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Aug 20, 2012
Washington State


Welcome to my Star Wars Memorabilia based home theater room. Star Wars is what got me into HT, and now into collecting Star Wars statues, 1:1 busts, and dioramas from Sideshow Collectibles. I update as new product arrives so check back now and then. Thank you for visiting and enjoy:














Shelving - Ikea Besta Bookcases with Vassbo Doors
TV Stand - Transdeco TD655B
Star Wars Collection - Sideshow Collectibles, Code 3, and others
TV - Vizio E600i-B3
Bluray - PS3 Slim
Receiver - Yamaha RX-V663
7ch Amp - Emotiva UPA-7
Speakers - Energy CB-10's (6)
Sub - M&K MX-350THX
Cables / Interconnects - Monoprice


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That's terrible! Veterans should take priority above everyone. Are there any other legal actions you can take? Like a lawsuit?

I'm sorry :p. I don't know what to say other than it felt like a f***ing doll :LOL:. I don't think Jyn was probably a wise choice for my first SW HT, I really should have gone with Vader or something, going with a female just made it feel even more doll-like. It didn't help either when my brother asked if it was a Barbie :rofl:. I've still got Jedi Luke and Anakin PFs, I'm saving those to sell off to help fund Prime 1 Catwoman. Or I might keep them as they are my favs. I've been selling the rest off over the months probably more in a fit of rage over Sideshow than anything. Plus I gotta make room for a PotF collection!

We are all just expendable animals to the rich elites running the country. I truly hate humans and our country. It's all very sickening how we treat each other in the name of money and power. Okay, rant over. I'm not sure why they denied it yet, I was just looking on my account and saw it was denied. They sent me a letter explaining it so I'll have to wait until that arrives. Hopefully it was just on a technicality that they screwed up.

I currently have 8 PFs I need to sell. Maybe I should do that and use the money to buy Doomsday...I've just been too lazy to sell stuff lately.

I don't think there's any way I can ever convince you to switch to Hot Toys if you can't make it a week, ha. I love my Jyn, in fact my imperial disguise Jyn is sitting at the UPS store right now. I need to pick her up on Saturday.
We are all just expendable animals to the rich elites running the country. I truly hate humans and our country. It's all very sickening how we treat each other in the name of money and power. Okay, rant over. I'm not sure why they denied it yet, I was just looking on my account and saw it was denied. They sent me a letter explaining it so I'll have to wait until that arrives. Hopefully it was just on a technicality that they screwed up.

I currently have 8 PFs I need to sell. Maybe I should do that and use the money to buy Doomsday...I've just been too lazy to sell stuff lately.

I don't think there's any way I can ever convince you to switch to Hot Toys if you can't make it a week, ha. I love my Jyn, in fact my imperial disguise Jyn is sitting at the UPS store right now. I need to pick her up on Saturday.

I love a good rant! I hope whatever it is can somehow get worked out, otherwise I'd love to see you sue the piss out of someone! ;)

I really want you to get Doomsday, but I still think you should wait to see their Superman first. I have no idea what the price on that will be and it would be better to make sure to have funds for that first. Thats going to end up being the jewel of your collection! I'm not going to lie, I even want it. I'll predict Hush Batman will be $1500 and Superman will be $1200.

To be fair, even with how much you love Hot Toys I sometimes have to bug you for weeks to open them :p.

I'm back at work today. I still feel crummy but its definitely the best I've felt in the last 3 days.
I love a good rant! I hope whatever it is can somehow get worked out, otherwise I'd love to see you sue the piss out of someone! ;)

I really want you to get Doomsday, but I still think you should wait to see their Superman first. I have no idea what the price on that will be and it would be better to make sure to have funds for that first. Thats going to end up being the jewel of your collection! I'm not going to lie, I even want it. I'll predict Hush Batman will be $1500 and Superman will be $1200.

To be fair, even with how much you love Hot Toys I sometimes have to bug you for weeks to open them :p.

I'm back at work today. I still feel crummy but its definitely the best I've felt in the last 3 days.

I called the Veterans Service Officer and it sounds like a technicality. He's already writing up the paperwork to have them reopen it. According to the letter, I missed an exam they never scheduled. :facepalm: Granted, I still don't have much faith in it going through even if they redo it.

