[Closed-see Wreck's update)(Universal 100) (Play.com) Landscape Art & No Inside Art!

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Man of Steel

It's not an 'S'
Premium Supporter
Nov 29, 2011
Warwickshire, United Kingdom.
New News:


Previous update:

Thanks to Wreck we have now found out that the steels will feature LANDSCAPE ART and NO INSIDE ART, with the possibility of having no back art either (to be confirmed).

I don't know about you guys, but I am fuming! :angry: It's like having a steelbook and taking a massive dump on it.... I had such high hopes for this from both Universal and Play.com - but it looks like I'm going to have to pass completely.

So guys.... How do you feel about this news? This is a good chance for us the consumers to voice our opinions.

Note to Mods: if this news turns out to be wrong by all means please delete this thread.[/SPILER]
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It doesn't matter to me if there is no inside artwork. I can always insert my own, but bloody LANDSCAPE SteelBooks absolutely kills it for me.


:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :( :( :( :( :(:
:mad: :mad:
:mad: :mad:

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And just while we're on the subject of Play, can they PLEASE start using better packaging to send their steelbooks out in?! Producing nice limited editions is all very well but when the packing department insists on sending out the product in flimsy jiffy bags to be crushed and dented in the post, it makes you wonder why they bother in the first place.

Play really need to switch to a sturdy cardboard mailer like HMV or Amazon, so that we could at least have some confidence that we might receive steelbooks from them intact and undamaged.

I was gonna buy all 13 of the play.com/universal 100th anniversary steelbooks but now it looks like im looking at germany, but as their all universal they'll probabley be the same, crap! Just like most universal steelbooks... If i'm being honest, play.com has dropped its standards to neer 0 in the last year or so starting with the new website change etc... All of the earlier play.com exclisive steels were actually some of the best i have ever seen with star trek and predators, but now its just any crap they get their hands on... I was really looking forward to casino, carlitos way, the thing and of course, american warewolf in london, but now it looks like im gonna miss out, and play/universal are also gonna miss out on a shed load of cash too...

---------- Post added at 11:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

And just while we're on the subject of Play, can they PLEASE start using better packaging to send their steelbooks out in?! Producing nice limited editions is all very well but when the packing department insists on sending out the product in flimsy jiffy bags to be crushed and dented in the post, it makes you wonder why they bother in the first place.

Play really need to switch to a sturdy cardboard mailer like HMV or Amazon, so that we could at least have some confidence that we might receive steelbooks from them intact and undamaged.

Too right, i live in the UK and have orderd loads of steels from canada, the US and all through europe over amazon and havnt had one dented steel, but the number of play.com steels which have arrived dented, ide rather buy the amaray version and save the effort...
perhaps they will keep in with the trend of icon. both drive and devils double have no inside artwork, but they are CHEAP! £12.99 as opposed to £19.99. cheaper production = cheaper list price.
otherwise this could the last nail in the coffin for play.com.
lets wait and see how it turns out, but i for one will not be pre-ordering any now. id sooner pay over the odds on ebay if they are good, than pay rrp on rubbish.
I didn't realise there was that much hate for horizontal steelbooks! I have always thought they looked okay, i can see its an issue when trying to display them though. I am interested in what the artwork will be on a few of these.
i said this in the 'king of new york steelbook tread' there trying to milk the steelbook market, just gonna sell anything they can in a steelbook to make money, theres no point in these steelbooks, nothing extra at all and the steel itself is gonna lack so much, seeing as its horizontal and may not have back art...i mean WFT there considering not even having back art??? these are just the laziest steelbook efforts ever!
Going to hold judgement til final art and price released ,who knows could look awesome and be under £10
some horizontal steelbooks do work, notably the german releases of trainspotting, fight club and the book of eli.
as already mentioned, in theory, most artwork won't work in a horizontal format, so this could potentially be a disastrous move for play.com, if the info is accurate.:(

forgot to mention the monsters horizontal steelbook, which also worked very well.:D
Whatever way this goes, I'll defiantly be picking up a couple.

It would be superb though if the people at Play.com took notice of this took note the views of the people that buy the products :)
Horizontal Steelbooks is a big no-no for me, I will def pass on all including Hulk...

Money well saved for the upcoming Japanese Steelbook wave in March :scat:
The info and this thread has been passed on to all my contacts in charge of this. Possibility it may be too late to make any changes.

However, slightly better news ... Play has received images for 2 of them; and while their isnt permission to release these images yet ... he did say that the backs on both featured iconic art and that the blurb and barcodes were on a paper card backing that I guess wraps around to the front since he called it a "taco card"

If their isnt changes from the art in regards to going to portrait, at least this wave is moving in the right direction.

Monsters and BOE German are two awesome looking Horizontal steels.
The info and this thread has been passed on to all my contacts in charge of this. Possibility it may be too late to make any changes.

However, slightly better news ... Play has received images for 2 of them; and while their isnt permission to release these images yet ... he did say that the backs on both featured iconic art and that the blurb and barcodes were on a paper card backing that I guess wraps around to the front since he called it a "taco card"

If their isnt changes from the art in regards to going to portrait, at least this wave is moving in the right direction.

Monsters and BOE German are two awesome looking Horizontal steels.

Indeed going in the right direction .Either way I think it's to late to make any changes - landscape to vertical .These things are decided with months ahead .
Fingers crossed we'll get some more info soon then, very keen to know the prices on these
Steelbook, I *believe* Wreck is referring to the UK wave with this update. I think he was just mentioning the two German Horizontal Steels, because they have some better art where the Horizontal Steels, in general are concerned. Wreck if I misunderstood, and you see this, please chime in....
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