Oldboy (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Plain Archive Exclusive No.30) [Korea]

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  • Full Slip A

  • Full Slip B

  • Quarter Slip

  • Dual Pack

  • Triple Pack

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Mar 21, 2013
South Korea
Release date: November 7, 2016
Purchase links: Type A - Type B - Quarter Slip - Dual Pack - Triple Pack - (Pre-order on September 29, 2016)
Price: Type A: $46.89 - Type B: $46.89 - 1/4 Slip: $45.69

Type A: 2,000 copies - Type B: 2,500 copies - 1/4 Slip: 1,000 copies

13938104_929743153836834_5964674825909768059_o.jpgtype a.jpgType B.jpgQuarter slip.jpg

- The steelbook illustration is by Krzysztof Domaradzki.
- The artwork for the slipbox was used previously for the Oldboy vinyl LP. It was co-ordinated by Nicolas Winding Refn, the director of Drive, and illustrated by Laurent Durieux. The director of Oldboy Park Chan-wook wanted one of our editions to feature this artwork so we reached out to Milan Records and illustrator Laurent Durieux. You'll be able to see more of the artwork since parts of the top and bottom were cropped out for the vinyl LP.

Old mock up
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So which one are you looking for? Maybe another member can help you instead of giving out on PA because you were too late with ordering one ;)

I can't be too late in ordering one, since they are all still in stock ! ;)
Thx for your offer buddy, but due to their terrible communication and stock telling i already have what i need. Thx ebay....

Thanks a lot

@BumBum you are a beast!!!
I would love to get this PA Deluxe Edition. I have only standard steelbook and this red slip.

Do you have UK Trilogy with hammer?:

I had the UK Trilogy a few years ago but found that it looked cheap - that's why I sold it :)
The PA Deluxe Edition is lovely but with that price tag I also had to think twice but in the end I had to :)
Luckily it was very well protected and arrived at my place fast - yipieeh
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Slightly off topic... Is there a Blu Ray release of the full colour version of Lady Vengeance around?
I must admit, I do find it amusing how this suddenly disappears from their website when I was looking to order months back and creating an unnecessary panic and then now appears back in stock from no man's land!

A bit of bull shite if I am quite honest. Howevever for all those that held off the temptation of paying the OOS prices well done. You shall be rewarded with cost price :)
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5500 print run just doesn't disappear like that! Not with that many other steels floating around. You can buy it ebay near cost price from Korean sellers.
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