Upcoming True Detective (Season 5) [HBO Max]

Jan 25, 2012
Piraeus, Greece
The first official "True Detective" trailer was released this evening on HBO prior to the "Boardwalk Empire" season premiere and you can now watch it below!

"True Detective" is written by Nic Pizzolatto and directed by Cary Fukunaga. It centers on two detectives, Rust Cohle (Matthew McConaughey) and Martin Hart (Woody Harrelson), whose lives collide and entwine during a seventeen-year hunt for a serial killer in Louisiana. The investigation of a bizarre murder in 1995 is framed and interlaced with testimony from the detectives in 2012, when the case has been reopened.

"True Detective" premieres in January of 2014.


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I was very worried about this new season based on the fact I loved the first season so much and the trailers for the new one didn't look so good but I waited and was hopeful and sadly just watched it, and OMG, it's awful, everything about it is bad. The new theme song sucks and I loved how it really was the two of them in the first series, in this new one there is so many random people not really introduced, I wouldn't believe the shows were connected at all. HUGE DISSAPOINTMENT.

The similarities between the two series end with they are both called 'True Detective' don't think I'll bother with the rest was sooo hard to get through first episode.

It's only my opinion (no one needs to jump in and say I'm crazy and it's amazing). Just loved the first series so much was hoping for more but Farrell and Vaugh was always going to be odd choice after the epic combo of Matthew and Woody.

Ah well still going to keep season 1 steelbook, it's lucky it stands alone.
I respect your opinions, man. There's no question that this season is nowhere near the quality of the first season but then I've only seen the one episode and I'm gonna stick with the show to see if it improves this year. After all, it took a couple of episodes for the critics to start raving about the first season. That being said, to complain about the differences between the two seasons is to almost misunderstand the concept of the show itself really. The creator and writer Nic Pizzolatto wants each season to feel of a piece, like it's own animal - hence the anthology format and whatnot. The first season essentially had just the two lead roles. Where as this season it's more of an ensemble piece. Pizzolatto has many different influences and he decided that this season should feel more like a noir, like something akin to a Raymond Chandler/James Ellroy story. For season one he drew on his childhood spent in Louisiana amongst other things.

I'd never call you crazy for your opinion on the show's quality but you didn't honestly think that season two would just be another attempt at re-creating the Harrelson/McConaghey dynamic did you? Here's something Pizzolatto said about the show and what he's tried/trying to do with it...

“There could be a season that's much more of a widespread conspiracy thriller, a season that's a small town murder mystery, a season where nobody is murdered and it's a master criminal versus a rogue detective or something. Even the title, True Detective, is meant to be, of course, purposefully somewhat generic before you even get to the... deeper indications. The word true can also mean honorable and authentic and things like that. But all the previous incarnations of anything titled True Detective was an anthology; right? So as long as there is some crime in there, I think the series format can approach it. I mean, theoretically you could tell Faulkner's Absalom Absalom! as a season of True Detective because it's told as a mystery story.”

P.S. Nothing from Leonard Cohen sucks :D
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I respect your opinions, man. There's no question that this season is nowhere near the quality of the first season but then I've only seen the one episode and I'm gonna stick with the show to see if it improves this year. After all, it took a couple of episodes for the critics to start raving about the first season. That being said, to complain about the differences between the two seasons is to almost misunderstand the concept of the show itself really. The creator and writer Nic Pizzolatto wants each season to feel of a piece, like it's own animal - hence the anthology format and whatnot. The first season essentially had just the two lead roles. Where as this season it's more of an ensemble piece. Pizzolatto has many different influences and he decided that this season should feel more like a noir, like something akin to a Raymond Chandler/James Ellroy story. For season one he drew on his childhood spent in Louisiana amongst other things.

I'd never call you crazy for your opinion on the show's quality but you didn't honestly think that season two would just be another attempt at re-creating the Harrelson/McConaghey dynamic did you? Here's something Pizzolatto said about the show and what he's tried/trying to do with it...

“There could be a season that's much more of a widespread conspiracy thriller, a season that's a small town murder mystery, a season where nobody is murdered and it's a master criminal versus a rogue detective or something. Even the title, True Detective, is meant to be, of course, purposefully somewhat generic before you even get to the... deeper indications. The word true can also mean honorable and authentic and things like that. But all the previous incarnations of anything titled True Detective was an anthology; right? So as long as there is some crime in there, I think the series format can approach it. I mean, theoretically you could tell Faulkner's Absalom Absalom! as a season of True Detective because it's told as a mystery story.”

P.S. Nothing from Leonard Cohen sucks :D

Oh yes that does, the original theme song was awesome.

Yes actually I would have liked to see a similar dynamic/story etc that is what a 'normal' show is, usually same characters, carries on in same vein etc.

This really is a 'huge drop of the ball' as they say, the shows are so different.

You said it took time for critics to rave about first season well I don't really wait for others opinions I make my own pretty quick and within 10 minutes or so I could tell I was going to love the first season and about the same time I could see how poor in comparison the second season is, if It should even be connected, I am pretty gutted it's so poor. I always feel if you don't care what happens to the characters you might as well not watch and after 40 minutes I was almost in pain at how tragically mediocre it was. Forget true detective season 1 for a moment even compared to standard cop shows it's weak, real shame.

Ah well, hope you enjoy the rest of the season.

P.s. I am a woman ;)

(and none of the that explains it ;)
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Oh yes that does, the original theme song was awesome.

Yes actually I would have liked to see a similar dynamic/story etc that is what a 'normal' show is, usually same characters, carries on in same vein etc.

This really is a 'huge drop of the ball' as they say, the shows are so different.

