(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Jungle Book+Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

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Premium Supporter
Jul 28, 2012
As this is the NINJA WEEK and tomorrow is my birthday :rasta:


I decided to take part to this crazy week :oohyeah:

Up for grabs: a mint sealed copy of Jungle Book and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!


How to enter?

Just tell us what was the most surprising or unbelievable present you received for your birthday :bday:

Winner will be randomly choose on sunday! :LOL:
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James Bond Collection, 50th Anniversary Edition Blu Ray

Thanks for the giveaway!
happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway
the bigest birthday surprise was friends buying me a few drinks then waking up to find out i broke the shot record, was pole dancing with my hair in pigtails, fell through a fence,all with out hang over and had only spent £10 of my own money

Sounds awesome, do we habe picture? :hilarious:

Mine most surprising present was getting a parachute jump bought for me. :oohyeah:

Thanks for the give-away.
The biggest surprise i got for my birthday was when my girlfriend got me tickets to the British GP.

Thanks for the giveaway
I received an awesome Sangean clock bluetooth radio...best gift I've had in a long time. I think the last clock radio I had before that was from the 80's... lol
Most unbelievable gift I got was a GAGGIA coffee machine from my best friend :)'

Thanks for the giveaway :)
When I was a kid and was begging for a nintendo I got surprised with sega genesis right when it had just come out, it was great!

Thanks for giveaway, happy birthday!
I got a really cool medal holder to hang medals from.

---------- Post added at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:35 PM ----------

Thank you!

Mine is the Trek Superfly FS 9.8 SL. I have an amazing wife.


I am a QR guy love the bike though :)
I'd been joking about it for years, and then on my 40th my wife bought me this ...


I was gob-smacked
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Sega Saturn. Thought I was so cool returning to school after the summer only to realise all my mates got the playstation. Still loved it though (I lost my youth to virtual cop).

Many many years later....same thing happened when I got a hd DVD player for my birthday...

Thanks for the giveaway
Happy birthday man and thanks for the awesome giveaway!

I'd have to say the best thing I received as a gift for my birthday would be a scrapbook my gf made me. I travel a lot for work, so she gave it to me to take on the road with me. I know it probably sounds very corny, but she put a lot of time and effort into it and it means a lot to me!

Thanks again!
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