What SteelBook do you REGRET not getting?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

This should be about steels you had a chance to get at release, but didnt for one reason or another. It's not about a brand new collector, who wasn't around for a release just regretting that. However, you can share that you regret not getting into them earlier if you are a new collector. :D

Maybe you own it now, but regret passing it up at release and paying more $$$ for it later etc.

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I had 2 copies of The Raid (Play.com) on order and a couple days before the release i cancelled.

Should have never done that and i once had the chance to buy Iron Man (Futureshop release) sealed for just 50 euros but at that time i let the auction go past me.

Ironman, from play.com, came out just when i started collecting...

This one. I had just gotten into the group buy forum when there was a USA only GB for it and I didn't understand how it worked.

The other is Captain America DE. I didn't have the $ at the time to order it from amazon, and I could have. Now it's practically doubled in value. boo.
I need this crazy sucker punch to go with my fnac box set ! :p Most Wanted !!!!!!!!

Next there is this HMV Green Hornet available in my country too but no shop enough close to me

You can add Tintin steelbook for same reason above :(

That's all for the sadness lol

there is always hope hahaha

Thanks to you ninjas I got all of them from you !!!

Now my only miss is Prometheus 3D Play.com or another asian release :) you know what to do to make me feel happy haha
I actually had a coule of steelbooks I sold that I regret not holding on to.
Captain America HMV
Thor HMV
Coulnt re order once sold. Had to pay a bunch for the 3D MediaMarkt Exclusives.
The Raid and Taken both were out around the time I started collecting steelbooks. I didn't realise then that steelbooks could sell out before they were released so I kept putting off pre ordering The Raid until it was too late. Same as with Taken.

Fingers crossed I should have my hands on these by the end of the week.
I've only been collecting for less than a month so I've missed tons. I do regret not paying attention when the Taiwan Terminator, Captain America and Prometheus were in stock. They're all cool looking steels.
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Haha. Didn't expect to have this thread to vent my biggest regrets.

My biggest is having seen and wanting to order 2x Play.com Oldboy when it was still available. I'm new and didn't know it's so limited. Thought it would last quite some time like most other Play.com issues.

Two other regrets are Play.com Watchmen and The Raid. Could have ordered but hesitated. Being new to steelbooks, I was just too busy ordering from all over. :(
As of now, FF7 Advent Children and Metropolis UK. Metropolis was already in my cart at Amazon UK, then I decided to hold off for the time being, and forgot all about it. Advent Children I distinctly remember seeing them on the shelves at local stores. Wasn't really collecting steelbooks at these times but argh! :angry: