Hot Fuzz (Blu-ray SteelBook) (EverythingBlu Exclusive #002) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: September 28, 2018
Purchase link: Single Steelbook - Full Slip Hardbox - Lenticular Hardbox - Blu Box (Includes both Full and Lenti Hardbox editions) - (Pre-order July 13 at 8 PM UK time). Find your local timing HERE
Price: £16.99 (Single Steelbook) - £28.00 (Full Slip Hardbox) - £28.99 (Lenticular Hardbox) - £70.00 - (Blu Box)
Notes: Full Gloss. Metallic details to the guns & shotgun shells. Debossed title (Front). Debossed areas to the police badge (Back).

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Release Schedule (SUBJECT TO APPROVALS!) - We would like to let you know our direction over the next few releases and as stated above, these are subject to approvals. We are taking on board suggestions of movies without steelbook releases but we need some sort of foot in the market before doing so. However, some of those titles have already been brought up in a meeting today, so hopefully we can progress further with those soon.

This schedule is planned to have full Exclusive SteelBook designs (Not just flipped artwork exclusivity). All would feature the same setup as Shaun of the Dead; Full Slip, Lenticular & Blu Box.

Casino EE 002
Hot Fuzz EE 003
Oblivion EE 004
The Worlds End 005

Thank you to everyone supporting us, please let us know you thoughts on the titles above!!
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have to admit, i preferred the previous artwork as well. i know @EverythingBlu have been responsive to requests on this release and others already, so maybe they'll take some of the thoughts above into consideration.

i still think the play horizontal steelbook got the images most right on releases so far for this, with the great tagline on the back and the sleepy town reflected in the sunglasses on the front. :thumbs:

also, both the Shaun and Mummy releases scored highest on their super-embossed blubox slips, so very interested to see what they come up with for this. :watch:
I want to support this because I want a Cornetto Trilogy set, but honestly I haven't liked a single one of these artworks yet.
The current rear artwork should be on the front IMO

Though the lenti image is what will seal the deal for me.
Shaun was only ok, so still on the fence about replacing the current steels I have for the rest of the Cornetto movies, just for the premium lenti upgrade option
I think either of these would look better on the front (obviously with a background applied)...

1.jpg 2.jpg

Or they could just simply go back to their previous design. ;)
had totally forgotten about this TBH

not that am sure if I'll bother...guess it's a case of if I have the cash when its available I might bite. But am far from fussed if I miss out.
sold my sealed SOTD 1 click and didnt buy their other two releases. not interested in ther releases anymore (exception: The Crow, Batman '89, John Wick)
Still crossing my fingers for a change of artwork to....anything really. Would like a premium edition of this film but not paying for that monstrosity.