Open Or Sealed? The Debate

Open or Keep Sealed? (Multiple Answers ok)

  • I open all of my Steelbooks and watch them

    Votes: 227 61.5%
  • I open none of my Steelbooks-I buy/rent Amaray/inferior Steel to watch

    Votes: 28 7.6%
  • I open only the non-'rare' Steelbooks, keep the rest sealed

    Votes: 52 14.1%
  • I fall somewhere in between-I open 50%/keep sealed 50%

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • It depends on the title completely

    Votes: 50 13.6%
  • Doesn't apply-I don't buy Steelbooks

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
Feb 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
How many people open their Steelbooks when they buy them or do you just leave them sealed.

So far i have 13 Steelbooks and have opened 3 i opened Angels and Demons,Inglorious Bastards and District 9.

I fear if i open my pirates and nightmare before christmas ones i will have to modify them to be able to put the discs in and not have them in a sleeve
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I always open mine immediately. If you leave them sealed you don't know what dings or dents could be hiding and when you get round to open it it's too late to get a replacement.
i open and watch them all. a friend of mine got sealed nes games and i never understood how u can enjoy things without using it.
I can not NOT open them. The greatest pleasure of mind when getting new&sealed stuffs is the right to be the first to touch the content inside. Keeping ANYTHING sealed would kill me.. It'd be like getting a present without unwrapping it.... EEK!
IT'S ONLY A PRETTY BOX! :hilarious:

I only buy steels of films I really like and do not have the funds or inclination to do the whole collector thing anymore. Done that with other things in the past and it's just a waste.
I only buy films that I like so I usually open them eventually. It takes me a while to get round to watching them though, so I keep them sealed until I do watch never know when a good trade may come up in the meantime
Sort of along the lines of this thread and since I see that most of you open them, do you guys keep the j-cards and slip covers that come with the steel or just throw them away?

Of course I do. I try to keep it in the best possible condition as well (though when it was glued to the SB I couldn't help but make some creases removing it). I keep my SB in a resealable bag and the slip with it.:D
90% of mine are opened.

My asain ones I have a hard time opening though. BB TDK JP are prime examples. I have the French double release already opened so there really is no point.

Like others have said if I didn't know their value I would have opened them regardless. But knowing the set is worth $300-400 sealed makes me think twice about opening them!

I started collecting these for fun so I try not to turn it into a $$ thing although I admit that is quite a challenge.

I have Prometheus TW on it's way to me and unlike many others I WILL be opening it!
I open mine, even the valuable steelbooks.
Why should I keep them sealed ? This is madness, theres no point in keeping them sealed if you don't plan on selling them ...
I open mine. I wouldn't have bought it without the intention of enjoying it.
Waited on opening my Resident Evil steelbook and found a ding in the back once I did, drives me nuts even when I'm not looking at it.
I open them when I watch them. If I have a duplicate I consider keeping a more sought after version I may have acquired over the years sealed. My 1st priority is to enjoy the actual Steebook, which includes experiencing the art inside and out without shrinkwrap and watching the film.
I just don't get why people keep them sealed. EEK! I mean why deny yourself the pleasure of not just a beautiful steelbook but also the enjoyment of a good movie too. I mean you wouldn't buy a new TV and keep it in the box and display it on your wall like that and that's the same difference with steelbooks. Go figure...? :wtf:
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Right, just imagine going to your apartment with a beautiful girl and she says: "Hey, what a beautiful blu-ray collection. Can we watch this particular movie?" And your answer is: "No, it's sealed and I will never open it because when it's... [insert 40-year-old virgin quote here]". :wtf:
Acid-some consider them an investment and prefer to keep them pristine and untouched, just like items collected in different hobbies. Different strokes for different folks:)
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I keep all mine sealed now. I opened the first few i got, avatar and 2012, but now they all stay sealed waiting for the day i need the money and have to sell them, which is getting close.
I always open mine immediately. If you leave them sealed you don't know what dings or dents could be hiding and when you get round to open it it's too late to get a replacement.

Spot on buddy, i wonder how many iron man futureshop owners are sitting on a sealed copy which has dings galour under the backing card EEK!:D
I open all my steelbook, watching them and I don't understant why keep them sealed and with these ridiculous stickers on it :)