[Closed-see Wreck's update)(Universal 100) (Play.com) Landscape Art & No Inside Art!

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Man of Steel

It's not an 'S'
Premium Supporter
Nov 29, 2011
Warwickshire, United Kingdom.
New News:


Previous update:

Thanks to Wreck we have now found out that the steels will feature LANDSCAPE ART and NO INSIDE ART, with the possibility of having no back art either (to be confirmed).

I don't know about you guys, but I am fuming! :angry: It's like having a steelbook and taking a massive dump on it.... I had such high hopes for this from both Universal and Play.com - but it looks like I'm going to have to pass completely.

So guys.... How do you feel about this news? This is a good chance for us the consumers to voice our opinions.

Note to Mods: if this news turns out to be wrong by all means please delete this thread.[/SPILER]
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This is a poor decision commercially, and Play need to understand that. Steelbook sales are still very much dependent upon fan/collector interest, and this new wave will be far more attractive to those buyers if released in portrait format, and with back and inside art.

If they produce them as described above then they will sell more copies. A lot more copies. It's really that simple.
horizontal art is the pits!
this will definitely ruin this wave of steelbooks, and from a collectors POV this will drastically alter the projected sales. I am not a fan of the horizontal art. Make it right! Make it vertical!
Let it be heard that we do not condone the production of horizontal steel books for this release! Play.com, do the right thing and make these steelbooks portrait, the way they're meant to be!!

as posted above these guys need to take note of the Drive HMV steelbook just released that is the way to do it, yeah it dont have inside art but can forgive that.

horizontal artwork though come on give me a break what a waste!!
its not final yet though, plus play.com have never done landscape before so hopefully this is just a rumor lol

I don't post rumors ;) - but yeah not 100% final .... yet.

Yeah, one should never doubt the word of Wreck. Everything he says is pretty much gospel. Too bad it's bad news this time. I would've picked up quite a few from this wave, but as it stands, I might not pick any up anymore.
I have yet to buy a horizontal steelbook. I love the upright versions to blow money on these, I'll just wait till somewhere else releases these in the upright format.
I am very much the same as most guys/gals already posted, would have picked up quite a few steels in this wave.

But now after this news, will only grab Hulk to add to the Avengers!
Man of Steel-all feedback is welcomed. I, too, will be waiting to see how the German waves turn out. Sometimes the info is not available until the last minute, and Steelbook collecting/news is full of changes. I am not excited that these are horizontal either-I am not a fan of them, especially if there is no inside art, or back art either. I will wait to see all info/art before making any decisions.
I don't automatically hate horizontal art like many here, but I'd prefer vertical art given the chance. Still will need to see the final version before committing. Also, having at least some back art would be a HUGE benefit to potential sales. The inside art is less important, though also requested if possible. These smaller things can make a big difference in sales
Landscape, no inside artwork and maybe no back artwork either. Wow, all they need to do is print the rating logos and a triple play banner and they've got a checklist of what NOT to do with a steelbook.
Best example of a good steel with no inside art and a vertical design is this years HMV's Drive Exclusive! That's been flying off the shelf! Take note Universal and Play.com this is what we want as collectors.... Some of us like to display our steelbooks, how can we do that when you put a landscape design on them?!?!?!
Nothing like this surprises me when play.com are involved, what a wasted opportunity for what would and should have been some fantastic Steelbooks.:angry:
Why didn't Universal just give these to HMV? They do a good job with most of their exclusive steels - lets go through a couple.

Captain America
Super 8

And guess what they all have in common - No printed ratings!

hint, hint play.com
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