Maybe when Doomsday goes up for order this afternoon I'll lose all inhibition and order it, ha. Of course the Jim Lee Superman will be an automatic purchase and I'll probably want the 1/3 Justice League Superman as well...although that one I'm not as worried about when it comes to selling out.

The problem with my Hot Toys figures is I need some cabinets for them! They are all over the place right now which is why I'm not in a hurry to open them. I need to stop being lazy and paint my guest room so I can start making it into a Star Wars room. Painting is such an excruciating chore.

Sorry you're not feeling well. Being sick is the worst. My nephews and my brother were all sick the last week, but somehow I didn't get it. I was feeling pretty rundown the last two days so I wonder if my body was fighting it off. At least you should feel better for the weekend!
I called the Veterans Service Officer and it sounds like a technicality. He's already writing up the paperwork to have them reopen it. According to the letter, I missed an exam they never scheduled. :facepalm: Granted, I still don't have much faith in it going through even if they redo it.

Maybe when Doomsday goes up for order this afternoon I'll lose all inhibition and order it, ha. Of course the Jim Lee Superman will be an automatic purchase and I'll probably want the 1/3 Justice League Superman as well...although that one I'm not as worried about when it comes to selling out.

The problem with my Hot Toys figures is I need some cabinets for them! They are all over the place right now which is why I'm not in a hurry to open them. I need to stop being lazy and paint my guest room so I can start making it into a Star Wars room. Painting is such an excruciating chore.

Sorry you're not feeling well. Being sick is the worst. My nephews and my brother were all sick the last week, but somehow I didn't get it. I was feeling pretty rundown the last two days so I wonder if my body was fighting it off. At least you should feel better for the weekend!

Well I guess there is still some hope it will go through. Here's hoping for the best :).

You did fold pretty quickly once you saw Thanos go up for order :p. Do you like Thanos more than Doomsday? You'll probably be able to get the 1/3 JL Superman on a discount eventually. I'm assuming they will have an entire JL display at the Tokyo con. Should I just get a 1/3 JL Wonder Woman? I don't think I like the character enough to justify the $2.1K on the 1/2.

I hate painting! Just order some of these mini Besta shelves for your HTs: Shipping is super cheap on these.

I hop you're right! Glad you managed to fight it off. I wish I could look forward to watching a football game this weekend but we don't play until Monday. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend.
Well I guess there is still some hope it will go through. Here's hoping for the best :).

You did fold pretty quickly once you saw Thanos go up for order :p. Do you like Thanos more than Doomsday? You'll probably be able to get the 1/3 JL Superman on a discount eventually. I'm assuming they will have an entire JL display at the Tokyo con. Should I just get a 1/3 JL Wonder Woman? I don't think I like the character enough to justify the $2.1K on the 1/2.

I hate painting! Just order some of these mini Besta shelves for your HTs: Shipping is super cheap on these.

I hop you're right! Glad you managed to fight it off. I wish I could look forward to watching a football game this weekend but we don't play until Monday. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do this weekend.

I did fold quickly when it came to Thanos...that's why I'm not putting much faith in myself to avoid ordering Doomsday. :p I do like Thanos more, but that's only because he actually has depth to him. Doomsday is nothing but a mindless, killing machine. He was created simply to destroy and be unstoppable. Even Darkseid couldn't take him on.

I don't know if I want my HTs in a Besta. I would rather have them on longer shelves instead of a bunch of them stuffed into tiny boxes. I'm very indecisive when it comes to displays.

Are you even still watching the Packers play? They are pretty bad without Rogers!
I did fold quickly when it came to Thanos...that's why I'm not putting much faith in myself to avoid ordering Doomsday. :p I do like Thanos more, but that's only because he actually has depth to him. Doomsday is nothing but a mindless, killing machine. He was created simply to destroy and be unstoppable. Even Darkseid couldn't take him on.

I don't know if I want my HTs in a Besta. I would rather have them on longer shelves instead of a bunch of them stuffed into tiny boxes. I'm very indecisive when it comes to displays.

