(Winner Chosen) [Ninja Week '15 Giveaway] 22 Jump Street (Target)

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Aug 29, 2011
New York, NY
On behalf of HDN I present

22 Jump Street (Target) steelbook


Courtesy of @apsmith21

How to Win:
As you can see from my signature I like to go to various cons throughout the year. What is your getaway pleasure? Let me know below!
Winner: Random number generator
Shipping: World Wide Covered

Giveaway to end Saturday, Sunday March 1.

congrats to
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Thanks for the give away.

I like going to car boot sales, you never know what you're going to find.
Thanks for this giveaway buddy! :)

I loving going to concerts and festivals all over the year, no matter if they're out- or inside! :)
Love the feeling of a band playing right in front of me and people going nuts to it, no Live music blu-ray or whatsoever can replace that feeling! :drool:
Thanks for the giveaway!
For. Getting away from everything, I actually love to go running. It relaxes me and takes my mind off everything!!
Going to the stadium to watch soccer with my friends. It's almost like a party and away from our ladies complaints. haha
The "man cave" is the get away (with movies or television or video games). But if not that, then running is always good.
Thanks for the giveaway, my getaway is to watch a good film, whether it be the cinema or at home. Great way to just focus on everything but reality.
Nice giveaway mate!

Conventions in South Africa are like flea markets in the Arctic.

About the best getaways i get are going to big malls or sancuaries with the fam. But they sure are fun. :)
My getaway is:

Sauna & Few cold Beers to take with :thumbs: :thumbs:

Nothing relaxes you more than a nice warm sauna and cold beer ;) and you can do this everyday if you want, i don´t matter if its raining or shining, winter or summer it is always nice :thumbs:

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
My getaway is going to the cinema (with friends) and watch a good movie and afterwards go to a nice restaurant for a 3 course diner.

Love to do this once or twice a month ;-)

thnx for the giveaway.
After I found my gf, settled down and became a dad I usually takes off a couple of times a year, spend a weekend with the boys and go to conserts. Best getaway there is. :)

My weekly getaway is watching Liverpool FC get beat winning ;)

Thanks for the giveaway!
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