Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D+2D SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


Premium Supporter
Apr 12, 2009
Release date: August 18th, 2014
Purchase link: Captain America: TWS Sold out!
Notes: Print run of 6000 for UK



10938635-1397756244-831864.jpg 10938635-1397756244-831830.jpg thumb.jpg

Original temp artwork:
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I really wished Paramount had distribution control over these past marvel films. Designs woulda been much better .

Gotta give it to Disney for at least being consistent with their steelbooks, with the exception of Iron Man 3 that is. Now I want an Iron Man 3 steelbook with no title on the spine!!! Lol
Terrible… What a waste. Has Zavvi written all over it with this artwork :rolleyes:

LOL WAT? :hilarious:

Zavvi has their fault from time to time but this is entirely Disney's doing. The headshots spine, the non-title front cover. This is Disney through and through all over the world and not Zavvi's exclusive fault.

I personally think it looks rather nice. I hope it's gloss though (not holding my breath, however) like recent Disney vault titles (Cinderella, Bambi, Brave) instead of their recent ones (Frozen, WiR, Thor 2).
I like the new art but I wish they would have gone with a scene from the movie that was actually significant. I think we still have no title artwork because everyone bought Thor 2 even though it was crap.
At least Marvel's UK steelbook designs are consistent now I guess (no title and pictures on spine) - I'd rather they just chose a style and stuck with it, which is what they seem to be doing. Hopefully that means no nasty surprises in future, and all these "omghulkrage no title?!" posts will no longer exist because we expected it all along.

That's true. In which case I hope Disney keep consistency with their FS and BestBuy Marvel steels so they are like Thor 2 ;)

agreed its seems disney/zavvi uk will be sticking with this general format of no title and characters on the spine in order to have one steel for europe different jcard's to cover different languages as a pure an utter cost saving exercise, but that doesn't mean alot of us have to like it.

Personally for me i like the front cover but the no title is an issue and silly pictures on the spine is a bit of a cop out especially when they didn't even put the actual winter soldier on it either!
the back is a bit better than thor2 release but only just.

i'm with jitstark on this and praying the best buy/futureshop release will be under the same set of rules as thor2 was because that was the version to have in that case.

So for me will be holding out to see what best buy come up with the minute they do and its an inch better than this, zavvi will get there marching orders on this version.

One really nice thing thing best buy could do to improve it from thor 2 would be make it high gloss.

so common best buy help us out of a hole here :cheers: :notworthy:

basil :thumbs:
agreed its seems disney/zavvi uk will be sticking with this general format of no title and characters on the spine in order to have one steel for europe different jcard's to cover different languages as a pure an utter cost saving exercise, but that doesn't mean alot of us have to like it.
have in that case.

I'm not a Zavvi supporter as such, but you could have removed their name from your post.

This is all Disney's doing, it's nothing to do with the retailer. You don't see people saying 'typical Media Markt release', or 'typical Saturn release', it would be exactly the same.

This is simply Disney's way for as many worldwide releases as possible. They are totally to blame. It's a cost-cutting measure.

Just look at the vitriol aimed at Zavvi for their other Disney classic titles. Disney did gloss finishes for Aladdin and Finding Nemo, then matte until Cinderella, Bambi and Brave. That wasn't Zavvi's doing either. In fact, they probably convinced Disney to go back to gloss after complaints. That's possible as those titles were Zavvi exclusives, but Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Monster's University and Frozen weren't. Now Captain America: The Winter Soldier isn't either.

Yes, Best Buy and FutureShop might have some say in the designs, but that's because they're store exclusives. It makes a difference.
This should have been the front:


And the picture that is currently the front should be moved to the back. This would match the HMV beauty so well!! :(

I'm still going to buy it, but like 99% of other ninjas - I'm hoping the US release is titled up! :thumbs:
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This should have been the front:


And the picture that is currently the front should be moved to the back. This would match the HMV beauty so well!! :(

I'm still going to buy it, but like 99% of other ninjas - I'm hoping the US release is titled up! :thumbs:

buddy :thumbs:

Agree with you buddy, that would look awesome :scat:
I'm not a Zavvi supporter as such, but you could have removed their name from your post.

This is all Disney's doing, it's nothing to do with the retailer.

zavvi are selling it and yes zavvi as retailer do get input and enough retailers in europe gave back same input disney would change it.
This isn't about zavvi bashing it's about retailers giving that input, i would still say the same if this was amazon to be fair.
It's all very well saying it's all the studio, studios can be lent on as well. just i suspect there there is a little too much bum licking when trying to land a disney exclusive steel as in this case zavvi will know it's money in the bank for them.

whether thats now or in next couple of months. You would only have to look back as thor 2, as a most recent example.

It all got pre-ordered art came up from zavvi sold out then best buy showed its hand, mass cancellations people switched with best buy then zavvi sold out again some 4 months later from orginal pre-order says it all really.

Fyi best buy sold out in first 24-48 hrs from being able to buy in there stores and that people vote with there feet in the end.
just as i will because i want best copy i can have, It's not personal against them but in the end doing what's right for me and as a retailer zavvi should have learned lesson's from that release alone.

which at this point has proved nothing really has been taken on board from where i'm sitting as along as it sells out in the end but i suppose that is just pure business and profit at the end of the day.

anyway i have said my bit which you probably won't agree with, so lets just agree to disagree in this case.
I suspect though with the way thor 2 went there will be the odd few who may just have a similar point of view from where coming i'm coming from and just looking for the best they can get, which is what i all thought we where trying to do no?

basil :thumbs:
Even if they had put the title on the spine and not the front that would be some what ok but nooooo.
Will need to make va separate shelf for all these titleless steels :(

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Wouldnt it maybe make some kind of effect if all us steelbook nerds wrote a letter to Disney and complained? :D If their targeted audience complain together, maybe they would do something about it in the future.. wishfully thinking.

And seriously, Bucky needs to be on the friggin cover!! :angry::angry::angry:
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Gutted.. But thank goodness for HDN and group buys!

Those horrible pics on spine remind me of GTA!

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I didnt bother to get the frozen because of this non title. So goodbye zavvi:scat:

Cancel activated......

Artwork is decided by Marvel/Disney noting to do with Zavvi

Its the Same Artwork in other countries again decided by Marvel/Disney

Frozen was the Same all the same artwork worldwide with only one exception Blufans

Zavvi are a retailer as in a Shop they don't decide any Marvel/Disney artwork or make any steelbooks

I don't get all this giving out to Zavvi when the Artwork has noting to do with them
Have a look its the Same Artwork in Europe with all Retailers

You should be complaining to Disney if you don't like the Frozen and complain to Marvel/Disney for Artwork choices for Thor 2 or Captain America Winter Solider

I myself don't like there is no title on the spine but it has noting to do with Zavvi its created and decided by Marvel/Disney

It any of you want Artwork done different you need to complain to Marvel/Disney UK and in other countries to relevant Department for your country
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Exactly, and if a title sells out, why would Zavvi care about input when they sell out their allocated stock? Criticism towards Zavvi related to artwork and design is completely misdirected, they have nothing to do with it.