Are you even still watching the Packers play? They are pretty bad without Rogers!

I can't wait to see how today turns out, I wonder if you'll have the willpower to avoid ordering or not :p.

I totally understand where you're coming from! You're not going to believe this but I'm not really big into Besta displays anymore. I liked having my SW display for awhile but I felt the display itself was the focus, and not what was inside. I just didn't like having 3 sides of each statue blocked off by walls and then having to peer through glass to see the statue. It just put too much distance between me and the collectible. Does that make sense? Probably not but its hard to describe what I mean. I really like having my huge 1/2s out in the open I get to experience every detail from any angle at any viewing distance I want. I'm not using doors on my other bestas currently and while the walls still unfortunately block some viewing angles at least not having a door does allow me to get right up close to the statue. I don't know if I'd ever change my displays to floating shelves but I may consider it eventually.

They are terrible without Rodgers! It just goes to show one player can make or break an entire team!
I can't wait to see how today turns out, I wonder if you'll have the willpower to avoid ordering or not :p.

I totally understand where you're coming from! You're not going to believe this but I'm not really big into Besta displays anymore. I liked having my SW display for awhile but I felt the display itself was the focus, and not what was inside. I just didn't like having 3 sides of each statue blocked off by walls and then having to peer through glass to see the statue. It just put too much distance between me and the collectible. Does that make sense? Probably not but its hard to describe what I mean. I really like having my huge 1/2s out in the open I get to experience every detail from any angle at any viewing distance I want. I'm not using doors on my other bestas currently and while the walls still unfortunately block some viewing angles at least not having a door does allow me to get right up close to the statue. I don't know if I'd ever change my displays to floating shelves but I may consider it eventually.

They are terrible without Rodgers! It just goes to show one player can make or break an entire team!

I'm already doubting myself. :wacky:

No I get it. I don't mind the Besta for a single PF. Like my SS Daredevil PF looks great in a Besta, but I like the wider shelves so they have more "room to breath." Plus you can see them at more angles. And with the Hot Toys, I think it would look cooler having a bunch lined up on a long shelf rather than three in front and three in back in a tight Besta fit. Have you ever looked into getting acrylic cases to go over your 1:2 statues? I bet those would be expensive.

I forgot to answer your Wonder Woman question. I would personally vote for the 1:2 if you can find a wider table. :p

Well an elite QB can definitely carry a team. Cowboys finished 4-12 in 2015 when their QB was hurt. Three of those games they won were before he was injured! Their star RB just got suspended so we'll see how they do without him. I have a feeling neither of our teams are going anywhere this year. Hey, the University of Wisconsin is still undefeated aren't they?
I'm already doubting myself. :wacky:

No I get it. I don't mind the Besta for a single PF. Like my SS Daredevil PF looks great in a Besta, but I like the wider shelves so they have more "room to breath." Plus you can see them at more angles. And with the Hot Toys, I think it would look cooler having a bunch lined up on a long shelf rather than three in front and three in back in a tight Besta fit. Have you ever looked into getting acrylic cases to go over your 1:2 statues? I bet those would be expensive.

I forgot to answer your Wonder Woman question. I would personally vote for the 1:2 if you can find a wider table. :p

Well an elite QB can definitely carry a team. Cowboys finished 4-12 in 2015 when their QB was hurt. Three of those games they won were before he was injured! Their star RB just got suspended so we'll see how they do without him. I have a feeling neither of our teams are going anywhere this year. Hey, the University of Wisconsin is still undefeated aren't they?


I think acrylic cases for this size would easily be $1K+ a piece. I'm just not going to do that. I saw some people put these in a 2-tier besta but I think that looks absolutely terrible blocking off that many viewing angles of these. Honestly I'm really happy just leaving these out in the open, I dust my statues every single weekend so I never have a problem with dust buildup.

I like how now you are trying to talk me into buying a super expensive thing :p. I don't know if I could talk myself into spending another $2K on a piece ever again. But I can't completely rule it out either. I guess time will tell.

I have no clue, I never watch college games. I used to a lot back when I was in grade school, but as I got older I only wanted to watch professional sports. This season I'll just have to be content with a below average Packers team, its probably how you feel every year watching the Cowboys :p:rofl:. I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself with that one.

