Weakest Marvel Universe Movie?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
What is your take on this?

I'll go with Ultron.

But .... honorable , or dishonorable mentions could go to IM2, 3, Thor 2, Cap 1 ...... depending on my mood that day.
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What???? You put IM2,3, Thor 2 in the same league as Cap 1???? SERIOUSLY???

Oh and if anybody needs the full list:
Marvel Cinematic Universe - Phases 1-2-3

My most important part of my quote ............. depending on my mood that day. haha. If I want popcorn fun of tons of iron man suits then IM3 is good. 2 can be kinda cool since Mickey Rourke is a bad ass.

Thor 2 i can barely even remember!

Cap 1 I do remember being hard to get through.
Iron Man 3 left me scratching my head the first time around! He didn't seem to spend a lot of time actually being Iron Man! Instead we got the adventures of Tony Stark the walking anxiety attack who got more and more unbearable as the film went on. Then the dire and dastardly Mandarin turned out to be a doddering doofus!
I'm not saying I hate the movie far from it! It's just the weakest link in the MCU for me.
I wouldn't say Ultron was the weakest, but it was definitely one of the most disappointing.

For me, the weakest has been Iron Man 2. I had a giant Mighty Marvel Marathon right before the release of Civil War (posted my final thoughts and reviews for all the MCU films before Civil War here) and IM2 was definitely the lowest-rated. I plan to watch/review the newer MCU films before Infinity War, but out of everything after Civil War, the weakest film would be Doctor Strange.
Thor : The Dark World - absolutely awful.

I'll be controversial here and say Civil War was a bit overcooked as well but saving grace was introducing Black Panther and Spider-Man who were excellent
Honestly, Doctor Strange is probably the one I dislike the most... I regret even spending money on that one. I also thought Iron Man 3 was pretty bad. However, I seem to enjoy Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 more than most. I found Avengers and Civil War to be very overrated, although I'm not saying they're bad films, because they're still pretty enjoyable. Ant-Man probably disappointed me the most, as I was expecting so much from it... it has a great cast and originally had a great director (Wright). Most Marvel films just feel the same to me nowadays... Gunn is the only one keeping things fresh and exciting IMO.
Iron Man 3 left me scratching my head the first time around! He didn't seem to spend a lot of time actually being Iron Man! Instead we got the adventures of Tony Stark the walking anxiety attack who got more and more unbearable as the film went on. Then the dire and dastardly Mandarin turned out to be a doddering doofus!
I'm not saying I hate the movie far from it! It's just the weakest link in the MCU for me.

yeah that was the low point for IM3 .... mandarin started out so cool and terrifying then what a joke lol

I wouldn't say Ultron was the weakest, but it was definitely one of the most disappointing.

For me, the weakest has been Iron Man 2. I had a giant Mighty Marvel Marathon right before the release of Civil War (posted my final thoughts and reviews for all the MCU films before Civil War here) and IM2 was definitely the lowest-rated. I plan to watch/review the newer MCU films before Infinity War, but out of everything after Civil War, the weakest film would be Doctor Strange.

lol after? I may be drawing a blank here ... but what is after civil war ? just Strange and GOTG 2?

Honestly, Doctor Strange is probably the one I dislike the most... I regret even spending money on that one. I also thought Iron Man 3 was pretty bad. However, I seem to enjoy Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 more than most. I found Avengers and Civil War to be very overrated, although I'm not saying they're bad films, because they're still pretty enjoyable. Ant-Man probably disappointed me the most, as I was expecting so much from it... it has a great cast and originally had a great director (Wright). Most Marvel films just feel the same to me nowadays... Gunn is the only one keeping things fresh and exciting IMO.

Wow I thought Strange was really good and a big surprise..... crazy your thoughts on Ant Man tho as I didnt expect jack from it and it turned out to be one of my favs ....tho my expectations dont start in concept or pre filming stage but usually once all that is filming and we know who is attached to the projects so I dont hold the "no wright" against the film. I think wright would make a bad ass Marvel film ..... but I do find it hard how you make a Wright Disney film ..... just seems like 2 distinct visions.
lol after? I may be drawing a blank here ... but what is after civil war ? just Strange and GOTG 2?

Well, anything after Civil War and before Infinity War would be Doctor Strange, GotG2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor: Ragnarok, and Black Panther... so there's a few. :thumbs:
Thor: The Dark World was just a let down all around and so forgettable that I can't even remember what happened at this point...?? I'm still wondering how they're explaining away Jane/Natalie Portman's absence in the newest Thor that is coming out soon...
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I wouldn't say Ultron was the weakest, but it was definitely one of the most disappointing.

For me, the weakest has been Iron Man 2. I had a giant Mighty Marvel Marathon right before the release of Civil War (posted my final thoughts and reviews for all the MCU films before Civil War here) and IM2 was definitely the lowest-rated. I plan to watch/review the newer MCU films before Infinity War, but out of everything after Civil War, the weakest film would be Doctor Strange.

Talking about the most disappointing MCU film, I would say Iron Man 3!!! The Mandarin?!? WTH!!!

Talking about the most disappointing MCU film, I would say Iron Man 3!!! The Mandarin?!? WTH!!!


That likely is the most disappointing MCU film. There were so many missed opportunities. We wait an entire trilogy to see the Mandarin and that is what we get? Plus it should've been called 'Tony Stark & the Iron Men' because he spent most of the film outside of the suit. And then that little kid should've been Marvel's tiny tech guru Amadeus Cho instead of just some random child.