HMV / Xtra-Vision - SteelBook Retailer Thread [UK/Ireland]

This is a general thread to discuss your experiences with this retailer in regards to ordering and receiving Steelbooks. As of 8/29/2013, the site says they are working on improved website.



This store ships UK/IRELAND ONLY.


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good news about hmv

You are receiving this email as at some time you have either subscribed to hmv, purchased from hmv or joined Pure, hmv's rewards program and so we wanted to let you know what is happening with the company and thank you for your custom and continued support.

As you are no doubt aware, HMV went into administration on 15 January 2013, however we are pleased to inform you that the company is officially out of administration and we're moving forward with the business.

you don't need to do anything
As an existing customer we'd like to keep in touch and let you know what's happening with hmv. Of course we respect your privacy and if you don't wish to receive emails from us please click here and your details will be removed from our database.

If you have friends or family who you think would like to be kept up-to-date with what's happening, please tell them they can register at

Once again, we'd like to thank you for your continued support.
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Just got back with a bundle of avatar's - had about 15 at High wycombe.

Clash of Titans @ £24.99 :/
touch of Evil @ £14.99 - about 10 copies, lots of tears paint chips
Expendables 2 £14.99
Resi evil Afterlife @ 9.99
Hunger Games @ £21.99
Had a few Predators 2/ xmen and so on £16.99

Can't believe some of the stupid pricing at hmv.

i just picked up a avatar from my local hmv they had alod of copies only £9.99 aswell so im happy :)
they also had life of pi aswell plus spiderman and all of the above

Now that HMV are officially out of administration, and have been for some time, is it likely that they are getting / will be getting any exclusive SteelBook releases in the near future?

I haven't frequented my local high street for over 2 years now as I pre-order most releases online, but as their website out of action since January (and not looking to coming back any time soon), I'm wondering whether they may be selling exclusives in their high street stores? I know that they sold Resident Evil: Retribution exclusively through their stores, and I'd hate to think that I'm missing out because their website is down

When GAME came out of administration, they seemed to secure dozens of exclusives to try and regain their customers. Is it likely HMV will do / have done the same?
Would appear HMV is getting exclusive for "A Good Day To Die Hard"
Instore only as Website isn't fully up and running yet.

This is what I feared. The same thing happened for Resident Evil: Retribution, where they sneaked it out to selected stores, leaving most people confused as to whether it was released or not.

The least they could do is inform us that they're selling exclusives again, rather than leave it to pot luck whether we spot them while brownsing in-store
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Went into HMV and I don't know if its store wide but that had a clearance sale for Blurays, from £2.99 (actually saw one for 1.99). Managed to pick up Shame and The Imposter for £6 and £7 respectively. There were even a few steelbooks as well. Roughly 10 Hunger Games for £10 each and I got the last MIB 3 for £7 and Life and Death of Colonel Blimp for £8. They even had the Basketcase trilogy for £10 down from £30. I was so tempted.
Just returned from HMV Oxford. No TDK steels left but plenty of hunger games, mib3, rampart and others. Picked up life and death of Colonel Blimp steel for £8 and cosmopolitan slipcover for £5. They seed pretty well stocked on steels.

---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 PM ----------

Cosmopolis! Darn predictive text!
Got Expendables 2 for £4.99 which was the last one in the shop. Had to goto the counter to ask them to check as the stickered price was £19.99 and mentioned that others had gotten it cheaper in other HMV stores.