I think acrylic cases for this size would easily be $1K+ a piece. I'm just not going to do that. I saw some people put these in a 2-tier besta but I think that looks absolutely terrible blocking off that many viewing angles of these. Honestly I'm really happy just leaving these out in the open, I dust my statues every single weekend so I never have a problem with dust buildup.

I like how now you are trying to talk me into buying a super expensive thing :p. I don't know if I could talk myself into spending another $2K on a piece ever again. But I can't completely rule it out either. I guess time will tell.

I have no clue, I never watch college games. I used to a lot back when I was in grade school, but as I got older I only wanted to watch professional sports. This season I'll just have to be content with a below average Packers team, its probably how you feel every year watching the Cowboys :p:rofl:. I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself with that one.

Yeah I figured acrylic cases would be ridiculous. Where did you get your table at again?

Hey, you are trying to talk me into buying something very expensive! I wasn't really trying to talk you into it, but if I had to choose between 1:2 and 1:3 and I already had 2/3 of the characters in 1:2 then I'd probably get the third character in that size as well. Just saying!

I don't even care when people make fun of the Cowboys, they deserve it!

So looks like I don't have to worry about making a decision on Doomsday today as it appears he's not going up for order.
Yeah I figured acrylic cases would be ridiculous. Where did you get your table at again?

Hey, you are trying to talk me into buying something very expensive! I wasn't really trying to talk you into it, but if I had to choose between 1:2 and 1:3 and I already had 2/3 of the characters in 1:2 then I'd probably get the third character in that size as well. Just saying!

I don't even care when people make fun of the Cowboys, they deserve it!

So looks like I don't have to worry about making a decision on Doomsday today as it appears he's not going up for order.

I ordered it from Wayfair. I think it was $200-somethng. It had free shipping too. I searched for months until I found something that was the exact height I wanted while not being excessively long or excessively deep. I couldn't believe how difficult it was.

I'm probably just going to leave it as is with 2 of them, and I should just stick to the Arkham line with 1/3. No matter how hard I try to talk myself into it I really don't have the room for another 1/2 unless I want to drastically start cutting into the display space I have available for everything else.

I get overly critical of the Packers when they lose, and I say things similar to they deserve it.

Ha! Maybe that's the universe's way of telling you not to order it :p. Although sometimes Sideshow doesn't put their new Prime 1 stuff up for order until sometime in the evening. So in theory it could still go up tonight.

Edit: Okay its definitely not going up for order today :LOL:.
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I wouldn't either if I could remember someone removing my nuts, ha!

Do you think you will get the XM Maul? What's your plans with your 1/4 scale Star Wars collection by the way?

Did you see the first 1/3 Prime 1 Justice League picture?


Dude, that's awesome! Can't wait for you to get the Boba Fett. You're definitely going to have to make an unboxing video for your first XM piece.

Bob Newby (Sean Astin) is awesome! What do you think of the new high school characters (Billy and Max)?

I feel your pain. We are supposed to get more snow all night tonight. Luckily the in town roads were fine this morning.

This sucks dude! All I want to do is ride! Lol! Well, at least I can spend this down time in the gym I guess.

They are good additions to the show along with Bob. My wife just loves Sean tho, lmao!! She's happy he is doing well. This was the last time we saw him:

Will definitely be doing an unboxing vid.

That's awesome you're getting Boba!!!

Ha! I seriously think that's what it is.

I haven't even thought about 1/4 SW in so long. I really don't even know what I'm going to do with what I've got left of my SS stuff. I've already sold some of it to fund the much better Prime 1 stuff. I had thoughts to sell whats left and switch over to HTs but my HT Jyn only lasted 6 days. :LOL: I'd like to get XM Maul but I'll probably end up using those funds for another Prime 1 piece.

That pose looks as terrible as the Batman LSF :rofl:. Seriously its the same pose + a Captain Morgan. Having said that he'll probably be up on that Gargoyle from the trailers and the whole thing will probably look pretty epic.

I agree with Adam here Lou, you really should do an unboxing video for your first XM piece :).

Count on it man!

