Kingsman: The Secret Service (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Best Buy Exclusive) [Canada]

Jul 20, 2012
Toronto, ON
Release date: June 9th 2015
Price: $26.99
Group Buy: biscuitnoir or Drum18

Notes: This one is a huge deal! Something that hasn't been done in North America in many years. (fox studio in steelbook for NA)


From 3D display:
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@Basil nice steelbook I find, dipping in but of course the FA is DA one :thumbs:

sorry but i got enough bare metal steels and they aren't all that.
just my personal view i think is a bit lazy myself like they couldn't be bothered to add paint and save some money on the costs. but hey ho each to there own. :whistle::whistle::whistle:

i just hope those that get them won't be dis-appointed.

basil :thumbs:
sorry but i got enough bare metal steels and they aren't all that.
just my personal view i think is a bit lazy myself like they couldn't be bothered to add paint and save some money on the costs. but hey ho each to there own. :whistle::whistle::whistle:

i just hope those that get them won't be dis-appointed.

basil :thumbs:

now I am all confused dunno what to do :confused: I have to think of budget but don't want to miss a great exclusive, but I get your point with the bare metal and nothing on back artwork... oh what to do ??? :wow:

when you look at picture it does look slick though, classy... but still confused
now I am all confused dunno what to do :confused: I have to think of budget but don't want to miss a great exclusive, but I get your point with the bare metal and nothing on back artwork... oh what to do ??? :wow:

when you look at picture it does look slick though, classy... but still confused

you make your own mind up, my one piece of advice go look at a bare metal steel in your collection and think from there does it look cool or not so sure!

and also another point u got the fa version coming do you need this as well or could the money be spent elsewhere on another steel???

anyway i hope i've helped rather than confuse :thumbs:

the choice is yours :LOL::D

all the best
basil :thumbs:
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@Basil yes you might be right, I have the Fa coming and it is still same design even thought it's not the same finish...I guess if it would have been a different design might have been worth dipping into the BB, but just for a bare steel ,which does look great, but indeed should keep my funds for something else.

Thanks helped a lot !
Looks really nice and AWESOME film, but in this instance I'll stick with the number Czech version as art wise they are very similar. :cool:
Nice, Fox has finally joined the Steelbook club (don't think I've seen them release a Blu-ray Steelbook in North America), so this is great news. And the art on this looks good, too. One of my favourite films of the year so far, so a day one buy for me.
I stand corrected as not the ONLY thing as Fox is a big company with impressive lineup of films..

I will probably be ordering this Steelbook but I am more excited about the possibility/hope of Fox releasing Last of the Mohicans in Steelbook form now that they are back in the game in North America. They have sold Steelbooks before in dvd form.
Fox has always been a

Fox has traditionally been very adamant (for years, and years, and years) on not developing and supporting any special/collectors editions in general in North America, period. This meant collectors saw no popular films or franchises in any ltd ed. Hopefully this opens doors finally for some more interesting releases.
That's strange because Fox has produced some of my most loved slipcovers. For supposedly not caring about special editions, Fox has put a lot of thought into some excellent looking slipcovers. I REALLY hope that this foray into steel does not take away from Fox continuing to put out unique slipcovers.
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That's strange because Fox has produced some of my most loved slipcovers. For supposedly not caring about special editions, Fox has put a lot of thought into some excellent looking slipcovers. I REALLY hope that this foray into steel does not take away from Fox continuing to put out unique slipcovers.

Slipcovers aren't special though. Around 80% of all new release amaray boxes here in the UK have them even on vanilla discs.

Fox have cut back though, going as far as to not release some TV shows on blu-ray, instead concentrating on digital media. Bones season 10 being one of the biggest gripes, dvd only but no physical format HD release, there are several others too.
Regarding this release, I liked Kingsman but wasn't delirious about it. I would be tempted by a good steelbook but this isn't it.

Regarding the future of High definition, if it isn't a physical format I'm not buying it. For one thing that would be the end of steelbooks!
Regarding this release, I liked Kingsman but wasn't delirious about it. I would be tempted by a good steelbook but this isn't it.

Regarding the future of High definition, if it isn't a physical format I'm not buying it. For one thing that would be the end of steelbooks!
I buy an OBSCENE amount of physical media every year, and I believe that trying to go fully digital is the studios gambit to wrest (true) ownership away from the viewer. (Once they control your library in the cloud- they can change the rules whenever they please.)
If they do try to eliminate physical media (for which I have voted for with my dollars) Torrenting will explode even further. (I'd do it out of pure spite.)
It is amazing that in their shortsightedness they didn’t realize that going digital created this mass piracy. It’s all ones and zeros that can be uploaded and downloaded quickly. If it was still film- pirates would be relagated to camcorder recordings off screens again. But with digital- a fast USB rip off a DCP and all that “saved money” from going digital is now millions lost with a few mouse clicks.
They made their bed. In the long run, digital is going to cost them more money.
I'm not sure what 20th Century Fox is up to- their cancellation of the Simpsons DVDs, their refusal to offer up TRUE LIES and THE ABYSS and other Gold Star titles is stirring the rumor that they may be trying to move in the direction of digital media only.
(Which I do find hard to believe- is that not a lucrative revenue stream? I am sure it is.)
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Regarding the future of High definition, if it isn't a physical format I'm not buying it. For one thing that would be the end of steelbooks!

This is the reason why when I have the code to download the digital copy I just throw it away without downloading it. Company are looking into replacing on long term physical copies with those DC. They keep statistic analysis every year of how many people who buy the Blu-ray will also download the DC. I know Disney are big on this and others also do the same. I even saw a Disney preview (if I am not mistaken it was Disney) and it was all about a new release movie and to download your digital Copy as on May 10th (for example) .. I was so surprised as the whole preview was just about the Digilal HD Copy. They were just focussing the whole movie preview about purchasing your copy as a DC/UV copy... I was shocked ! no hint of also mentioning (also available on Blu-ray...) in the preview.


I guess if Fox decides to not put the 10th season of Bones on Blu-ray this could be part of the reason...when they started the DC and HV Copy it wasn't as just a bonus to be a nice customer and we'll give you something extra to make it easier to watch your movie on the go, even if it was part of their strategy. Those companies knew one day they would want to ditch the Blu-ray and focus on Digital Copy whatever format it is.

I never download the Digital Copy as I don't want to be part of their download customer statistic. I want Blu-ray physical copy to stay strong but if you keep on downloading those DC and UV copy you are contributing to the end of Blu-ray. The statistic analysis every year that company do on DC copy is true and great way to cut cost.

If they managed to reduce the CD sales to almost nothing in terms of music for the mp3 version, this is a similar case that is happening for Blu-ray Movies..

Please don't download your digital Copy to keep on supporting the Physical Bluray and most importantly out Hobby.
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