PS4 PlayStation 4 - Main discussion thread


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Feb 28, 2011

In preparation for tomorrow's announcement, Sony Playstation have released a video which looks back at the evolution of Playstation games and how they pushed the boundaries of play with their innovative titles.

You can watch a global livestream broadcast of the PlayStation Meeting this Wednesday (February 20th, 2013) starting at 6:00pm EST, 3:00pm PST and 11:00pm GMT at these links...




A press release reveals the machine will include an 8-core 64-bit x86 "Jaguar" CPU developed by AMD and a Radeon GPU with the capability of terrorizing televisions with 1.84 TFLOPS of gaming goodness.

PlayStation 4 includes a Blu-ray drive that spins game discs a brisk 6X and 8X for DVDs. Additional specs in the release note the, already revealed, 8GB of unified GDDR5 RAM along with 802.11n WiFi capability, USB 3.0 ports, Bluetooth 2.1 and ports for optical audio, HDMI and even legacy analog AV hook-ups. Though the console will have internal storage, Sony did not detail its size.

Sony's plan is to launch its new PlayStation 4 console this holiday season. No specific date or price was revealed during the reveal event.

The PS4's main features include:

  • - New DualShock 4 controller with built in touchpad
  • - Dramatically improved graphics and processing power
  • - Based on same X86 chips used in desktop computer to help game developers
  • - 3D camera that can track the controller, and the player
  • - Games can also be played on Sony's Vita handheld console


The future of PlayStation is all about great games and entertainment, and at PlayStation Meeting 2013, we brought some of the brightest and most creative minds from the development community on stage to unveil the games that will define PS4. A partial initial lineup for PlayStation 4 includes first-party games from Guerilla Games (Killzone: Shadow Fall), Sucker Punch (inFamous Second Son), Evolution Studios (Driveclub), and Japan Studio (Knack), as well as titles from our partners such as Activision/Bungie (Destiny), Blizzard Entertainment (Diablo III), Capcom (Deep Down), and Ubisoft (Watch_Dogs). PlayStation also reinforced its commitment to self-publishing and the independent development community by having Jonathan Blow onstage who gave a sneak peek of his upcoming title The Witness. Finally, the incredible minds at Media Molecule and Quantic Dream gave glimpses of their conceptualization process and the future of gameplay with some remarkable footage. We only scratched the surface at the event, and will have many more exciting titles to come.


Our next generation console will change the way you interact with friends while you play. PlayStation 4 lets you instantly share images and videos of your favorite gameplay moments on Facebook with a single press on the DUALSHOCK 4 controller’s “share” button. You can also broadcast while you play in real-time through Ustream, allowing friends to comment or jump into your game in new ways.

With PlayStation 4 we also want you to access your games quicker than ever before. PS4’s “suspend mode” eliminates the load time on your saved game and allows you to immediately return to where you left off by pressing the power button. PlayStation 4’s background downloading and updating capability also allows you to immediately play digital titles as they download, or update the system when the hardware is powered off.



DUALSHOCK 4 adopts the familiar form factor of the DUALSHOCK 3 wireless controller with some key enhancements:
  • - Motion control is enabled by a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor
  • - Dual analog sticks fine-tuned for better precision plus improved surface materials and shape for more delicate manipulation
  • - L2/R2 buttons on the top of the controller employ a curved design for easier, smoother interaction
  • - A new “Options” button combines the functions of the DUALSHOCK 3’s “Select” and “Start” buttons for operating in-game menus

You can see more images of the new DUALSHOCK 4 controller here.


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Thanks for posting all that info Noodles. :thumbs:
No problem buddy... it's my HDN duty! And I've been slacking lately to be fair, so this gave me the chance to make up for it. :p
I want another Uncharted! :p

I am already lining up $600 budget for a PS4.

I was hoping for some Uncharted news too. The graphics in the Uncharted games always blew me away on the PS3, so can you imagine how it will look on the PS4?! EEK!
Stuff Magazine get some info on the possibilities of 4K gaming on the PS4...