I dont blame you, dude. Its very possible i may even pass on Ahsoka. With the issues i had with the Aayla PF, i wonder if itd be more of the same with Ahsoka. Not to mention that SS uses the excuse of using plastic in their pieces as "it's mixed media" and they think that's ok. We may not get extremely accurate likenesses with cold cast porcelain, but at least I don't have to worry about a hollow piece or a base filled with broken statues parts FFS!! Like i said, I'd rather have a couple awesome pieces rather than a bunch of ok ones.

What’s left of your Star Wars PFs? And you seriously already sold Jyn?! I knew I shouldn’t have ordered her and just bought yours!

I was hoping to have some more funds as I filed a claim with the VA for issues I’ve been having from all the injuries I had in service. I had two separate doctors write letters supporting my claim and the VA still denied it. Meanwhile our politicians spend millions of taxpayer dollars on private planes for trips. Probably not ordering the Prime 1 Doomsday for sure now.

I hope they reopen your case man. The sacrifice you guys do for our country, none of you should have any issues getting any kind if help you need.

That's terrible! Veterans should take priority above everyone. Are there any other legal actions you can take? Like a lawsuit?

I'm sorry :p. I don't know what to say other than it felt like a f***ing doll :LOL:. I don't think Jyn was probably a wise choice for my first SW HT, I really should have gone with Vader or something, going with a female just made it feel even more doll-like. It didn't help either when my brother asked if it was a Barbie :rofl:. I've still got Jedi Luke and Anakin PFs, I'm saving those to sell off to help fund Prime 1 Catwoman. Or I might keep them as they are my favs. I've been selling the rest off over the months probably more in a fit of rage over Sideshow than anything. Plus I gotta make room for a PotF collection!

I really like the Anakin PF, and that one is going to be difficult to let go.
This sucks dude! All I want to do is ride! Lol! Well, at least I can spend this down time in the gym I guess.

They are good additions to the show along with Bob. My wife just loves Sean tho, lmao!! She's happy he is doing well. This was the last time we saw him:View attachment 342501
Will definitely be doing an unboxing vid.

Count on it man!

I dont blame you, dude. Its very possible i may even pass on Ahsoka. With the issues i had with the Aayla PF, i wonder if itd be more of the same with Ahsoka. Not to mention that SS uses the excuse of using plastic in their pieces as "it's mixed media" and they think that's ok. We may not get extremely accurate likenesses with cold cast porcelain, but at least I don't have to worry about a hollow piece or a base filled with broken statues parts FFS!! Like i said, I'd rather have a couple awesome pieces rather than a bunch of ok ones.

I hope they reopen your case man. The sacrifice you guys do for our country, none of you should have any issues getting any kind if help you need.

I really like the Anakin PF, and that one is going to be difficult to let go.

My nice weather is definitely gone for the year. As I type this I just heard a motorcycle outside and its in the 40s here. You bike riders are crazy, I'd be freezing my balls off on that thing :rofl:.

Awesome pic of your wife with Sean Astin! I remember that amazing story you told me about him and her :).

I guess I should break the bad news, I head there isn't going to be an Ahsoka PF. Apparently there was some misinterpretation either on one of their live shows or something that was posted on the forums saying an Ahsoka PF was actually happening, but now its been confirmed it isn't.
My nice weather is definitely gone for the year. As I type this I just heard a motorcycle outside and its in the 40s here. You bike riders are crazy, I'd be freezing my balls off on that thing :rofl:.

Awesome pic of your wife with Sean Astin! I remember that amazing story you told me about him and her :).

I guess I should break the bad news, I head there isn't going to be an Ahsoka PF. Apparently there was some misinterpretation either on one of their live shows or something that was posted on the forums saying an Ahsoka PF was actually happening, but now its been confirmed it isn't.

I admit, as much as I would live to have her, I'm relieved. SS would have got money from me they don't deserve.

LMAO! Well, we have winter gear. My jacket is heated, and the pants I actually sweat in if it's above 40, Lol! The only thing tjat gets cold sometimes is my neck, but not enough to keep me from riding.

