[WINNER CHOSEN] Oldboy UK Blu-ray Steelbook


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Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011
Up for grabs is a sealed copy of the Play.com exclusive Oldboy Steelbook (Blu-ray)

How to enter:
Simply answer the following question... If you could choose one film to be made in to a videogame, what film would it be?

The winner:
A winner will be picked at random by myself on 9th June - I will cover shipping costs.

:ninja: Good luck!


A winner has now been chosen... please see here.
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Was gonna say Blade Runner, THX 1138 or Inception - imagine the possibilities.

But gonna go with Looper...as it has such a powerful warped-reality concept that would make for a great FPS (a la Portal). The time-travel element would keep things fresh, and would be a great challenge to developers.
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I'd love a Usual Suspects game to be made...don't really know how it would work, but I'm sure it could be amazing! :)
I would have to say that Equilibrium would make a class game...

You could play either as a government agent delivering doses of Prozium or as a free minded human fighting for a Prozium free world....

Endless possibilities....
(Kick-Ass) Defently how cool would that be PLAYING AS HITGirl:drool::drool: Big Daddy:scat::scat: Kick-Ass himself:oohyeah: takeing down RedMist and his crew of goons CLASSIC!!!! imagine the combo's,special moves and Team-Up's everybody and there Grandma's would be PLAYING this!!!:LOL::LOL::LOL:
A number of years back, they made a game of The Thing. While ultimately not working, the game made some very interesting choices in dealing with NPC interaction, paranoia, fright, and despair. Given how far video games have come in the last few years, I would love to see one of the big companies take a second shot at this.

Thanks for the great giveaway!
lone wolf and cub....

.nothing better than swords and a lot of blood and a baby killing its enemies