#006 Flash Gordon (Mondo Blu-ray SteelBook) (Target Exclusive) [USA]


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Release date: July 28th, 2015
Purchase link: Target.com
Price: $24.99
Group buy: apsmith21
Notes: Region Free.


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difference is I said from the very beginning multiple times the idea would be that one day these would be global and the numbering would stay in line. All of which comes from me as an insider. So its not like it wasn't known. If you really dont like it ... the good news is you will soon have a lot of incoming USA collectors who will be happy to purchase yours above retail. So not really losing either way.

But I do understand the sentiment of having something exclusive to your Country .... well, sort of ... since USA gets the shaft many times :p

Don't get me wrong as what I say isnt meant against anyone, but my opinion of global is different. It would be great to have these released everywhere. Some people love the exclusivity. I love the art. The only nice thing about these having been exclusive to Canada for me was the availability. I would have been just as happy if they'd been available in both the US and Canada, or even as you say globally. I understand what you mean by globally, but I like my version better. :p
difference is I said from the very beginning multiple times the idea would be that one day these would be global and the numbering would stay in line. All of which comes from me as an insider. So its not like it wasn't known. If you really dont like it ... the good news is you will soon have a lot of incoming USA collectors who will be happy to purchase yours above retail. So not really losing either way.

But I do understand the sentiment of having something exclusive to your Country .... well, sort of ... since USA gets the shaft many times :p
I thought they would've just add USA in the mondo line, not removed Canada from the buying option for 006 (at least... we still don't know for 007 and 008). Im not saying that i wanted it exclusive from canada, but just still be part of the mondo X steelbook... now they just like throw us out for 006
btw, future still bright for Canada! Rest assured!
That's great news. Here is hoping for more US releases that make American's happy followed by more Canadian releases that make us happy. Or even better, maybe as an insider you could do some convincing of how a shared release could make everyone happy...
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That the word i was looking... "availability". I dont care about the exclusivity, im collecting the Art of Mondo, not the exclusivity. Wish to everyone that the next 2 will be release in All the north america or Even the whole word
Exactly what I was saying. How stereo-typically Canadian of us. Wanting to share and all :)
I couldn't care less where a release is from. I started collecting Mondo x Steelbooks because I love Mondo art, steelbooks, and blu ray collecting. The fact that they were only available in Canada didn't mean a thing to me, because I was still able to get my hands on them through group buys. I like Criterion Collection because they release great films that more than likely, I wouldn't know about. I like Korean releases because they are wonderful films, in outstanding packaging. I never looked at the Mondo x Steelbook line as a "Canadian thing". I just looked at them as films released in Canada. Sure, it makes it easier for me to get now that 006 is for sale in the USA, but it doesn't change anything. It's still the Mondo x Steelbook line. I didn't only collect these because they were a Canadian product, and I feel if you're Canadian, and that's the only reason you bought them...you might have been purchasing for the wrong reasons.

Country of origin = zero importance.
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Flash Gordon
I like the artwork and this is one I did not even consider this would be a Mondo Blu-ray SteelBook release
I have put my name down in the group buy

I don't already have this on Blu-ray and is unusual for me as I love the film
I have been meaning to get this on Blu-ray for a while so it will be great to have in my collection and as a bonus its a Mondo Steelbook

I'm now even more curious as to what 007 and 008 Mondo Steelbooks will be
So, this one is still coming up here via Best Buy?

I think he means there are still future releases that will be Best Buy Canada exclusive that Target won't get. This one is a Target Exclusive and will stay that way.

Not going to lie, not a fan of continuing the numbers cross borders without making them available in both stores. I wouldn't be shocked if one of the next two is Best Buy Canada and the other one is a release elsewhere, perhaps Zavvi or HMV in the UK. We go to 3 releases a month, one at each retailer. I hope I'm wrong but I could definitely see it (otherwise I expect the other two to also be Target exclusives).

The art is definitely cool on Flash Gordon, just don't know if I can stomach the group buy fees. It's not the $3 fee, it's the $9 shipping. I know it's a necessity but it's hard to go from $28 CDN (after free shipping and tax) to $45+ CDN (after all the group buy fees and exchange rate. It's more the shipping cost and not the $3 fee that causes the big jump). This is not a knock on HDN group buys as I've only had one experience and it was a good one. It's just the fact I even need to go this route that I don't like.

I'm happy America is getting releases, I'm sad Mondo went this regional exclusive route.
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So, this one is still coming up here via Best Buy?
No. Only USA.

For those new to SteelBook collecting studios can get better pricing if their steelbook is released in multiple Countries. ie. shared print run on the cases. However sometimes things get in the way of making that possible.

It could be a retailer not willing to commit thus it doesn't appear in your Country, or it could be something often over looked like a film belonging to one studio in Country A and another in Country B.

So for example purposes. Inglourious Basterds is Universal in the USA, but it's Alliance (now eONE) in Canada. This isn't to say these types of deals cant be made to have a movie appear in both, but it definitely makes the process more cumbersome.

With things that go as far as the Mondo X SteelBook line you are talking about also premium cases at higher cost so the more we support these the more choices we will get as the stats will do the work for us. Additionally there are always so many variables that come into play. Much like a Mondo poster where their creative directors work very hard to get the license and then have to work around certain aspects of what they can do or can't do regarding that film. The same can be said of these Mondo SteelBooks where all the stars have to align and many times that can even include Director's approval.