Hey, you guys know if anyone is making SW dio's like SS and GG used to?
I ordered it from Wayfair. I think it was $200-somethng. It had free shipping too. I searched for months until I found something that was the exact height I wanted while not being excessively long or excessively deep. I couldn't believe how difficult it was.

I'm probably just going to leave it as is with 2 of them, and I should just stick to the Arkham line with 1/3. No matter how hard I try to talk myself into it I really don't have the room for another 1/2 unless I want to drastically start cutting into the display space I have available for everything else.

I get overly critical of the Packers when they lose, and I say things similar to they deserve it.

Ha! Maybe that's the universe's way of telling you not to order it :p. Although sometimes Sideshow doesn't put their new Prime 1 stuff up for order until sometime in the evening. So in theory it could still go up tonight.

Edit: Okay its definitely not going up for order today :LOL:.

Oh I didn't even think about checking Wayfair. I will look on there IF the time comes. Doomsday probably won't even ship for 2 years, so ridiculous.

This sucks dude! All I want to do is ride! Lol! Well, at least I can spend this down time in the gym I guess.

They are good additions to the show along with Bob. My wife just loves Sean tho, lmao!! She's happy he is doing well. This was the last time we saw him:View attachment 342501
Will definitely be doing an unboxing vid.

Count on it man!

I dont blame you, dude. Its very possible i may even pass on Ahsoka. With the issues i had with the Aayla PF, i wonder if itd be more of the same with Ahsoka. Not to mention that SS uses the excuse of using plastic in their pieces as "it's mixed media" and they think that's ok. We may not get extremely accurate likenesses with cold cast porcelain, but at least I don't have to worry about a hollow piece or a base filled with broken statues parts FFS!! Like i said, I'd rather have a couple awesome pieces rather than a bunch of ok ones.

I hope they reopen your case man. The sacrifice you guys do for our country, none of you should have any issues getting any kind if help you need.

I really like the Anakin PF, and that one is going to be difficult to let go.

Where did you meet Sean Astin? That's pretty cool!

Well it snowed here overnight and it's still snowing this morning. We're supposed to get snow all night tonight too. It's way too early in the year for this non stop snow. Luckily the high today is above freezing so most of it shouldn't stick. Our high Monday is 23 and it's supposed to snow the next three days so it could get ugly. I'm over winter already. :p

That's a bummer about Ahsoka, but probably for the best. I bet XM could make a sweet Ahsoka if they wanted.

I admit, as much as I would live to have her, I'm relieved. SS would have got money from me they don't deserve.

LMAO! Well, we have winter gear. My jacket is heated, and the pants I actually sweat in if it's above 40, Lol! The only thing tjat gets cold sometimes is my neck, but not enough to keep me from riding.

Hey, you guys know if anyone is making SW dio's like SS and GG used to?

I don't know of anyone making dios anymore. Sideshow made that Hulk vs. Wolverine recently, that's about the closest anyone has been.

I went to Thor last night, it had a lot of comedy in it. It was definitely better than the first two Thor movies.
I admit, as much as I would live to have her, I'm relieved. SS would have got money from me they don't deserve.

LMAO! Well, we have winter gear. My jacket is heated, and the pants I actually sweat in if it's above 40, Lol! The only thing tjat gets cold sometimes is my neck, but not enough to keep me from riding.

Hey, you guys know if anyone is making SW dio's like SS and GG used to?

I'm relieved they aren't making her too. We all must stick together as our own Sideshow support group. Friends don't let friends buy Sideshow. :p

That sounds like some pretty awesome thermal gear there. I think I'm going to get me a heated jacket and I don't even ride!

Did I show you this before?


Thats definitely the closest thing we'll ever get to that Anakin & Sebulba Dio we talked about so long ago.

Oh I didn't even think about checking Wayfair. I will look on there IF the time comes. Doomsday probably won't even ship for 2 years, so ridiculous.

Where did you meet Sean Astin? That's pretty cool!

Well it snowed here overnight and it's still snowing this morning. We're supposed to get snow all night tonight too. It's way too early in the year for this non stop snow. Luckily the high today is above freezing so most of it shouldn't stick. Our high Monday is 23 and it's supposed to snow the next three days so it could get ugly. I'm over winter already. :p

That's a bummer about Ahsoka, but probably for the best. I bet XM could make a sweet Ahsoka if they wanted.