Speaking at a roundtable interview session in New York this morning, Sony's Senior VP Worldwide Studios Europe Michael Denny confirmed that 4K gaming is possible with the PS4. “We're not looking at 4K gaming initially, we are looking at 4K video and stills images. [4K gaming] is something we will look at in future".

Also known as UltraHD, 4K provides a video resolution four times that of 1080p HD – 3840x2160 pixels. With a TV that supports that resolution, the result is staggeringly life-like detail and picture clarity. It would mean a leap in games graphics quality the equivalent of the jump from SD to HD, although you need a big screen TV to fully appreciate the improvement.

Right now you also need very deep pockets. The tech is in its early stages, and 4K TVs start at around £7000. Sony’s own 84in KD-84X9005 costs £25,000.

When we probed about whether 4K movies and TV shows could be delivered via the PS4’s on-demand streaming services, Denny replied, “Possibly, yes, yeah – you know the other Sony services we have for music and video – absolutely."

Although Denny flatly refused to answer questions about Sony’s wider strategy with the PS4, it seems likely that the company will use the console’s 4K capabilities to drive the adoption of new TVs, just as it did with Blu-ray and 3D in the PS3. Better-than-1080p graphics would certainly make us lust after a new telly.

During the discussion we also picked up a few nuggets about the Gaikai-powered PlayStation Cloud. Denny seemed genuinely excited by the possibilities, not ruling out PlayStation gaming on smart TVs or other connected devices – but it looks like Remote Play of PS4 titles over mobile networks won’t be a launch feature.

"What you saw last night with Remote Play was about the ambition to have as many PS4 games as possible being experienced via Wi-Fi on [the PS Vita]." Note the emphasis on ‘via Wi-Fi’.

And although Denny didn’t rule out the possibility completely, playing your PS4 games on devices other than the Vita is similarly unlikely: “In terms of what experiences you're going to get on second screen with tablets and smartphones, that can vary massively.

“In DriveClub for example you could have a top-down view of the race, see where your friends are – it's a way to spectate, perhaps. With other games it's a way to navigate worlds, perhaps. So, maybe not the full experience, but experiences that do help bring friends in as well."

As for the thorny issue of backwards compatibility with PS1, 2 and 3 games, Denny was understandably vague. "There's a lot of expense in that. And you have to make decisions of what's really important in terms of the gaming community.

“Maybe there's other ways to achieve some of those wishes as we've talked about via cloud game services, but backwards compatibility was not in terms of value proposition something we wanted to take too much further".

So, we still don’t know when you’ll be able to play your old games on the new system, or how you’ll be able to do so without paying for the privilege of streaming them – although if Sony’s attitude to second-hand games is anything to go by, paying again for titles you already own seems unlikely.

Inevitably, a brave European journalist enquired as to the styling of the PS4’s box, and predictably Mr Denny replied, "I have nothing to announce on the hardware". Spoilsport.
I've been reading rumours online that say both The Last Guardian and Beyond: Two Souls are moving development over to the PS4. If that's the case, I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to hold off my PS4 purchase.
All I can say is that as long as they dont pull a D-Bag move and lock games to one person or get rid of physical media Im all in once there is an initial price drop.

Locking games and taking away the ability to buy/sell used games will be a deal breaker for me. Much rather blow my money on tires and hit the drag strip and many other hobbies/pass times then video games at that point.
Where's the ps4 section already?
It's been requested mate. Hopefully the admins will get around to it soon. :)

I've been reading rumours online that say both The Last Guardian and Beyond: Two Souls are moving development over to the PS4. If that's the case, I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to hold off my PS4 purchase.

WHAT?! Beyond is one of my most anticipated games, so I hope it is just a rumour and doesn't end up being anything official. :ohno:
Looks really really good. I can't wait for the holidays now!

