[Winner Chosen][Ninja Week '14 Giveaway] The Dark Knight (Taiwan) Steelbook


Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Interested in winning a copy of the Dark Knight Taiwan?

Just name 1 blooper or fact from the movie that most interests you!

Thanks to jsdvd.com for this donated steelbook!!!!

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Thx. for the giveaway!!!

At the pet shop in "101 Dalmatians" all of the dogs in the window are puppies except for this familiar dog in the corner. The dog is Peg from the classic Disney film "Lady and the Tramp"

Happy Ninja Week!!!
The Joker’s entrance in The Dark Knight is one of the most memorable scenes in the film, culminating with that huge IMAX close-up of him as he pulls off his mask and tells William Fichtner’s terrified bank manager that “whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.” It’s a brilliant piece of performance on Ledger’s part…and it almost wasn’t in the movie, due to a rare technical stumble on the part of The Dark Knight’s (brilliant) crew.
Perhaps because it was their first experience working with IMAX cameras (the bank heist sequence was the first thing shot), Ledger’s close-up is ever so slightly out of focus. It’s something no ordinary audience member would ever notice, but was niggling enough that Nolan wanted to reshoot it – much to the chagrin of Ledger, who was convinced, no matter how many times Nolan reassured him, that there was something wrong with his performance. As it turned out, Ledger never was able to recreate the magic of his performance on the day; in the final film, it’s the out of focus take that’s used.
Heath Ledger improvised when he started clapping inside his jail cell in a mocking and sardonic way as Gordon is promoted. The clapping was not scripted, but Christopher Nolan immediately encouraged the crew to continue filming and the sequence was included in the film.

Thanks for giveaway
My favorite Blooper .For those of you who didn´t know there were already planes in the antiquity


Oh and this one from Dark Knight Rises

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After the Joker exits the hospital, the pause in the explosions was scripted, but Heath Ledger's actions while it was stopped were unscripted.

great Giveaway...
Two-Face's disfigurement was created through computer graphics rather than prosthetic make-up, as director Christopher Nolan felt that, no matter how good the make-up was, it is still inherently adding something onto an actor's face, when Two-Face's appearance requires part of his face to be burned away.

Batman Begins

The final scene where Commissioner Gordon hands Batman an evidence bag containing The Joker's calling card, the police officer listed as recovering it is 'J. Kerr'.

Thanks for the giveaway! :thumbs:
There are several of Heath's scenes in the film in which he acts out a certain way that isn't scripted. The most notable one for me is... when he's hitting the remote detonator to blow up the hospital, the way he responds to the fact that it initially doesn't work is improvised on the spot. I love it.

Thank you, for this give away!
thanks for the giveaway.

my favourite bit of trivia relates to all 3 movies:

Early in each film in the trilogy the main villain disguises himself as one of his own henchmen (Ra's as a lower ninja, Joker as another clown robber, and bane as one of his followers) and there is a conversation about said villain in each scene.
thanks for they giveaway

its already been said but i thought it was funny one of the cameras was broken filming the dark knight. just made me giggle again
I love the fact that in Django after Leo slams his hand down on the table amd cuts himself with blood is seeping out is real! And he just kept going.

Thanks for the giveaway

(Was going to mention one about Ichi the killer but it's too disgusting)

Leaves you thinking
The scene when the joker crashes the party in dark knight was when Michael Caine first saw Heath in costume as the joker and was so taken back he forgot his line that scene was supposed to have. Instead they kept the footage of him genuinely shocked by the jokers appearance
Batman-Dark Knight

During the bank scene, the Joker shoots the bus driver and he falls dead in front of the bus. As the Joker approaches the Bank manager to put the gas can in his mouth, you can still see the body. But after he removes his mask and walks toward the bus, the driver's body is gone.

thanks for the giveaway.
The fact that Brandon Lee died whilst filming the classic The Crow and how the mystery is so similar to Bruce Lee
In preparation for his role as The Joker, Heath Ledger hid away in a motel room for about six weeks. During this extended stay of seclusion, Ledger delved deep into the psychology of the character. He devoted himself to developing The Joker's every tic, namely the voice and that sadistic-sounding laugh (for the voice, Ledger's goal was to create a tone that didn't echo the work Jack Nicholson did in his 1989 performance as the Joker). Ledger's interpretation of The Joker's appearance was primarily based on the chaotic, disheveled look of punk rocker Sid Vicious combined with the psychotic mannerisms of Malcolm McDowell's character, Alex De Large, from "A Clockwork Orange".

"The first comic book movie to ever win an Oscar for achievement in acting, specifically to Heath Ledger (posthumously) for his supporting role as The Joker". a shame. but there you go.
thanks for the give away.