I don't know of anyone making dios anymore. Sideshow made that Hulk vs. Wolverine recently, that's about the closest anyone has been.

I went to Thor last night, it had a lot of comedy in it. It was definitely better than the first two Thor movies.

Yeah I was going to say Doomsday won't get here till 2019. Their wait time is ridiculous! At least it gives you time to save up.

That weather sounds terrible! Just hearing about it makes me depressed.

For some reason I keep thinking the SW pieces XM showed are the only ones they are making. I keep forgetting they are only starting.

I'm definitely waiting for the Blu on Thor 3.

Have we talked about how cool this poster is yet by the way? I saw it last night at the theater and was going to ask if I could have it...then realized Superman isn't on it.


I love that poster! I think thats an IMAX exclusive.

Should I try to get this JL Mondo poster by Lee Bermejo?

I'm relieved they aren't making her too. We all must stick together as our own Sideshow support group. Friends don't let friends buy Sideshow. :p

That sounds like some pretty awesome thermal gear there. I think I'm going to get me a heated jacket and I don't even ride!

Did I show you this before?


Thats definitely the closest thing we'll ever get to that Anakin & Sebulba Dio we talked about so long ago.

Yeah I was going to say Doomsday won't get here till 2019. Their wait time is ridiculous! At least it gives you time to save up.

That weather sounds terrible! Just hearing about it makes me depressed.

For some reason I keep thinking the SW pieces XM showed are the only ones they are making. I keep forgetting they are only starting.

I'm definitely waiting for the Blu on Thor 3.

I love that poster! I think thats an IMAX exclusive.

Should I try to get this JL Mondo poster by Lee Bermejo?


$1200 for that tiny pod racing dio? No way! That thing is smaller than a Hot Toys figure, ha.

Yeah, it's frustrating as hell knowing I'd have to wait TWO years for this statue. They shouldn't even put up the preorder until January 2019. Why do they put it up this far in advance? The only reason I can think that they do this is to make money off of NRD cancels. It's a borderline scam at this point.

I'm definitely not happy about this weather! When does global warming get to Montana?

That Mondo print is pretty sweet. I'm glad Superman is on that one! This movie is kind of depressing me. My two favorite Justice League characters are Superman and Green Lantern, and neither are on the posters and one of them probably isn't even in it. Not to mention Flash and Aquaman's costumes are pretty terrible. And Cyborg wasn't considered a "founding member" of the Justice League until the new 52 reboot in 2011. Sigh. I get that Cyborg makes sense because we're in a technological world now, but I like my old school original seven with Martian Manhunter.
$1200 for that tiny pod racing dio? No way! That thing is smaller than a Hot Toys figure, ha.

Yeah, it's frustrating as hell knowing I'd have to wait TWO years for this statue. They shouldn't even put up the preorder until January 2019. Why do they put it up this far in advance? The only reason I can think that they do this is to make money off of NRD cancels. It's a borderline scam at this point.

I'm definitely not happy about this weather! When does global warming get to Montana?

That Mondo print is pretty sweet. I'm glad Superman is on that one! This movie is kind of depressing me. My two favorite Justice League characters are Superman and Green Lantern, and neither are on the posters and one of them probably isn't even in it. Not to mention Flash and Aquaman's costumes are pretty terrible. And Cyborg wasn't considered a "founding member" of the Justice League until the new 52 reboot in 2011. Sigh. I get that Cyborg makes sense because we're in a technological world now, but I like my old school original seven with Martian Manhunter.

OMG I never realized that dio was that small! That's terrible! How in the hell can they charge that much?

I'm telling you it is a scheme! There is absolutely no reason something should go up for preorder that's that far out. They know exactly what they are doing! And I'm starting to think a lot of customers aren't understanding it yet.

I know! Where is this global warming? And how do I get some? Its in the freaking 30s here! :angry:

Well at least both of the posters have Batman on it :p. I wonder if they picked Cyborg over Martian Manhunter because they already put him in the Supergirl tv show.

