Batman Begins (Blu-ray SteelBook) [UK]


Premium Supporter
Jun 16, 2012
Release date: June 24, 2013
Price: £12.59
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nice one, i like the white artwork, and had no intention of paying the silly prices of the asian ones.
they should have done these in with the premium range though, not that awful jumbo steelbook.
imo, re-releases dont bother me. it goes 1 of 2 ways.
either i already have it, so i pay no attention to re-releases.
or, i dont have it, so now i have an opportunity to get it.
i dont collect to sell on for profit, nor to gloat/boast about what i have the 'you dont have'.
i collect because i like steebooks, i like films, i like nice presentation.
if i had my way, every film i like would have a steelbook, and a digibook, and a slipcase (although that would bankrupt me) but i dont care about limited to 4000, 1000, 7 copies.
i just care about the films i have on my shelves.
i have said before, and i will say again, my favourite steels from my collection of nearly 400, are often pnes that are not 'hard to find, grail, super expensive' steels.
yes i have iron man uk, thor uk, captain america uk... all bought for the retail price at the time.
yes i have death race de, start trek uk, town FS, the raid uk, bambi FS viva...
i could go on. a lot of expensive steels.
but my favourites will often be less desirables. i love braveheart, its a favourite film, and the steelbook is real nice. yet it cost me £9.99
another favourite is troy uk, still cheap, but a favourite film and a great steelbook.

so although i see how frustrating it may be, certainly if you pay a lot of cash for a steelbook imported, then it gets another release.
the biggest losers are the profiteers. because for a collector who will not sell, the value is personal, and no amount of re-prints should change your love of a great steelbook.
i do love the town FS steelbook, the BB reprint didnt change that for me. the new reprints wont change that for me.
i still love it.
i dont care if its 'value' is £100 or £10. im not selling so it doesnt matter what somebody else would pay for it.

but anyway, my reason for posting, is im happy that the uk now finally have a dark knight (and batman begins) steelbook.
im happy for warners to grace us with steelbooks here in the uk of any film they see fit to give us, as before the premium range what did we have from warners.
sweeney todd, 10,000bc, final destination 5.
then sherlock 2 and dark shadows, green lantern, a couple more?
bring it on warners, my wallet is open for you :scat:
I feel sorry for collectors who have purchased the Japanese versions. I don't own them and what put me off getting the Japanese versions is that Dark Knight Rises is missing in the white editions, so I went for the Canadian Begins and DK, to match my DKR HMV. I may be interested in getting these, but not without DKR in the same style. Seems pointless not completing the trilogy in the same style.
I only have Sherlock Holmes, I am Legend and Inception from the premium collection. I did buy Matrix and Se7en and after comparing with the JP release I was shocked to see how poor the finishing and the positioning of characters on the UK Steels was. I then sold both Matrix and Se7en UK immediately as there is no room for inferior looking Steels in my collection. The good thing is I didn't pay silly money for any of the JP Steels and I am perfectly happy with them.

I will buy the re-release if they have a different artwork and proper finishing.
I don't think so.

Im new to collecting (a year now) and I have never sold a steelbook and never plan to.

I was late to the steelbook game and I'm only happy to have a chance at getting the movies I love on steel.

People know that re-releases happen so they're taking a chance paying big bucks.

All i am trying to say is that, something expensive it could be from sellers who overprised it, or lack of sealed copies high demand etc etc you know, as to the fact that japan released it and then korea (with a slipcover) then now uk releases it exact same one as japan....i mean fair enough release all you want...but dont do exactly the same...
it also makes a difference what kind of a collector are you...theres one who just likes to collect one title of each...theres also the ''collector'' who is in it for money and then theres myself who i am willing slowly to buy all there is...feasible or not....
in my case i am not actually loosing here cause i get this one for 18gbp and a chance to get the japanese one for cheaper if price drops...
the point is why exactly the is indeed warner studios fault....but what i dont accept is people undervalue a steel(japan) for price...thats what makes collecting interesting loads easily accessible and few grails...all they are doing now is making them like amarays...:(
Really don't get why white ones are re-released yet a white TDKR hasn't been. Might have considered (briefly) if the whole trilogy was white but seeing as I already have. 2 of the trilogy ill just forces on getting the Best Buy version.

I'm all for re-releases as I'm not bothered about making a profit or having the most highly sought after versions. I'm not looking to sell my collection, I just want to have the best looking steelbooks or the ones that match the others on the series or trilogy. As long as i get a steelbook of the film i want whether its a first edition of fifth release im happy. However I get that not everyone is the same and perhaps re-releases should have a number of something else to identify them from first editions.

Whether people like it or not these companies aren't in it for the good of the customer they are in it to make a profit full profit. If you complain about it but buy it anyway you are just buying into their hands. Anything you collect you need to find your niche and concentrate collecting those. The popularity of steelbooks is rocketing so more and more steelbooks will get released. The older collectors may be unhappy with rereleases but for every older collector who is unhappy you are getting more newer collectors who are happy.

Rambled on a bit but just my 2 cents :D
its not just about making profit when it comes to re releases, but ok everyone has a different view to all this so no point talking about it. :)
well for some people that will find these as alternatives then yes it may mean that the JP and korean releases will lose value, but some collectors want to own all the steelbooks released of each franchise so for them they will still go after the other versions aswell. So due to this i dont believe the value of the other versions will fall by much, as anyway people that weren't willing to buy the asian verisons at those high prices probably wouldnt have anyway so they may drop for a while and then go up again. With steels its always the case they keep going up and down this will always be the case. Only way they will truly lose value is if the same country releases the steelbook again with exact same art, since this is released by a different country it wont affect it much, i believe :)
They already lost value in the recent months if you have been following the auctions. It is now down to personal satisfaction Vs. living in fear of when Iron Man will be re-released by Futureshop or when Warner will release Reel Heroes edition of the entire Batman series worldwide and re-releasing the same with slight variations. It is like a ticking time bomb nowadays. One day it is touted as holy grail and within few days it is yet another normal item sitting on your shelf. Collector are profiteers to some but there are collectors who do pay silly money for rare releases and re-releases will really hurt those set of people.
Every day, there are 50-100 new collectors (maybe more) in the UK/US, due to these new releases. Every day, there will be 5-10 seasoned collectors throwing their arms up, and giving up collecting these new titles. At the end of the day, the studios and manufacturers win, and another sad day for true collectors.
I am shocked this didn't happen sooner. Since all of the other Japanese white steelbooks have been released in the UK already you would think the two most popular titles would be as well.

The steel is slightly different so I am glad they did something right.