[Winner Chosen][Ninja Week '14 Giveaway] The Dark Knight (Taiwan) Steelbook


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Interested in winning a copy of the Dark Knight Taiwan?

Just name 1 blooper or fact from the movie that most interests you!

Thanks to jsdvd.com for this donated steelbook!!!!

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Much like "Star Wars" used the title "Blue Harvest" to evade media attention while filming, "The Dark Knight" used the alias "Rory's First Kiss" to do the same! :D

Thanks for the giveaway to everyone involved! :scat:
In the Colosseum scene in Gladiator, one of the chariots is turned over and we can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot.


Bryan Cranston had previously guest starred in a 1998 episode of "The X-Files" called "Drive." That was his first collaboration with screenwriter Vince Gilligan who, impressed by his performance as a sympathetic villain in the episode, would later cast him as Walter White on Breaking Bad (2008) which ultimately lead to him being cast in Drive.

In the Colosseum, one of the chariots is turned over. Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot.:hilarious:

Thanks for the give-away! :scat:
Terminator 3
When John and Catherine are in the hangar at the runway, the Cessna's tail number is N3035C. When the plane is shown in the air, the number is N3973F. When they land, the tail number has changed back to N3035C.
Thanks for the giveaway!

During Batman's interrogation of the Joker, when he picks him up and slams him against the wall, you briefly see the cameraman in the mirror on the right.
Elaborate, interactive marketing campaigns were launched in the months leading up to the release of this film. One of these was an event at the 2007 San Diego Comic-con called Why So Serious, which involved fans following clues hidden around the city. The legions of Joker-painted fans ended up congregating in the street across from the convention center, where one of their numbers was welcomed into a black Escalade (with Gotham license plates) that had just pulled up. After a moment the fan started screaming and the SUV sped away. Later that day, a Gotham City newspaper was circulated reporting that a man believed to be the Joker was found beaten to death. Included were crime scene photos of the fan who had gotten into the Escalade, and a mention that he was found with a playing card in his hand, on which was scribbled "See you in December."

I stole this from IMDB, but I thought it was really cool.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
Dredd (2012)

There are several references to "fatties" from the comic book (group of extremely obese people, many so obese they require a wheel under their stomach to move) - the first shooting victim of the escaping car chase occupant was a "fattie" lying next to his stomach wheel, there is also graffiti on the first shots of the skate ramp reads "Fatties rule!" and a cut to an extremely obese man during lock-down with a shirt with "fatties" on the front.
Dark Knight Rises Fact

After the Joker exits the hospital, the pause in the explosions was scripted, but Heath Ledger's actions while it was stopped were unscripted.
If I'm not mistaken, while preparing for the Dark Knight Trilogy, Goyer went to a comic shop in his neighborhood and bought many graphic novels and comics. The owner figured out, knowing Goyer was a writer.

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

When Agent Smith is interrogating Neo, after Smith has sealed Neo's mouth shut and he is backed into the corner, when the camera cuts back to Smith you can clearly see a reflection in his glasses of Neo still sitting down in the chair.