(WINNER CHOSEN) [NINJA WEEK '15 GIVEAWAY] Ghostbusters Art Print [Mondo]

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Sep 4, 2011
Prize donated by @roseart


Answer the following question to enter:

What's your thought about the new Ghostbusters movie coming in 2016?

Winner will be announced on 1st March. Shipping payed by roseart.


And the winner is @Lucky101 , Congratulations! :)

I would also like to thank you all so much for your participation in this give-away! :)
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Amazing print!

I am excited on what they can do to introduce the franchise to a different generation of audience.
Cheers for the giveaway!
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I don't think we needed a new one to begin with but i will check it out, but my expectations for the movie is really low.
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If they don't treat it as a re-boot or re-make and just allow it to be these women in the same universe 20 some odd years later, I think I'd like it. If they try some annoying reboot action (Patricia Venkman!) I'm not so interested then.
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Really not looking forward to it. Paul Feig is still riding on the Bridesmaids wave (don't get me wrong, I love Bridesmaids) and is proving himself to be a one-trick pony. The Heat wasn't that great and shows he can't really do action comedies. Also, Melissa McCarthy. She is terrible and unfunny and considering Feig is absolutely obsessed with her, you know she'll get a lot of screen time.
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My thought: I'm not too happy if it's a reboot... and it seems like it is. If it was just some new people as Ghostbusters in the same universe, I could've lived with it. If I see Bill Murray playing a character that's not Venkman, though, I'll 100% boycott the new film.
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Wow that print looks amazing

I'm completely p*ssed about it tbh. It don't need to happen and I'm not being sexist but I'm not feeling female Ghostbusters. I really like kristen wiig and maybe if it was a cast like her and Emma stone, rose Byrne and maybe Anna faris (funnier women) or someone I'd be maybe a bit happier but the people they have chosen are annoying. I was kinda up for the jack black and Seth rogen ect idea but no Murray no go.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway
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What do I think about the new Ghostbusters.....? Well I think no matter how well they do it, they're setting themselves up for failure with those of us who have seen the originals BUT maybe this is a way to introduce a new generation to another classic that wouldn't be known otherwise.
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Im excited as I akways am for reboots/re-makes as its always great to see what new, modern technology can be used in the film to create outstanding special effects. Will probably not be as good as the original but could be a great addition to the franchise.

Thanks for the giveaway
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I don't judge a movie before I've at least seen a trailer for it, so at this point I have no feelings one way or the other towards it.

It is too bad an actual Ghostbusters III won't happen though

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It'll be interesting to hear the language used and how a modern day cast will portray the Ghostbusters team. I wonder if they'll keep the theme tune or get Jay-Z to make a remix with Kanye West?
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I'm slightly interested but I hope Melissa McCarthy won't be playing it like every other role she has had over the past 3 years. It's a Ghostbuster movie, not Bridesmaids 2!
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Thanks...a great looking print!

Nah..to be honest its a shock to the system for me. I guess I am old fashioned, but to cast all women in this remake....well lets say I am doubtful!
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Thanks for the contest, personally I'm not happy as I would pick different females, I've seen little from the cast involved as I live in the UK and don't get SNL or anything like that, but I'm willing to give them a chance as it could be great but I'm not holding my breath
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