Hot Fuzz (Blu-ray SteelBook) (EverythingBlu Exclusive #002) [UK]


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Sep 10, 2012
Release date: September 28, 2018
Purchase link: Single Steelbook - Full Slip Hardbox - Lenticular Hardbox - Blu Box (Includes both Full and Lenti Hardbox editions) - (Pre-order July 13 at 8 PM UK time). Find your local timing HERE
Price: £16.99 (Single Steelbook) - £28.00 (Full Slip Hardbox) - £28.99 (Lenticular Hardbox) - £70.00 - (Blu Box)
Notes: Full Gloss. Metallic details to the guns & shotgun shells. Debossed title (Front). Debossed areas to the police badge (Back).

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Release Schedule (SUBJECT TO APPROVALS!) - We would like to let you know our direction over the next few releases and as stated above, these are subject to approvals. We are taking on board suggestions of movies without steelbook releases but we need some sort of foot in the market before doing so. However, some of those titles have already been brought up in a meeting today, so hopefully we can progress further with those soon.

This schedule is planned to have full Exclusive SteelBook designs (Not just flipped artwork exclusivity). All would feature the same setup as Shaun of the Dead; Full Slip, Lenticular & Blu Box.

Casino EE 002
Hot Fuzz EE 003
Oblivion EE 004
The Worlds End 005

Thank you to everyone supporting us, please let us know you thoughts on the titles above!!
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I assume Universal pulled the rug out from beneath them after the shipping cluster **** and subsequent string of lies. I still find the revised "force ghost" art hilarious and epitomises everything thats wrong with modern movie posters, they've even added some flaming embers.. lol
They done the disappearing act for the second time...

They are still posting from time to time on Twitter, but nothing about any of their own upcoming releases. Last thing I saw them tweet about a product was for Zoom's Terminator Genisys Futurepak.
They are still posting from time to time on Twitter, but nothing about any of their own upcoming releases. Last thing I saw them tweet about a product was for Zoom's Terminator Genisys Futurepak.

So they are barely alive still and can use social media. Just hope they aren’t in financial troubles for their sake.
With them not selling out there latest release Scott pilgrim vs the world and with absolutely appalling service in dispatching there 1st Exclusive Shaun of the dead, I’m not surprised they have disappeared, shame really because they could have been really good especially a premium retailer from the UK.

They did release the mummy trilogy in a nice stylish box, that was probably the only release that sold out quickly, hopefully they can come back better.
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Totally forget about this one but am still not sure I’d want to risk the headache repeat of Shaun
Might just stick with my Canadian steel for Hot Fuzz

Tis a huge shame,
Would have been nice for a local, UK retailer to do premium steels
Still see them popping up every so often on Instagram pushing Shaun of the must have a healthy stock of them still......
They did release the mummy trilogy in a nice stylish box, that was probably the only release that sold out quickly

Don't forget the SHAUN OF THE DEAD box that also sold out I'd say their 001 and their 002 were successful releases in the grand scheme of things (obviously it's another matter without the lovely box).

Anyway, mighty glad they appeared when they did or else I wouldn't have had the chance to pick up their supercalifragilisticexpialidocious MUMMY TRILOGY box.
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Don't forget the SHAUN OF THE DEAD box that also sold out I'd say their 001 and their 002 were successful releases in the grand scheme of things (obviously it's another matter without the lovely box).
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Anyway, mighty glad they appeared when they did or else I wouldn't have had the chance to pick up their supercalifragilisticexpialidocious MUMMY TRILOGY box.
Agree, that Mummy Boxset is really nice. I was lucky enough to have grabbed one. Was my only purchase from them. At least that showed they have potential. Hopefully they learned from the success of that if they can get back on there feet.
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