[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week'15 Give-away] The Wrestler 1/4 Slip (Non-Exclusive) [Korea]

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Apr 12, 2009
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Welcome to the biggest ever #ninjaweek #bestweekever at hidefninja.com!
Prize donated by: PLAIN ARCHIVE


To enter:

What was your favorite Hollywood 'Come Back' story-either in 'real life' or the actual story of a film, and why?

Good luck new and current hidefninja.com members and enjoy the rest of Ninja Week 2015!

Remember to check out the front page of our site often for the newest Blu-ray reviews, theatrical reviews and news and interviews!

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I think Ben affleck is a great shout and go along with that one for the same reasons , career going nowhere and he did it the hard way in the directors chair with some tremendous movies .
Very generous of PA to donate this for a giveaway.

The Ultimate comeback is as many have said; Robert Downey Junior.
No one else has fallen so far to rise to the top like he has. 10 years ago no one believe he's leading the biggest franchise in Hollywood!
It would have to be from the film Remember the Titans - this true story has so much equality and diversit. Its defo up there as my favourite denzel Washington film....

2nd would be Cool runnings ....

I know there both disney films but they know how to pick the most heart warming feel good real life stories to put into a production
Definitely Rudy. Great film. Notre Dame is my favorite University for athletics and it's just such a great inspirational film, even if the real life Rudy wasn't such a nice guy later in his life.
Gonna go with "Oldboy." Mainly because "Oldboy" is amazing, but after being beaten down and imprisoned, Oh Dae-su comes back and beats the hell out of people to hunt down his captor. Of course, they come back at him, too.
Thank you for this!

I'm going with Rocky....all around classic and inspiring movie!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

I would have to say that for me it would be the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness". This movie was very moving and inspirational. I so :cry: at the end.
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