I'm particularly looking forward to Watch Dogs & Destiny. And if The Last Guardian and Beyond: Two Souls are PS4 titles then I'm also really looking forward to those too.
Okay SO No locked games and you can play off line that is fantastic news for Anti social Barstools like me !!.


One other thing the games looked like they had been done before Killzone is a series, Driving games.A few Dragon's dogma types and a ratchet and clank rip off. Son of Cole Mcgrath looked like Prototype. The pipe puzzle game looked visually amazing. Apparently the Watch Dogs was played via a PC.

I am a lot more hopefull than I was I guess only time is going to tell with this.
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Liked a lot of the show last night. I just don't get why people were expecting the console when that's something that is usually left for E3? They have to show something at the Sony press conference right:D
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Just read through EGM that the PS4 will NOT be lock out used/rented/borrowed games. Considering it looks to be an almost definite thing that Microsoft will lock used games, this could be a massive win for Sony.
It's been requested mate. Hopefully the admins will get around to it soon. :)

WHAT?! Beyond is one of my most anticipated games, so I hope it is just a rumour and doesn't end up being anything official. :ohno:

1) It may be easier to create sections for each company (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo) and then listing all their consoles as sub-sections. I'd give my suggestion, but I'm running off of a crappy cell in the middle of nowhere. Help me out, Noodles! ;)

2) IGN listed Beyond as a PS4 launch title. I hope a version is released on both the PS3 and PS4 simultaneously if that's the case. As for The Last Guardian, I think pretty much everyone saw it coming that it'd release on the PS4 instead. I'm just happy that Sony hasn't canned it.
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Just read through EGM that the PS4 will NOT be lock out used/rented/borrowed games. Considering it looks to be an almost definite thing that Microsoft will lock used games, this could be a massive win for Sony.

This will be HUGE IMO. Locking games is a horrible thing to do and this will translate to a huge win for Sony over Microsoft like you say if does turn out this way.
i think games like the last guardian moving over to PS4 just means they will be ported games given a coat of shine like upscaling as opposed to PS4 specific from the ground up development of the games....i think the PS4 sweet spot will come 3 to 4 years from now as far as graphics are concerned..the first batch look like high end ps3 games.
i think games like the last guardian moving over to PS4 just means they will be ported games given a coat of shine like upscaling as opposed to PS4 specific from the ground up development of the games....i think the PS4 sweet spot will come 3 to 4 years from now as far as graphics are concerned..the first batch look like high end ps3 games.

I wouldn't completely call it a port, Ueda is pretty high standards kind of guy I doubt he'll compromise quality. If anything I bet they will reprogram some of the older architectural design to the much simpler x86 design of the PS4. The cell processor was the hard part to program with so I am almost willing to bet they will post some of the graphical work over and redo some of the code itself. The designs are probably not compatible since the PS4 has a different architecture. This of course is just my opinion :p
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"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."

I LOL at this.

Its great that no used game lock and online requirement.
I'm glad they won't force the online stuff, as i rarely play games online. I'm also glad they apparently won't be locking out used games and such, as that would get rid of alot of my trading i do elsewhere, and i definitely wouldn't play as many games. I doubt i'll get a PS4 on launch, i'll probably wait about a year, and get one gently used from Amazon Warehouse deals, like i did with my first PS3, which i had for a few years, b4 trading it in towards my slim PS3.
1) It may be easier to create sections for each company (Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo) and then listing all their consoles as sub-sections. I'd give my suggestion, but I'm running off of a crappy cell in the middle of nowhere. Help me out, Noodles! ;)

I agree mate... that would be the simpler thing to do and make more sense. I'll mention your idea in the Staff section in a sec. I basically asked if we could have a sub-section in here for Playstation 4, and apparently DigitalBabe has also mentioned it to Wreck a few times, so I'm sure it's on Wreck's list of things to do. :)
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I said to my fiancé about the PS4, she said can we put the PS3 in the bedroom to which I replied 'of course!'

Looks like I'll be getting a PS4 then!!! :naughty: