Burlesque with Exclusive Corset (Best Buy Exclusive)[USA]


Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009

I saw this in the ad yesterday and thought it would be cool if it was like the district 9 vest where is wrapped around the movie. But if you look close at the package it says corset inside. Guess well see tomorrow.
Anyone have luck finding this one ? Link is dead and the Best Buy closest to my house was all out. Im heading to another in a moment to see if they have any ?
I was not planning to get this, but it's a bit weird that the sku disappeared from online. That usually happens much later. Sometimes the skus disappear and then reappear. If that's not the case and it's really gone, it's weird it doesn't just say "sold out". Good luck tracking it down:)
So after 3 Best Buys in my area I wasn't able to find one copy. Two of the stores said they don't even remember seeing a best buy exclusive version. There was a spot on the shelves for them but they were filled with the regular blu ray. I had them look it up in the system and they couldn't even find it. Thats really odd. Im really curious if they were released now or not.
Here is a post from "Neoz" in the Best Buy forum, that I just read.

So Best Buy odd that your not supposed to be selling this yet people keep posting that they have bought it from stores. Can't believe that they would not sell this because it was deemed "offensive". Yet the sell Show Girls on blu ray? Or the rumor that the corset has material that is dangerous. I do not see a reason why this can not be sold online and be available for in store pick up. It can be held behind the counter where no one can see it or as stated be ordered online and shipped to said home. I really hope that Corporate changes their mind and will this or I may have to start shopping somewhere else. And before someone say's "Oh if your going to shop somewhere else why are you here?" I'm here because I wanted to know the official reason why this can't be sold. I know that the letter is up in stores but it does not state a reason. "
Ahaha-luckily my lady is glad to wear corsets and whatever else, at home, but feel free to start a new "I'm too sexy for my corset" thread...

Im Too Sexy For My Corset.....

I nominate DIGITALBABE......I dont know what I would do without her today.
Many thanks for helping me obtain this.

Folks this release will go one of 2 ways.....

It will be eventually be leaked out and released and the price will be around list....24.99.

OR....and this is my belief

It was picked up by a very few and is already selling on ebay for 75 bucks.
But its selling...already seen 2 copies today sell within an hour for this price.
My belief is there is probably only a few hundred that escaped the recall. In time the price will escalate heavily. Only my opinion. :D
No prob-Leno in helping with the Ebay purchase, my pleasure:)

I just read in the BB forum (though I don't know the poster), so take it with a grain of salt, as I have no way to verify for sure), that apparently Best Buy stores received calls complaining that there was a corset in the box.

Um, it says "Includes Corset" on the box....

Sometimes I think we're a bit "too safe" with our marketing...I actually thought it was fun and playful. But I am very open minded....sorry to see it created such a drama, LOL.....
This is beginning to be a very interesting story. Obviously Im very divorced from this in a sense living in Spain. What is interesting is what is taking place on Ebay. I have been monitoring this carefully. Only 3 of these editions have been advertised in the last 24 hours. All selling for 75 dollars within a hour or two of being put up. Mine is one of them. Now, a dealer is offering it included in a job lot of 5 discs at a starting price of 150. The interesting thing is, he says, that it doesnt include the corset. Even though the box says it does and its sealed. Maybe they withdrew it because some boxes didnt include the corset ?
Im sure the story will continue and it will be very interesting if it will ever see the light of day or if many more are advertised on Ebay.
To be continued......
I've just read that according to a member of staff at BB, who wishes to remain anonymous, The corset has been removed from the pack due to complaints by Parents Groups! In some stores it has been taken off the shelves completely and the website no longer makes mention of the corset.

Now anybody who did manage to get a copy with the corset has a REAL collectors item!
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