You said it took time for critics to rave about first season well I don't really wait for others opinions I make my own pretty quick and within 10 minutes or so I could tell I was going to love the first season and about the same time I could see how poor in comparison the second season is, if It should even be connected, I am pretty gutted it's so poor. I always feel if you don't care what happens to the characters you might as well not watch and after 40 minutes I was almost in pain at how tragically mediocre it was. Forget true detective season 1 for a moment even compared to standard cop shows it's weak, real shame.

Ah well, hope you enjoy the rest of the season.

P.s. I am a woman ;)

(and none of the that explains it ;)
Nic Pizzolatto, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson made it clear before True Detective even began that this isn't a normal show. It's an anthology show. Rust Cohle and Marty Hart's story ended and that's that. I'm not sure how you can complain about that. If you want a normal show then there are literally loads of them on television. This is something different. As I said I respect your opinion on the quality of this season and I think it's fair enough that you don't like it... but it's laughable to complain about the show not matching up to what you would like it to be, m'lady :p
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Nic Pizzolatto, Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson made it clear before True Detective even began that this isn't a normal show. It's an anthology show. Rust Cohle and Marty Hart's story ended and that's that. I'm not sure how you can complain about that. If you want a normal show then there are literally loads of them on television. This is something different. As I said I respect your opinion on the quality of this season and I think it's fair enough that you don't like it... but it's laughable to complain about the show not matching up to what you would like it to be, m'lady :p

Each to their own but that is exactly my point the first season stood out so much amongst so many shows on television, everything about it was different and awesome and all that was unique about it is gone from this season it is simply a 'normal dreadfully slow cop drama' as I said big shame but ah well ;)
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Ahh, my favourites would have to be... Rectify, Louie and The Americans :) How about you?

P.S. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm battling you on two fronts... with Hannibal and True Detective. Heh.

Aww don't worry I don't take it personally and I hope that you don't either. I am enjoying an interesting debate with you on both things :)

I've not heard of rectify, what's that about? :)
I'm not going to write it off yet but I did not really dig the episode. The story didn't grab me until the end with the guy on the bench or whatever, still a little hope for some Carcosa-esque stuff.
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Well i made it through 40minutes and switched it off..................will try again sometime this week.........if ts a slow burner all well and good,The Wire wasnt an instant success but look at the way that took off. Issue for me is that there is no so much more quality tv out there and a show needs to be brilliant to take off,didnt appreciate the constant shots of the freeways either,smacked me of being filler and window dressing without purpose.
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Well i made it through 40minutes and switched it off..................will try again sometime this week.........if ts a slow burner all well and good,The Wire wasnt an instant success but look at the way that took off. Issue for me is that there is no so much more quality tv out there and a show needs to be brilliant to take off,didnt appreciate the constant shots of the freeways either,smacked me of being filler and window dressing without purpose.

Exactly my feelings all the roads etc was clearly trying to be artistic but where quirky elements worked brilliantly in the first season. This all just felt bit flat, bit forced :(
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I suppose with the Bar of expectation being raised so high it does place undue pressure on this series and perhaps Los Angeles wasnt quite the place to do a follow up.Far too often i was reminded of vistas that i've seen a million times,there's nothing hidden,no mystique like the Louisiana swampland,that feeling of claustrophobic mayhem and not knowing what was coming round the corner.
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I suppose with the Bar of expectation being raised so high it does place undue pressure on this series and perhaps Los Angeles wasnt quite the place to do a follow up.Far too often i was reminded of vistas that i've seen a million times,there's nothing hidden,no mystique like the Louisiana swampland,that feeling of claustrophobic mayhem and not knowing what was coming round the corner.

Totally agree, the first season had a real atomosphere about it, reminded me of true blood/ american horror story coven and sadly this new season of True Detective could have been any cop show out there if I hadn't have known it was called 'True dectective' it was so different. I guess sometimes you knock it out of the park and get it so right and then when trying to replicate it, just doesn't have it.

It's a real shame. Everyone knew about the different cast etc but I thought it would have the same vibe, the same quality about it but for me it was very hard to get through that first episode.
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Watch this cool magic trick that True Detective is pulling off. Watch as "right before your eyes" True Detective turns from a cool show into just ANOTHER L.A. cop show.
I hope the cheap b*sterds use the money they saved by filming on the cheap in their backyard to fund the inevitable True Detective: Miami.
Well done, morons.
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Watch this cool magic trick that True Detective is pulling off. Watch as "right before your eyes" True Detective turns from a cool show into just ANOTHER L.A. cop show.
I hope the cheap b*sterds use the money they saved by filming on the cheap in their backyard to fund the inevitable True Detective: Miami.
Well done, morons.

Totally agree, is it really the same people who made it as did the fist as it is soooooo different and so **** in comparison it really is so astonishing.

Here's me looking silly I told my mate about 'true detective' told him how good it was but said they were seperate so he could watch first episode second season that was on and he said it's rubbish he had to put it off, I've since tried to tell him to just watch first season :( lol
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Each to their own, I tried to watch it again but no it was such a disappointment from the epic first season. Acting was wooden and the whole thing has become so mediocre perhaps more mainstream cop than the really individual quirky cool show it was originally. But ah well
It's definitely started off kinda slow (not that I really mind that), and I found episode 2 to be pretty weak... hopefully it picks up some steam and those damn aerial shots are over with now that both of Justin Lin's episodes are out of the way. Got to admit that Vince Vaughn's character bores me and my attention drifts during his scenes, but then I'm not a big fan of him anyway, so maybe that has something to do with it.

As for the ending to ep 2...
Farrell is supposed to be in it for the long haul, so I'll be surprised if he's actually dead... bullet proof vest maybe? Although, I'm not sure if that would even protect him from two shotgun blasts, one being close range. I guess we'll find out next week!