[WINNER CHOSEN][NINJA WEEK '14 GIVEAWAY] Riddick (HMV Exclusive) Steelbook

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Steelbook, POP & Statue Collector
Premium Supporter
Jan 27, 2012
Ontario, Canada
This giveaway is for a sealed Riddick (HMV Exclusive) blu-ray steelbook courtesy of Naughtius Maximus


To be entered, please post your personal ranking of the 3 Riddick films and a statement why you chose your #1


1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles Of Riddick
3) Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as my favourite because...

Giveaway entries will be closed the night of Friday, February 7th at midnight EST. Winner will be chosen via random number generator.

Good luck!
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1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles Of Riddick
3) Riddick

The original one was new, so therefore the best IMHO - not a massive fan to be honest
1) Pitch Black
2) Riddick
3) Chronicles of Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as #1...well, because it came first!

Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway

1. Riddick
2. Pitch black
3. Chronicles

In honesty I can't stand the first two films but when I first see pitch black as a youngen I did originally like it and then instantly hated it. Couldn't stand chronicles and I thought ahh **** it I'll get the riddick steelbook and I loved it. Much better than the others. Just my opinion tho
Don't know, havn't seen any of them.

Therefore I must win this one, so I atleast get to see one :D
1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles Of Riddick
3) Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as my favourite because I really liked the movie and liked the way it was made.

Haven't seen Riddick yet :(

Thanks for the giveaway :cool:
1.) Chronicles of Riddick
2.) Pitch Black
3.) Riddick

I chose Chronicles of Riddick because Alexa Davalos............

Thanks for the giveaway
1) Pitch Black
2) Riddick
3) Chronicles of Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as my favourite because it's simply the best of the 3.

Pitch Black was a cool, atmospheric film with cool alien enemies.

Chronicles of Riddick had such a contrived story just to make something out of Riddick's furian origin, but was a complete disaster imho. And those Necromonger........

Haven't seen Riddick since I i was completely dissapointed by the second movie, but I heard it was much better. At least, I have got to give it a chance since I like the character Riddick.

Thanks for the giveaway
1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles Of Riddick
3) Riddick

Pitch Black because had.. :naughty::naughty::naughty:

1) Riddick
2) Pitch Black
3) Chronicles Of Riddick

Pitch Black and Riddick are almost equal in my opinion, I only chose Riddick as I believe it's a massive improvement from Chronicles, so therefore it's my number 1. Thanks :D
1) Chronicles Of Riddick
2) Riddick
3) Pitch Black

Although it was a bit weird, Chronicles was an intersting diversion from the formula that was Pitch Black/Riddick.
1.pitch black
2.Chronicles of Riddick

Pitch black was my favourite and not knowing what to expect, it left a good impression for a geed few years for me to watch the other two.

Thanks very much for the giveaway :)
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:thumbs: Thank You for the giveaway,..

1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles of Riddick
3) Riddick

I chose Pitch Black cause it started it all! I got to see it at the theatre/cinema and was hooked. It was intense when the story goes rogue and in another direction from what you're expecting. From dusk til dawn comes to mind as another able to achieve this.
#1 Pitch Black
#2 Riddick
#3 Chronicles of Riddick

I choose Pitch Black because the setting and Atmosphere are just awesome :scat: and setting + atmosphere always beats action. Haven't seen Riddick yet but it can only be better than Chronicles of Riddick.

Thanks a lot for this giveaway.
1) Pitch Black
2) Riddick
3) Chronicles Of Riddick

The first one is just a classic simple horror movie, me versus the monsters kind of thing.
1) Pitch Black
2) Chronicles Of Riddick
3) Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as my favourite because its atmosphere and just overall the film it self is pure greatness!
1) Pitch Black
2) Riddick
3) Chronicles of Riddick

I chose Pitch Black as my number one because i thought Riddick was a total badass when i first saw it And i also really like the creatures in it.
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