What do you care most about a steelbook?

Jun 28, 2012
So maybe the front, back, artwork, rarity? I am just interested to see what you guys most like about a steelbook!
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Assuming it arrives without scratches and dents etc. then in order...

No blue banner
Spine design (as I see that every day)
Front cover (free of text/quotes)
Rear cover (preferably clean of text)
Embossing/debossing (added bonus but hardly a selling point)
Certificate free where possible (don't mind if they're quite small on the side)
Inside art (not really bothered)
What's most important to me is that it is dent and scratch free.

In this order...
Exclusivity of artwork which no other edition has.
Low print run.
No printed back text.
I prefer gloss over matte finish.
Debossed and Embossed or just Debossed.
Inside artwork.
Most important is the actual film.. No steelbook artwork can make Battlefield Earth a good movie. You can sprinkle a little gold dust on ****..but goodluck selling it.

2nd is the artwork. I actual love steels because how clean they look. Film title..artwork, and sometimes just the names of the actors. Very clean and to me like a mini poster. I mean.. Scarface... just a beautiful steelbook all around.
For a steel to make it to my permanent collection I have to like the artwork and it has to be a movie I like, or if it's just incredibly cheap.
I love the front artwork, plus I like the cleaner looking back. Who reads all that text on normal amarays? It's a waste.

Plus, the metallic casing just looks soo much nicer than any amaray case.
I forgot to add this:
That it must be a movie which I actually enjoy enough to the point of buying it, and the artwork has to be excellent. (For example, loved Spiderman 1 and 2..hated the artwork on those..refuse to touch em).

Also, the movie itself has to be Region A or Region Free, as I fail to see the point in buying a movie that I have to rip just to play it.