Captain America: The Winter Soldier (3D+2D SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]


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Apr 12, 2009
Release date: August 18th, 2014
Purchase link: Captain America: TWS Sold out!
Notes: Print run of 6000 for UK



10938635-1397756244-831864.jpg 10938635-1397756244-831830.jpg thumb.jpg

Original temp artwork:
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I didnt bother to get the frozen because of this non title. So goodbye zavvi:scat:

Cancel activated......

And look at frozen now, going for silly prices. I wont be cancelling i want the movie and will be happily triple dipping on this with other releases
every 1 is complainin, yet most are still gonna buy 1 or another from somewehere in the world :movie:

Well let me tell u - only way Disney will listen is if u guys take some real action, and DONT BUY ANY VERSION - just like how i did not buy any Thor 2 steelbook :cool:

…only when these garbage untitled marvel steelbooks are piled up so high they blot out the sun will disney give a crap about what we think. :movie:
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And look at frozen now, going for silly prices. I wont be cancelling i want the movie and will be happily triple dipping on this with other releases

I dont care about the price now and im only care about my copy. I dont buy steelbook and sell it in ebay. I dont like non title steelbook thats all

Now im waiting for the future shop exclusive
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Not the greatest artwork in the world but glad Marvel and the House Of Mouse are going to have standard design across the whole run will make a collection look great. So no cancelation from me. Obviously if something amazing comes from another country I might consider it but I can't see it happening.
I really like the artwork overall. This new idea of having no title anywhere has actually grown on me, and I think all the upcoming Marvel steels will look pretty cool with the pictured spines once lined up on a shelf together.
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I like the artwork. I'm sticking with it. But I'll probably get the U.S. Best Buy exclusive as well. My favorite Marvel movie to date.
The artwork is a big improvement over the mock up.
Disappointed but not shocked that the title is missing. Looks like this will be another imported steelbook for me.
Going to keep my preorder until verison with a title is announced.
Disappointed by the lack of titles however the artwork choices look great and more than make up for it. Keeping my pre-order.
i don't mind if theres no title in front. as long as they put the title on the spine. I'm gonna be happy and if its only the picture no thank you. id rather buy the amaray instead;)
I think the thing for me is that IM3 went with a titled spine and a titleless front. If it had gone with a pictured spine like Avengers and TDW, then it probably wouldn't be an issue as that would be the norm.

Think we have to take it as gospel now that Disney will be going this route from now on in.

I like the front, back is ok I guess-would have liked the initial art or the Winter Soldier there but it won't be on show anyway so it's a minor. Will wait to see if BB go with the titled front/spine.
Personally, I much prefer this artwork for the front. The spine issue still really grates on me as well though, but I guess it's something we're going to have to get used to. It wouldn't be as bad if it looked like a more natural, but just plonking several pictures of the characters on there is just ridiculous.