Hot Fuzz (Blu-ray SteelBook) (EverythingBlu Exclusive #002) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: September 28, 2018
Purchase link: Single Steelbook - Full Slip Hardbox - Lenticular Hardbox - Blu Box (Includes both Full and Lenti Hardbox editions) - (Pre-order July 13 at 8 PM UK time). Find your local timing HERE
Price: £16.99 (Single Steelbook) - £28.00 (Full Slip Hardbox) - £28.99 (Lenticular Hardbox) - £70.00 - (Blu Box)
Notes: Full Gloss. Metallic details to the guns & shotgun shells. Debossed title (Front). Debossed areas to the police badge (Back).

Everything Blu Facebook

Release Schedule (SUBJECT TO APPROVALS!) - We would like to let you know our direction over the next few releases and as stated above, these are subject to approvals. We are taking on board suggestions of movies without steelbook releases but we need some sort of foot in the market before doing so. However, some of those titles have already been brought up in a meeting today, so hopefully we can progress further with those soon.

This schedule is planned to have full Exclusive SteelBook designs (Not just flipped artwork exclusivity). All would feature the same setup as Shaun of the Dead; Full Slip, Lenticular & Blu Box.

Casino EE 002
Hot Fuzz EE 003
Oblivion EE 004
The Worlds End 005

Thank you to everyone supporting us, please let us know you thoughts on the titles above!!
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Good to know they haven’t gone the way of the Dodo, yes the first release was a balls up but no one can say that the box set of the Mummy Trilogy isn’t quality, just missing the inside fluff.
I think that they have potential to be good & really hope they knock it out of the park with this edition.
At least I will finally have the 3CT all in their horizontal glory as God intended :)
For those who can't see the above post:

Announcement! Pre-orders Friday 13th July 8:00pm UK Time

EverythingBlu Exclusive 002: Hot Fuzz Blu-ray (Region Free) SteelBook


- Full Gloss
- Metalic Details To The Guns & Shotgun Shells
- Debossed Title (Front)
- Debossed Areas To The Police Badge (Back)

More Editions to be announced in the coming days!

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Well, they got trashed by people on their last design. They went away and came back with something different. Surely this suits better?
Much better artwork, but the contrast on the front looks off to me... the white areas are very bright, and the black areas (which there's a lot of) very dark.

Could be a poor photo, but you're right--the highlights are completely blown out and the darks/shadows completely crushed. Pretty terrible work if the steelbook actually looks like that.
Don’t like the new art

I doubt I’ll pre order on the day. Even though I own the Shaun one click I’m just not sure about this even though I want a hot fuzz wea.

So much in July too I doubt I’d be able to afford it until the end of the month
Yeah those darks are pretty dark! Would have liked a little more colour.

Need to pick up Shaun of the Dead still but love this trilogy so hopefully they will do At Worlds End too! Arguably the worst of the 3 but still cant have the first 2 and not the 3rd!
Have the Lenti Shaun, so I’ll probably pick up a Lenti version of this to keep the trend going. If they do one....
I think so too, but I'm hoping it's a bad photo and not how it actually looks in hand.

Could be a poor photo, but you're right--the highlights are completely blown out and the darks/shadows completely crushed. Pretty terrible work if the steelbook actually looks like that.
Possibly, but the fact it looks the same from both angles makes me think otherwise. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!