
Est. 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Thunder Bay
Happy 2019, everyone!

In December, I turned 36 years old and when I did, I was reminded of a promise that I made to myself back when I turned 30 -- the promise that I'd present a project of mine on a stage at a convention or festival by the time I turned 40 years old. Well, I thought I had that in the bag with Quiver , but it looks like those dreams have been extinguished (read my last post here to learn more about what's happening with that). So rather than dwelling on the past and what could've been, I've decided to revisit that original promise to myself with what I've titled 'The Big Game Plan'.


If you read that post from the Quiver thread, you'll kinda have an idea of where this is going. Starting on Monday, January 14th, I'm going to be sharing my entire 5-year plan with everyone that I possibly can. Why? Because that'll give me the drive to get to my destination. It'll act like a deadline of sorts -- and I'll need all of you. The goal is to finally bring my projects to life while collaborating and learning from talented individuals along the way. And of course, the final goal: be on that stage by the age of 40.

I'll be back here on Monday. See you then! :thumbs:


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Introducing BRISTLE, the happiest little toothbrush whose sole purpose in life is to help make smiles. If you haven’t guessed it, this is the children’s book that I was talking about yesterday.
Originally conceived as a book before switching the story to a short screenplay, I’m now returning Bristle to his book roots. I wrote the story and my brother James is on board as editor/overseer of the project. Bristle was designed by the phenomenal Daniel Lambert.
This project is currently in active development and we should be able to share more news real soon! Until then... keep smiling! :D

As for the comicbook portion of The Big Game Plan… ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

In 1987, I created a superhero called TRIDON. For nearly 32 years, that character has been a part of who I am (it’s my email address, my username here on Hi-Def Ninja and every other forum I’ve ever been a member on, etc.). He’s gone through many incarnations, too. From blocky, long-haired guy that 8-year-old me was drawing to a brush-cut and drawn after a Marvel Legends Daredevil figure in my teens… to Russell Crowe playing him to Vin Diesel playing him in fictional movies… Tridon has changed as many times as myself over the years, always growing and improving as he gets older.
The supporting cast of characters I’ve created over the years is HUGE! I mean, it could rival Kirkman/Walker/Ottley’s Invincible for the amount of supporting characters featured. I don’t draw anymore — haven’t picked up a pencil in at least 10 years — but the tales and stories I’ve jotted down for Tridon and his world are neverending.
I have a couple little practice comic projects I’d like to tackle before getting to this big one, but I’d love to officially start Tridon sometime before the end of my 5-year plan. I have enough stories to fill in a hundred mini-series or one massive ongoing, that’s for sure. If, for some reason, a comic ends up being out of reach, I think I’ll still start a website with Tridon’s ongoing stories. Either way, making this happen is DEFINITELY part of The Big Game Plan.


A BRAND NEW HUMAN is the novel portion of The Written Word. I started this novel a few years back and it unfortunately fell to the wayside due to the busyness that’s real life. A prologue and the first two chapters are complete and the entire story has been plotted out – it’s just a matter of completing it.

The story follows a young girl named Athena who grows up in the fallout of an alien invasion on Earth. Alongside her father and a community of individuals who live within a bunker with them, Athena learns that the key to the world’s survival lies within herself – that she’s so much more than meets the eye.

I’d ideally publish a hard copy of ABNH, but like Tridon, I’ve been playing around with the idea of possibly just posting the story online (chapter by chapter as they’re completed) for everyone to read. Hopefully more news can be shared within the next year!

The final part of The Big Game Plan is a personal one: Get Healthy. I’m not an unhealthy individual (I eat right and while I don’t exercise as much as I should, I do stay relatively active), but I am one who’s battled times of mental instability, so I say **** stress and **** anxiety – I’ve lost battles, but I’ll win the war.

If I can get productive and crush the first three parts of this 5-year plan (SEASONS, GEEK PANTS, and THE WRITTEN WORD), then I believe I can become healthier mentally… and if I can become healthier mentally, then that should (hopefully) transfer to becoming healthier physically.

So, there you have it – that’s The Big Game Plan. 1 mind, 5 years, 13 projects, and an endless drive to just become an overall better man both creatively and mentally. I hope you can follow my journey and encourage and help along the way.
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