Book of Eli and Avengers SteelBook Give-away

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Future Shop versions ... ie BOE has inside art :)

BOE + Avengers open steelbooks with no discs ...

What is your favorite Denzel movie?

Which Avenger would you be and why? .... and you cant pick Iron Man! (Because we all know we want to be him!)
Thanks for the great giveaway!

1. It would have to be training day.

2. I would have to be the hulk. Turn big, green and beat the s**t out of everything?! Now that's my kind of thing haha!
Thx. for the giveaway!!!

1. Crimson Tide (1995)
2. The Hulk, I have my mood swings every now and then.

Happy Ninja Week!!!
2: Hulk - as would love to smash some junkies in my shop when they make me angry by shoplifting lol

1. Virtuosity
2. Thor: because it would make it easier to shoplift and get away! :twisted:
lol j/k man,.. to sport some heavy metal hair when I'm kicking a$$!

Great giveaway!
Favourite Denzel movie... John Q.

Avenger I'd love to be... Thor. Lightning, a huge hammer and luscious blonde locks, why wouldn't you want to be him? :p
1) The Book of Eli
2) I would choose Hawkeye, because he has awesome vision and can shoot a bow.

Thank you for the opportunity.
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