Manta Lab x Disney


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Dec 28, 2012
Posting here for visibility. Feel free to discuss.

Hi guys, this is John and I hope everyone is doing well. Today, I am very excited and happy to make an announcement that from July, we have become a Consumer Product Licensee for The Walt Disney Company Hong Kong.

More updates and news related to this news will be posted but the biggest reason why we obtained the license was to create Marvel Steelbooks.

More info and details will be shared soon.

Thank you very much.


say goodbye to the last retailer that wasnt releasing those generic and uninspired trash movies
Plain Archive might have a gripe with this, even though they haven’t been releasing much lately.
And if I owned a premium company, it would realistically have read: “the biggest reason why we obtained the license was to create more MONEY.”
Lol that’s fair.
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Ah man. I just don’t know. I love marvel, I love manta. But we don’t need more marvel stuff.

I love that manta don’t focus on superhero films and was only touching DC in that respect.

And yeah we can easily say but we need premiums from endgame onwards but i don’t want it all mix and match, don’t want to have to keep buying them. And depending on what films (MCU) they touch it will be like the 5th/6th/7th premium for some of them like age of ultron. It’s this kind of thing that will eventually kill the hobby and be the final nail in coffin. Constant rereleases
You seem to forget that John runs Manta Lab for a profit and Disney releases mean a lot of $$$.
I'm sick and tired of superheroes releases as well but Manta has always released a wide range of different movies and I wouldn't blame them for choosing the "easy" path for a while ;)
From excitement to meh in two paragraphs.

Whatever, they don’t need me to sell out near instantaneously for every Marvel thing they produce.
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Hopefully they continue with the DC lineup as well. If they do wouldn't they be the first to have a license to do Marvel and DC WEA at the same time. Hmm maybe they won a bidding war with blufans? I don't know maybe that makes no sense not sure how that kind of stuff works.
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