(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Jungle Book+Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

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Premium Supporter
Jul 28, 2012
As this is the NINJA WEEK and tomorrow is my birthday :rasta:


I decided to take part to this crazy week :oohyeah:

Up for grabs: a mint sealed copy of Jungle Book and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!


How to enter?

Just tell us what was the most surprising or unbelievable present you received for your birthday :bday:

Winner will be randomly choose on sunday! :LOL:
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Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!

For my 40th birthday, my wife took me to New York!! Awesome!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

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A number of years ago (never mind how many), my buddies all pooled their money and got me an Xbox360 and a PS3. Needless to say, I was stunned.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
My first VCR was a bithday present back in the middle of the eighties. Was happy as hell:)!

Thanks fo the give-away!
thankyou for the giveaway and happy birthday

i had a suprising gift on my birthday last year when on a flight to prague on my actual birthday, mid flight the attendant handed my and my missus a glass of champagne each and wished me happy birthday (compliments of my father)(couldnt get me an upgrade but hey i didnt expect that)
I got tickets to the NME awards and got to meet loads of celebrities including foo fighters and the cast of skins. Got blanked off Matt Bellamy so never listened to Muse again since. Such a good night!
Best present i received for my Birthday was a simple one. My wife, who as my girlfriend at the time gave me a great day. We went to themiddle of nowhere for an awesome picnic.

There were no incredible views or amazing scenery. It was just nice. Strangely something i always remember. :)
When i was a kid i got a transformers optimus prime truck, that was the coolest thing i had ever seen :scat:

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway
the bigest birthday surprise was friends buying me a few drinks then waking up to find out i broke the shot record, was pole dancing with my hair in pigtails, fell through a fence,all with out hang over and had only spent £10 of my own money
For my birthday in November I came home to find that I had a shiny new Xbox One with games, after being told by my misses that we couldn't afford it and we'd have to save.. And I couldn't quite believe it! =]
Thanks for the giveaway' and happy birthday!'n
On my 50th Birthday I received cards from both Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend :) a truly memorable experience


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For my birthday my friends bought for me The James Bond 50 bluray collection :thumbs:

Thanks for the giveaway
i just started talking to my dad again (we fell out long story) and my birthday was coming up, i hadnt even seen him yet since we started talking again,just over text...and for my birthday he got me a brand new psvita out of nowhere :D
A birthday card delivered to me in India from my dad & sisters from the UK with 3 matchbox toy cars :)

Thanks for the giveaway :)
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