What's some cool Horizontal steelbooks?

Mar 28, 2012
I realized tonight that man I only have one horizontal steelbook and its going to be all alone in the middle of my displays forever unless I get some more to rotate out with.

So what are some other cool horizontal steelbooks?

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I like Van Helsing, you can usually pick it up from amazon.de for under 10.00. There is also the Universal wave from play.com. GB are closed, but I am sure you could find a UK member to help you out.
The Frighteners is out next month! that's pretty cool imo and as Staind posted, Fight Club (Germany) looks great as well!
The Play exclusive Serenity because the artwork so fits the horizontal format, it just looks right not forced like a load of others.
I have been wanting the Serenity I love Firefly and I was actually thinking of getting a Waterworld because I don't own the movie so it wouldn't be a double dip.

Saw a Hellboy II on ebay but it might bother me only having the second film and not the first one even though it was pretty cool looking.