Star Trek Into Darkness - In theaters May 17, 2013

Apr 17, 2009
San Diego, CA
From IMDB:
With: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban, zoe Saldana, Anton Yelchin, Simon Pegg and more...

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(Youtube video is dead...)

Teaser trailer:

New Trailer just aired today (2013/04/16)

Old infos:
'Star Trek' Sequel Gets A Release Date

UPDATE: Paramount has confirmed to MTV that the projected release date for the "Star Trek" sequel is indeed June 29, 2012.

This counts as news, but there's not much to it. We all know there's a "Star Trek" sequel coming. Hell, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, writers/producers of the May reboot, were talking about sequel possibilities as far back as the week after the first movie came out. Now we have a date to pin our hopes to: June 29, 2012.

Nothing else is known or announced, so don't ask. Maybe director J.J. Abrams will return to helm the sequel, maybe he won't. Maybe Khan will be the villain, maybe not. For all we know, the plan is to give us an epic "Star Trek Meets Star Wars" crossover. Could happen, right?

The news comes from a variety of sources, including Ain't It Cool News and Box Office Mojo, but there's no Paramount-issued press release that I can find. The information ran through some trustworthy sources, but we've yet to receive comment from the studio directly.

Regardless, there really hasn't ever been any doubt that we'd be seeing more "Star Trek." Abrams' take on the series made it friendly to an entirely new, much wider audience than its ever known before.


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TrekMovie has confirmed with multiple sources that "Star Trek Into Darkness" has been selected as the title for the 2013 sequel to JJ Abrams’ Star Trek movie. This is a title that comes out of a long process of discussion amongst the creative team. As reported earlier, Paramount tested a number of titles for the film over the summer, including at least one title that did not include "Star Trek." Also noted in our earlier article, the title (by design) does not include a colon, like were used for the Next Generation films such as "Star Trek: First Contact" or "Star Trek: Nemesis."

While Paramount will not officially confirm the news, multiple sources have told TrekMovie this is the title they are going with as of now. It has also been reported by ComingSoon that Paramount has secured the domain names to both and, neither of which has any content.

As for the title itself, "Into Darkness" does not reveal anything specific about the plot. So for those who were hoping for "Star Trek Khan" or "The Revenge of Gary Mitchell" you are out of luck. However, "Into Darkness" certainly gives us a hint that this film could have a serious tone and perhaps darker theme than the 2009 Star Trek film. On the other hand the title is also evocative of Star Trek’s core mission of going into the “darkness” of space, to seek out new life and new civilizations. Of course the current Trek team often point to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy as inspiration, with the second film in that series being titled "The Dark Knight" which itself had some very dark themes. Is this Trek sequel Star Trek’s "Dark Knight"? As that film grossed $1B world wide, I imagine Paramount is certainly hoping it is.

According to sources, the creative team are still working on how they will officially roll out this new title. The first acknowledgement will likely be made with some kind of visual treatment, either a type treatment for the title or possibly even a teaser poster or image. Indications are that this official roll out should be coming soon.
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Here's the news you've all been waiting for, Star Trek fans. We haven't seen a teaser trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, the sequel to J.J. Abrams' 2009 franchise reboot of the sci-fi favorite, but that's because Paramount Pictures and Bad Robot have been holding out for something better. When The Hobbit hits IMAX 3D screens in December, 500 of those screens will have a 9-minute prologue for the sequel attached to it. Though The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises pulled this stunt before with regular IMAX screens, this is the first time a first look will be seen in IMAX 3D. That should hold fans over til May.

Star Trek Into Darkness will have several sequences filmed on IMAX, following in the footsteps of Christopher Nolan and Brad Bird who shot their most recent blockbusters on the large film format. If you remember, when The Dark Knight Rises prologue arrived with Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, a new trailer for the film also hit theaters. I'm betting some kind of regular teaser trailer will also hit theaters, maybe with The Hobbit as well, to go along with this 9-minute prologue. This very well might be the longest sneak peek prologue as well as I think both of Nolan's prologues were around six minutes long.

Oh boy!!! That :scat:
So are we saying the 9 mins being shown before IMAX The Hobbit are the first 9 mins?

Like Dark Knight Rises?

And is this confirmed for US only? Or is it IMAX showings worldwide, in particular UK?
So are we saying the 9 mins being shown before IMAX The Hobbit are the first 9 mins?

Like Dark Knight Rises?

And is this confirmed for US only? Or is it IMAX showings worldwide, in particular UK?

Aren't you referring to the new Star Trek movie instead of Man of Steel?
Are the Borg involved in this movie? That poster certainly hints at it, or it could be a red herring to throw us off.

What's coming to theatres next year? Thor 2... Man of Steel... Iron Man 3... Hobbit 2... to me, all those take a back-seat to Into Darkness. This is gonna be incredible!!!