Okay so here's my new plan. If Prime 1 makes a 1/3 black suit JL Superman and if (and that's a big IF) I decide to get him then I'll get a 1/3 JL Wonder Woman to go along with him. I've decided I'm not getting another 1/2 so 1/2 Wonder Woman is out for me. And I'm not going to buy her in 1/3 by herself, but I could talk myself into getting her with a Black Suit Supes. A Hot Toys Wonder Woman is out because the rooted hair makes it look straight up like a Barbie.

Edit: I already found you a table for Doomsday :p:
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OMG I never realized that dio was that small! That's terrible! How in the hell can they charge that much?

I'm telling you it is a scheme! There is absolutely no reason something should go up for preorder that's that far out. They know exactly what they are doing! And I'm starting to think a lot of customers aren't understanding it yet.

I know! Where is this global warming? And how do I get some? Its in the freaking 30s here! :angry:

Well at least both of the posters have Batman on it :p. I wonder if they picked Cyborg over Martian Manhunter because they already put him in the Supergirl tv show.

Okay so here's my new plan. If Prime 1 makes a 1/3 black suit JL Superman and if (and that's a big IF) I decide to get him then I'll get a 1/3 JL Wonder Woman to go along with him. I've decided I'm not getting another 1/2 so 1/2 Wonder Woman is out for me. And I'm not going to buy her in 1/3 by herself, but I could talk myself into getting her with a Black Suit Supes. A Hot Toys Wonder Woman is out because the rooted hair makes it look straight up like a Barbie.

Edit: I already found you a table for Doomsday :p:

Yeah those measurements are in centimeters! That thing is tiny!

When did they start doing NRDs anyhow? Now BBTS does them too. :(

It's 30 degrees here too. A couple Montana towns are in the teens right now.

Well Cyborg has been an official member of the Justice League since the New 52. Martian Manhunter and Superman kind of are the same so it makes sense they went with a more relatable human.

That's a good plan! So like 3 years from now you'll have them and probably will have lost interest by then, ha ha.

Thanks for your help. :p I was kind of just thinking about just using two Bestas, putting one in front of the other.

I just bid on a top loader NES, but lost. Darn. It came with the original three Super Mario Bros. games.
Yeah those measurements are in centimeters! That thing is tiny!

When did they start doing NRDs anyhow? Now BBTS does them too. :(

It's 30 degrees here too. A couple Montana towns are in the teens right now.

Well Cyborg has been an official member of the Justice League since the New 52. Martian Manhunter and Superman kind of are the same so it makes sense they went with a more relatable human.

That's a good plan! So like 3 years from now you'll have them and probably will have lost interest by then, ha ha.

Thanks for your help. :p I was kind of just thinking about just using two Bestas, putting one in front of the other.

I just bid on a top loader NES, but lost. Darn. It came with the original three Super Mario Bros. games.

I'm not sure, but these long wait times are making the hobby a lot less fun.

I'm starting to think they chose Cyborg because he's similar to Iron Man. These block buster movies are doing huge business over in Asia, and the studios are really pushing for that. And Asia absolutely loves robots! Its like their number one thing! I'm serious, I'm not sure if you've heard this or not yet. That's the main reason Hot Toys is producing a never ending line of Iron Man figures, they aren't doing that for us here in the U.S. they are doing that for themselves. So I think Cyborg is WB's way of trying to capitalize on that hype.

Yeah, I already realize I'll have absolutely no interest in my plan once those things ship. This is terrible, why can't they have these things ready to go when the movie opens! :angry:

If you put 2 bestas in front of eachother would that give you enough width across? It should definitely cover you depth wise, but the specs list Doomsday at a whopping 33 1/2" across. I think a besta is only 24" across. This thing is going to be a b**** to display. I think you'd need to put 4 bestas together in a square to fit this thing.

That sucks! I still have my original NES. I haven't played it in decades so I don't even know if it still works. I have Mario 1 and 3, but I don't know if I ever played 2. I got the NES that came with Mario 1 and Duck Hunt on the same cartridge. I still have the gun too. I remember when I used to get mad at the games I was playing on NES and SNES I'd rip the cartridges out of the system and throw them across the room while the system was still on :LOL:. I think I had a slight rage problem.