If you are a nutter like me, collect the whole line ... if not, pick and choose the ones you want as the future is very bright for this year! More to come! And soon! Things look great for USA and Canada.
@Corey31 shipping fees get better when they spread out among more stuff. Perhaps there is some more stuff coming up from Target or others that make it worth the cost. Shipping from Canada one steel was killer ,but 2 made it easier to manage.
No. Only USA.

For those new to SteelBook collecting studios can get better pricing if their steelbook is released in multiple Countries. ie. shared print run on the cases. However sometimes things get in the way of making that possible.

It could be a retailer not willing to commit thus it doesn't appear in your Country, or it could be something often over looked like a film belonging to one studio in Country A and another in Country B.

So for example purposes. Inglourious Basterds is Universal in the USA, but it's Alliance (now eONE) in Canada. This isn't to say these types of deals cant be made to have a movie appear in both, but it definitely makes the process more cumbersome.

With things that go as far as the Mondo X SteelBook line you are talking about also premium cases at higher cost so the more we support these the more choices we will get as the stats will do the work for us. Additionally there are always so many variables that come into play. Much like a Mondo poster where their creative directors work very hard to get the license and then have to work around certain aspects of what they can do or can't do regarding that film. The same can be said of these Mondo SteelBooks where all the stars have to align and many times that can even include Director's approval.

If you are a nutter like me, collect the whole line ... if not, pick and choose the ones you want as the future is very bright for this year! More to come! And soon! Things look great for USA and Canada.

I completely understand the different companies owning the rights in different countries. I get that can cause problems with releases. In fact every release so far that would have been an issue as they all have been eOne or Mongrel releases so far.

However, Flash Gordon is Universal in Canada and the US, assuming Best Buy Canada is still in the Mondo game there is absolutely zero reason it could not have been a cross-border release. I'm going to assume if the other two are Target releases at least one of them is an eOne or Mongrel release here in Canada. And even so they could release the ones they can here and ignore the others (See: Sony Pop Art line where Drive and The Raid weren't released here in Canada but were in the US)

I'm not meaning to sound bitter... but I kind of am. It just feels like once they signed a major studio for the line (Universal) they have packed their bags and abandoned Canada altogether. I know in your cryptic hints you say it's going to continue at Best Buy Canada and I hope that is the case, but just overall right now with this announcement today and nothing concrete on the horizon for Best Buy Canada yet I can't help but feel this way.

Alas I'll drop it, this thread should be about the release and not Mondo's odd (IMO) business ideas.
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45cad in pounds is like £22 give or take that's cheaper than many Zavvi exclusives and these have gorgeous gloss finishes and matching slips. OK some have been region locked, but this is region free and that art is just gorgeous [emoji41] [emoji7]
I completely understand the different companies owning the rights in different countries. I get that can cause problems with releases.

However, Flash Gordon is Universal in Canada and the US, assuming Best Buy Canada is still in the Mondo game there is absolutely zero reason it could not have been a cross-border release.

True, and I was just spouting some general reasons for information sake for future readers. Many times Canada is piggybacking on a USA run and would go through the USA hoops. And maybe the qty that Best Buy CA (if they even were) was willing to take of these wasn't large enough to be worth the time. Things I dont know, but I'm sure there are logical reasons behind the scenes then just a "screw Canada" effort. Scanavo North America home base is in Canada. They love Canada and I think it shows by the quality of releases Future Shop had over the years. They worked real close in hand. So now you got FutureShop and Target exiting ... Doesn't make things easy, but I know for fact there is still commitment to Canada and at Best Buy CA for Mondo X SteelBook.

So now everybody happy. Cause keep in mind Mondo is a USA based Company and while their appeal is worldly they have huge US following and they want to make their customers happy like any business. So it's been a focal point to make things happen in the USA.

SteelBook collectors are used to importing. (unfortunately) ... The Group Buy game has been huge since 2008. So really the Steelbook collectors didn't do any belly aching when it was Canadian. From what I've read on other forums in the print world and social media was lots of negativity from USA print collectors about this only being in Canada. Since from Day 1 the goal was always to get into USA too I think this is a big accomplishment. More happy consumers, more demand, so even if I were a Canadian based collector it would be very cool as those earlier titles over time will become what some people in our hobby call Grails. Imagine the Drive steel in another year. Wow.

The best thing going for this line is the people who are in control or have influence "get it". If they keep pitching what they need to do and succeeding on their end then we will continue to see a good mixture of awesome art Mondo SteelBooks that appeal to masses and collectors a like. If it ever gets to a point where they have to make one large print run steel for the USA.... fine, bring in more collectors to the hobby ... but share the love and give Canada a limited print run variant. Or HDN. :p Keep the collectors happy who support this from day 1.
So now everybody happy. Cause keep in mind Mondo is a USA based Company and while their appeal is worldly they have huge US following and they want to make their customers happy like any business. So it's been a focal point to make things happen in the USA.

If by everybody you mean American collectors then sure :). I can tell you I am not happy with this change (once again, not because of US getting it but because Canada is not). So I guess I am not included in everybody.

That said it's a business and I'm sure over time I'll get over it.