[Winner Chosen] zesty's annual birthday giveaway


empty wallet Ninja
Premium Supporter
Feb 3, 2012
Birmingham, UK
Its not my birthday till the 10th August!

So I normally do this in the members area but with the timing as it is to celebrate the shiny new forums I thought I'd do it here this year ;)

So how do you enter? Rate this post as 'helpful' this is where the list of entrants will come from so if your names not down your not coming in :D you can also thank if if you like I'm not far off the top 20 so that would be nice :hilarious:

What can you win? Well basically whatever you like that I can make any of these that I've already done https://www.hidefninja.com/community/threads/zestys-custom-collection.30546/ or maybe one of my concept's that I haven't got round to making (way to many you'll have to read back through the thread) here https://www.hidefninja.com/communit...esigns-post-your-own-concept-art.3127/page-70 think these are the latest ones I made look for Drum18's (ignore zone's!) post on this page https://www.hidefninja.com/community/threads/pics-of-your-last-steelbook™-acquired.3941/page-1314#post-957251 but if you want something like that you will have to supply the interiors yourself 3 and 4 disc ones are not easy to come by :hilarious:

Actually that's not the last one I did it was this for my SSSSSS buddy laffe :D





Will close this one the 10th August (or the day after if I'm hungover) :D Have fun!

The runners :)
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