[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] Man of Steel Futurepak (Korea)

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Apr 12, 2009
Welcome to #bestweekever #ninjaweek 2015!
Prize donated by: Naughtius Maximus


To enter:

What was your favorite 'Superman' movie, comic or book and why?

Good luck all!
Follow us on Twitter at @bluraysteelbook and @hidefninja for the latest collectibles news!

Winner: Meaner
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It was the original Superman movie. Because the late great Christopher Reeve is the only Superman, no other come close!

Thanks for the giveaway!
I would say the original 1978 Superman as its a classic and one I grew up with but the latest man of steel is a close second.
Thank You for the giveaway.
Man of steel is my favourite as it shows how badass Superman is but the original Superman film holds a place in my heart

Man of Steel. I guess I just connected to it really well. It seemed like the best telling of Superman's origin in film. And Zod was a good villain with sympathetic (yet evil) motivations.
Man of steel for me. Loved the fight scenes and the darker tone to the movie. Looking forward to the sequel!
The last few Superman movies just haven't done it for me....I'll have to say the originals...most recent the TV Show "Smallville" I enjoyed!
My favorite Superman movie is SUPERMAN THE MOVIE with Christopher Reeve, because it made me believe that a man could fly. Completely blew me and my friends away when we saw it. Still the hallmark of all efforts IMO.

Favorite comic series has always been Superman vs The Flash. My favorite being the first I owned when I was 6. I thought it was most intense, and still get a thrill out of seeing this image of the comic.

My favorite Superman book has to be The Death and Life of Superman, because it's a great read!! I highly recommend it!

I know you were only asking for one of them, but your querry catipulted me to memory lane.

Thanks for the giveaway!
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