What's some cool Horizontal steelbooks?

Mar 28, 2012
I realized tonight that man I only have one horizontal steelbook and its going to be all alone in the middle of my displays forever unless I get some more to rotate out with.

So what are some other cool horizontal steelbooks?

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forgot that Canadians get charged more buddy. It's not that great a deal, now everytime I go on Amazon.de I order something
Actually i "hate" horizontals BUT there are a few good looking ;-)
Rock'n'Rolla (Germany)
Trainspotting (Germany)
Monsters (Germany)
Hellboy II (play.com)
Kick-Ass (play.com)
Incredible Hulk (play.com)
The play.com ones all have some great debossing!
I think the recent Shaun of the Dead steelbook from Play is probably one of the best horizontal steelbooks out there but in all honestly I much prefer the vertical steels and the Canadian version of Shaun of the Dead on steel is better because of this!! I still have both versions though!! :)