Wall·E (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #12) [China]

Oct 21, 2013
Nanjing, China
Release date: August, 2014
Notes: WEA, Exclusive Slipcover(Lenticular &Full Slip), 2D(Region A and C) + Bonus disc(All Region)


inside art

Lenticular slip

Full slip


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Release date: August, 2014

That might need a small update. :LOL:

Classic BluFans, they never fail to not live up to what they announce, even though Wall-E was technically supposed to be fast-tracked, quickly replacing the Gravity debacle (at the time). At least they're not blaming it on a National Holiday where they can't work for two weeks or something. BluFans should focus on 2-3 steelbooks a year instead of announcing a dozen when we all know they are not capable of respecting a schedule.

Besides Wall-E and the Frozen exclusive (that particular collection of delays is becoming a running gag), they have announced all these :

- Thor (#14)
- Thor - The Dark World (#15)
- Captain America - The First Avenger (#16)
- Captain America - The Winter Soldier (#17)
- Kung-Fu Panda (#18)
- Kung-Fu Panda 2 (#19)
- Iron Man (#20)
- Godzilla (#21)
- Gravity (#22)
- Maleficient (#23)
- Transformers - Age of Extinction (#24) - three of them.
- They talked about Rio 2 a while back, but it doesn't look like it's happening.

They should take a good look at their incapability to deliver on their promises, and stop announcing any steelbook for a full year in order to make all these happen (because there's no doubt that stuff like Godzilla or Maleficient will not be out until next August at best). No announcements in 2015, and maybe they can be back on track for 2016.

I can think of one thing worse than perpetual delays, though: people saying, in a non-ironic fashion, that they love these delays :banghead:.

For once I thought it was great that there were no real delays for Wall-E — I mean, of course there were, it was scheduled for August, but there were no typical BluFans delays... until now :(.
Yeah, but once you know that the release will be delayed, why complain ?
With Blufans, just look at the steelbooks, not the release date. You'll get your bluray. Just be patient !
As far as I know Maleficent has not been officially announced. Nr 23 will be a Disney title (not Marvel) and might have a release date of jan 2015.
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Not sure how I feel about delays from blufans...on one hand they'll come eventually and I really like the quality they put out but it is kinda ridiculous that they cannot ever release close to their announced date. One thing that annoys me the most is I already paid for this back in September lol
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Yeah, probably not. I was pretty sure that we were going to though. Wasn't it the case that these steels were already in production when Kevin started the GB?

"In Production" is a very broad and vague term. I believe "fast-tracked" was also used to describe this production. I kind of doubt that Wall-E was in any tangible production when it was stated. As a matter of fact, I'm inclined to believe that our payment taken months in advance are used to actually fund the production. It makes sense considering the company's small size. Anyway, I really thought this one would be out on time or around scheduled time. For future Steelbooks, I think Blufans should refrain from announcing ANY release date.
"In Production" is a very broad and vague term. I believe "fast-tracked" was also used to describe this production. I kind of doubt that Wall-E was in any tangible production when it was stated. As a matter of fact, I'm inclined to believe that our payment taken months in advance are used to actually fund the production. It makes sense considering the company's small size. Anyway, I really thought this one would be out on time or around scheduled time. For future Steelbooks, I think Blufans should refrain from announcing ANY release date.
Completely agree with you. I think they should work on titles they believe will do well (like Wall-E or another successful mainstream film) and start production of the steelbook. Then announce it closer to an actual release date. That way, customers aren't let-down or disappointed. Their title choices are always very good. I can't imagine they would pick a movie that wouldn't be well received.
Thank god that #23 is not Maleficient it is so bad!!!

Anyway I will be very happy if the blufans relase gets pushed back for next year as Decembeer is a expensive month already for me.

Will also allow me to hop onto the Gladiator HDzeta train without also getting stung for like 5 blufans marvel steels.
Look on the bright side for the delays...at least we don't have to shell out a bunch of money at once lol. All kidding aside I understand everyone's frustration with Blufans and their delays. But, we can't focus on things we can't control. The only thing we can do is be patient. Their steelbooks are awesome and it doesn't mean we should have delays every time but we have to wait. There's plenty of other steels out there (kimchi, nova) that hold us over until the real juice comes (Blufans steels)..so I'm at least thankful for that. But when Blufans does finally get their products into the hands of its customers, there's never any complaints. The quality and finish is always there...at least IMO. Maybe they're a bit optimistic with their release dates but what can we do you know.