[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Man of Steel Futurepak (Korea)

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Apr 12, 2009
Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!
Prize donated by: Naughtius Maximus


To enter:

What was your favorite 'Superman' movie, comic or book and why?

Good luck all!
Follow us on Twitter at @bluraysteelbook and @hidefninja for the latest collectibles news!

Winner: Meaner
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my pick is the classic superman movie with christopher reeve. i watched that when i was small. and it caused dreams where i was able to fly.
Man of Steel. I'm obsessed with Christopher Nolan and the Dark Knight trilogy. So when he brought over the incomparable Hans Zimmer to develop the soundtrack and Zack Snyder to direct--that was a trio of my dreams. And the product they came up with was everything I expected and hoped for.
Man of Steel is my favorite of the updated Superman movies, but my all time favorite is the original 1978 Richard Donner Superman the Movie. It had everything. Favorite scenes was Jor El telling Lara how his son will kickbutt when he reaches earth and the farewell speech to his son.

My fav Superman movie is the first one, the classic! It had it all and for that time being it was awesome!

Thanks a lot :)
A cross between Superman 1978 and Man of Steel. I'll go with Man of Steel because I love the OST so much!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Superman (1)

Yes it's cheesy and yes, it's dated, but it is an iconic movie, especially at the time it was released (no cgi etc)

Thanks for the giveaway.
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