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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Entries accepted until Monday 1pm EST 2/10.

Hey Ninjas!

Part of this Epic 5 Year anniversary Ninja Week is the PS4 Give-away to a member World-wide. All can enter.

Just reply with answers to the following questions!

1) What forum board do you visit the most?
2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)
3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. :) (ex: post more pics)

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Crazy good give-away.

1) Head-Case.org - my original stomping ground where I have many close friends.
2) If anything, I need to visit most forums less often to keep from work distractions.
3) Contribute to more open polls. I tend to ignore the vast majority of them.
1) What forum board do you visit the most?

Probably the Blu-ray and Video Game Collector Editions sections.

2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)

Comics and Books. I need to pretty those sections up more. I should probably visit the Introductions section more often, too (I can't keep up with all of these new faces).

3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. (ex: post more pics)

My main goal for 2014 at HDN is to write more for the home page and to assist in as many ways possible to draw more attention to the home page. There's so much more to HDN besides just the forum! :thumbs:
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1) I visit the SteelBook section at least once a day, addict!
2) I should visit the posters/print section more often, Love me some artwork.
3) Post more pictures in "Pics Of Your Last SteelBook Acquired".

Thank you very much for the unbelievable give-away :thumbs:
1. Steelbook forum - it's why I came here!
2. Video Gaming, or Movies sections - it's what I love doing and love talking about but I rarely visit them.
3. I'll try to help more new users and try to moan about Zavvi less!
1) What forum board do you visit the most?
Stellbook forum most of the day
2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)
probably the gaming forum
3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. (ex: post more pics)
hopefully give out some useful information to someone
1) Steelbook forum

2) Video Gaming

3) Post more pics of recent purchase
Thanks for the Give-Away!

1 - Steelbook Forum, by far.

2 - Collector's Editions forum.

3 - Write more film reviews, and contribute more high quality SB pictures.
1) What forum board do you visit the most?

Steelbook section

2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)

Collectors section

3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. (ex: post more pics)

MAybe offer a couple of giveaways myself to contribute to the community
1) What forum board do you visit the most?
Steelbook Forum

2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)
Ninja Forum

3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. (ex: post more pics)
Nothing more! I feel I contribute enough! =) But hopefully continue to post photos of Target exclusives.
1) Most definitely the Steelbook Forum, its usually the first thing I check each morning! :p

2) The Posters and Art forum, have recently become enamoured with Film posters and this really began when I saw the T2 poster by Signalnoise a few weeks back!

3) Probably start contributing to the "SteelBook™ Price Drop/Back in stock/On Sale/Sold out alert (Retailer/Ebay)" thread. So many people have pointed out great bargains in that thread and its about time I helped return the favour! :thumbs:

And thanks for this amazing give away! EEK! :thumbs:
1) What forum board do you visit the most?

Blu-ray Steelbook

2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)

Video game forum

3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more.

Uploading pics of my massive steelbook collection
1. Steelbook forum, that's where it all started.

2. My wife is really into art prints, so I should start visiting that section more.

3. Post more pictures of my steelbook hauls!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
1) Blu-ray SteelBook™
2) Collectibles
3) Since I've only been a member a couple of days I want to establish contact and start buying more so that I can work up a collection :)
1. I Visit the Steelbook forum the most
2. The Music discussion forum as along with movies I have a massive music collection & regularly go to gigs
3. Maybe do more trades/sales or a group buy.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.
1) What forum board do you visit the most?

Steelbook forum

2) What forum board SHOULD you be visiting more often? (perhaps another interest of yours...)

Collectors forum

3) What is something you plan to do on HDN this year to contribute more. (ex: post more pics)

host my first giveaway, continue to help fellow members/Ninjas when i can

Thanks for fantastic Giveaway
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