Nic Pizzolatto's debut novel Galveston. It's got great reviews and I know I'm gonna enjoy it.
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I hope this is as good as the first one but thats a tall order methinks.
Based off the early reviews it is said to be "good at being good" and not "desperate to be great". What's difficult about reviewing this series is that many people are comparing this to season 1 which is a completely different animal. This season has a different template and is supposed to be less character driven. Of the four main characters Rachel McAdams has been receiving the most praise from TV critics.
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Based off the early reviews it is said to be "good at being good" and not "desperate to be great". What's difficult about reviewing this series is that many people are comparing this to season 1 which is a completely different animal. This season has a different template and is supposed to be less character driven. Of the four main characters Rachel McAdams has been receiving the most praise from TV critics.

They will all be compared to season 1 ! I think you can replace Tall order with impossible order .
They will all be compared to season 1 ! I think you can replace Tall order with impossible order .
If you take the title away from the series than I bet it would be looked at as a much more accomplished season. I was 100% sure of how this season would be looked at, early reviews complain that the characters are stiff and the plot is too predictable which ironically was said about season 1 when it first came out.
Well, episode 1 didn't disappoint! Wish I could binge watch this like I did season 1 though... I want to know the entire story straight away lol.
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Great start to season 2, and I like the slow burn which makes the series so much more intriguing. Also, Justin Lin, director of Fast and Furious 4-6 directed this season's first 2 episodes hence the familiar "pan away" high altitude shots :)
I was very worried about this new season based on the fact I loved the first season so much and the trailers for the new one didn't look so good but I waited and was hopeful and sadly just watched it, and OMG, it's awful, everything about it is bad. The new theme song sucks and I loved how it really was the two of them in the first series, in this new one there is so many random people not really introduced, I wouldn't believe the shows were connected at all. HUGE DISSAPOINTMENT.

The similarities between the two series end with they are both called 'True Detective' don't think I'll bother with the rest was sooo hard to get through first episode.

It's only my opinion (no one needs to jump in and say I'm crazy and it's amazing). Just loved the first series so much was hoping for more but Farrell and Vaugh was always going to be odd choice after the epic combo of Matthew and Woody.

Ah well still going to keep season 1 steelbook, it's lucky it stands alone.