What SteelBook do you REGRET not getting?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

This should be about steels you had a chance to get at release, but didnt for one reason or another. It's not about a brand new collector, who wasn't around for a release just regretting that. However, you can share that you regret not getting into them earlier if you are a new collector. :D

Maybe you own it now, but regret passing it up at release and paying more $$$ for it later etc.

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Star Trek Play.com exclusive. It was originally offered at £17.99, then it went up to £22.99. I waited for the price to drop back to £17.99, but it sold out, and I missed out :(
Without a shadow of a doubt, the German Rambo steelie from Amazon.de! Remember seeing it up for pre-order and thought 'naaaaaaaa'............... oh how I regret it!
Mainly three titles, Iron Man FS, Rambo Amazon.de & Wanted DE, I opted for DVD Steelbook editions instead, that was the dumbest thing I've ever done lol, well at least I have two outta three, one more to go ;)
Ehm 3/3 :scat: (mission accomplished) :naughty:
i have put off buying SB for so long that finally i gave in a few months ago to my cravings and now I've gone SB mad.

Hopefully in the future i won't looking back and regret any SB i passed by!
I regret not buying the UK versions of Captain America and Thor as they only seem to be going up in price. Also German Zombieland as I remember when it could be picked up for around £40 just a few months back.
I regret not getting into collecting steelbooks earlier. Have managed to collect a few that I initially missed the train on but there are a few more that are too pricey for my taste to consider adding at this point: e.g. - Iron Man FS - CA, Zombieland
I regret letting go of my Iron Man FS blu-ray. I got a good price for it, but it was before I was into collecting steelbooks and trying to replace it is nearly impossible
I didn't realize there were blu-ray steelbooks in Canada until Future Shop advertised their 12 weeks of Disney campaign. Back then I got my movies at Best Buy because it was on the way home from work. If I had been at FS to buy Iron Man or Indiana Jones I'd have those suckers in my steelbook collection! CRAP!!
I now regret not getting The Raid, I remember looking at the pre-order and thinking nah I'm not bothered about that one!:rolleyes:
I only regret not buying one steel - Wanted Media Market Germany. Still dont have it and at this point just dont care to obtain it anymore as purchasing printed back's are a thing of the past in my collection.
The dark knight Japan, I saw it for $50 on amazon about 3 months ago and now the price has shot up
Wish I'd bought the HMV Thor when I had the chance and more recently missing out on The Raid because I thought I had ordered it but actually hadn't :angry:
I regret not getting Drive at the time it was released. I saw it for £12.99 on HMV site and didnt pre-order it and I thought I come back later and get it. I later checked and then found it was OOP!

I had to trade a steel worth £25 of value to get it. You win some you lose some.