(Winner Chosen) [Ninja Week '15 Giveaway] 22 Jump Street (Target)

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Premium Supporter
Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
On behalf of HDN I present

22 Jump Street (Target) steelbook


Courtesy of @apsmith21

How to Win:
As you can see from my signature I like to go to various cons throughout the year. What is your getaway pleasure? Let me know below!
Winner: Random number generator
Shipping: World Wide Covered

Giveaway to end Saturday, Sunday March 1.

congrats to
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Thanks for the giveaway. My getaway pleasure is shutting the curtains and playing Fifa for a few hours while the Mrs is at work!
@mllNY thanks for this opportunity, as i haven't seen this one :cool: but the firs part was great.

As you can see on the photo down bellow...i love eating unhealthy stuff. Maybe not like @bloodsnake007 to eat tacos:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle:, but
delicious burger or great steak can make my day :drool:

ScreenHunter_01 Feb. 24 10.22.jpg

ScreenHunter_02 Feb. 24 10.25.jpg
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Reactions: bloodsnake007
Great giveaway guys!

Music festivals are my fix, especially abroad.
I get to mix a mini holiday whilst getting to see my favourtie bands at night watch lots of odd stuff during the day. :confused:
For a quick getaway, then nothing beats going to the movies. For something a bit longer, Hong Kong and Tokyo. I would like to go the New York though. As you can probably guess I'm not much for the country life.
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