What was your first SteelBook™?


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Jan 29, 2011
]Hi, just for fun what is the first metal or Steelbook you bought and how much.

Pics would be a plus


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I'm pretty sure mine was the HMV exclusive steelbook for District 9 (back in 2009), or at least that's when I first realised how awesome they were and decided to start buying more!

Strange thing is, I gave away my D9 steelbook only to regret it a few months later as it went OOP, so I had to settle for getting the German version a year or so later to replace it...

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I was late to the Steelbook party.

Fight Club.DE. Despite the new play one having a better master, clean front / back & inside art, the German release is still better looking ;)

No it isn't. In no way is the German one better. Think it got a re-release in Czech Rep?

My first steels were these bad boys together of course, I enjoy them more than my IM even:


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my journey into steelbook collecting was by accident really..

i walked into HMV to buy cowboys and aliens on bluray and picked up the steelbook version by mistake and loved it and have started collecting since then

so mine is cowboys and aliens (hmv uk) version :)

Transformers ROTF Future Shop
8 January 2010 :D

Transformers ROTF (Future Shop) in October 2009.
I was lookin at it and was "Wtf???"

Wowza! What an awesome steel to have as your first! I think that was definitely one of my first 10 steelbooks!

I think my first was Transformers DE
(first release) or IB DE or umm Inception DE (first release).

Definitely one of those lol
My first Bluray steelbook was Hanna (UK) After that I got Pulp Fiction Play.com exclusive, Rise of The Planet of the Apes Play.com exclusive, Thor HMV exclusive and Drive HMV exclusive.
I started late but the ones I started with I really like.
My first one was star trek play.com then only bought a handful after that until around april this year when i got kill bill 1 and 2 imported from canada and that really kick started my collection bought around 50 or more since then ;)